Cats out of the bag

I can’t remember his last game, so forgive me if I’m wrong. They played a terrible southridge team minus its head coach. The got obliterated. He turned his ankle in that game. His next game wasn’t the playoffs, but the all American game in San Antonio. If it’s your kid, do you keep him in the game to possibly get really hurt, or take him out? I take him out. If you know Don SR, you don’t **** with him. When he says you’re done, you’re done. There’s a reason he’s a five star. It’s because he’s been taught to kill ****, not himself. I’ll bet anyone on this board that has something tangible to bet, that JR not only is going to be a great RB at Miami, but he’ll also get his medical degree. That’s a toughness most will never comprehend.
His character and athleticism are off the charts. He makes Belen proud as a person.

Football-wise, the next step is becoming a tougher player. He was not a tough football player in high school. Part of that is the competition level.

Now that he’s around great athletes, I expect him to raise his game and push through more than he did at Belen. If he does, he will be special.
You and I have seen his running style and movements very differently. I can't wait to see him against college competition.

Also, is that the first time in the near 9 year history of this board Belen is mentioned twice in one post?
Chaney stayed for his education and to play with friends. 99% of these cats don’t have the balls to do that , they run and jump on loaded squads and bully everyone.

Belen is a very difficult school and there are no levels to “hide” athletes. The only levels are hard and very hard. Many fail out and end up at Columbus.

Not only does Chaney have the IQ, he also had the discipline and willingness to do the work when there were easier ways out.
That's what made our early 80s teams incredibly difficult to play against. We were never bigger or stronger, but we were always faster. Much faster. We need to get back to that.

Honestly, it has turned my stomach more than once the last 15 years hearing commentators talk about Miami speed. We haven't been fast in years. We sure haven't been big, either. We've been a team without an identity for almost 20 years.

Very well said. Very. I watched some of the old games from our hey day, and the speed all across the field everywhere was simply amazing. We didn't try to line up and physically pound Nebraska. We beat them with a combo of speed, power, scheme and winning the one on one matchups in space.

I grew up watching these games, but it's amazing how you forget over time how much speed we had. We desperately need to get back to that.
Very well said. Very. I watched some of the old games from our hey day, and the speed all across the field everywhere was simply amazing. We didn't try to line up and physically pound Nebraska. We beat them with a combo of speed, power, scheme and winning the one on one matchups in space.

I grew up watching these games, but it's amazing how you forget over time how much speed we had. We desperately need to get back to that.
It's why when announcers talk about our speed now it feels like salt in a wound. We are slow, and soft. Here's hoping Lashlee brings both speed and some mental toughness. God knows Dance Party Diaz can't do it.
Belen is a very difficult school and there are no levels to “hide” athletes. The only levels are hard and very hard. Many fail out and end up at Columbus.

Not only does Chaney have the IQ, he also had the discipline and willingness to do the work when there were easier ways out.
Didn’t Pete go from Belen to Columbus?
Care to share?

I thought I did before; but long story short, we’re at Ruth Chris in Walnut Creek (And yes, that’s a bougie part of The Bay). So I’m in there and I just hear this ruckus of kids running around, and I keep hearing “Aye, Aye....miss lady” every time a server goes by. So I’m like that sounds like Marshawn. So I peek my head up, and yep.....him & his family.

So I’m like, ffffffffck.....b/c we’re the only BLACKS in there. Lol. So I try to ignore it, and we caught eyes, and he goes “Ayeeee my ninja (the other word)......this place is fire, do’, right?!

Now everybody looking at me, like I’m w the madness going on at his table(s). Lol. I just raised my glass to him and said salute my guy, and proceeded to ask for the check to go. Lol
I thought I did before; but long story short, we’re at Ruth Chris in Walnut Creek (And yes, that’s a bougie part of The Bay). So I’m in there and I just hear this ruckus of kids running around, and I keep hearing “Aye, Aye....miss lady” every time a server goes by. So I’m like that sounds like Marshawn. So I peek my head up, and yep.....him & his family.

So I’m like, ffffffffck.....b/c we’re the only BLACKS in there. Lol. So I try to ignore it, and we caught eyes, and he goes “Ayeeee my ninja (the other word)......this place is fire, do’, right?!

Now everybody looking at me, like I’m w the madness going on at his table(s). Lol. I just raised my glass to him and said salute my guy, and proceeded to ask for the check to go. Lol

You felt like Eddie Murphy in Boomerang in the restaurant after Grace Jones got mad:
