CIS D-Day - February 17, 2023 - “Meat” at the Titanic!

Nice one....that's 5.5 largest is 6.5....I've got 25 that are 5+ inches...
CIO Banned again!!!??? Thoughts on Butch?
Butch Davis couldn't even win with a loaded Erickson roster. Loses that game to an average Washington team, costing us a NC. Put a competent coach in the next year in Larry Coker & we blow that team out.

Don't even get me started on what he did to my Browns organization. Ain’t been right since. CoRch.
Butch Davis couldn't even win with a loaded Erickson roster. Loses that game to an average Washington team, costing us a NC. Put a competent coach in the next year in Larry Coker & we blow that team out.

Don't even get me started on what he did to my Browns organization. Ain’t been right since. CoRch.

Wait, let me see if I understand how truly stupid you are.

You are blaming Butch Davis for losing to "an average Washington team" (ranked #17) in 1994, the final year that Dennis Erickson was head coach?


Just when I think I've read the dumbest porst by the dumbest porster on CIS, another one comes along that establishes a new standard for stupidity.
anyone know why @SWFLHurricane has been bandeded* again?

Because there is a cycle:

1. ******* porsters bait him, insult him, impugn his (former) job, and malign his girlfriend.
2. Moderators do not differentiate between "people who start ****" and "people who end ****".
3. SWFL issues the same basic response he has given for the last decade.
4. Instigating porsters are fake-outraged and claim to be shocked, SHOCKED by the response, as shocked to discover that there is gambling in Casablanca.
5. Said-instigating-porsters then DEMAND that the moderators do something to SWFL, while fake-acting like they were just COMPELLED to criticize him under the FCC's "equal time" rules, because CIS simply has NOT had enough debate on Butch over the past 10 or 12 years.

And here we are. I realize the moderators have a difficult enough UNPAID job, but we cannot stand here and act like there aren't gaping ******* porsters on this board who seize every opportunity to instigate **** with certain (far better) posters.