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I’ve been saying all along. Stop their run and run against them. Norvell scripts his plays and uses the run to set up the pass. Held them to 126 yards. Travis will make mistakes. Keep pressuring him.
I wouldn’t count on Travis making a lot of mistakes that’s one of his strengths is just not doing dumb ****
They name dropped the replay official on the broadcast. Said his name was John Bush. I haven’t been able to track him down online, but maybe some one else here will be able to. Need to hold these replay officials accountable. We can’t keep getting ****ed like this
What's his LinkedIn say
Any recruit with sense can see that poor coaching decisions and bad QB play is the reason for our losses.
Any recruit that isn't blinded by loyalty to another team / stacks of cash can see that Cristobal is beginning to stack talent at Miami.

We're not quite on the 'get on board or get beat by us' stage yet, but we're clearly going to be quite a good team in the coming years. More so if Williams turns out to be a good QB.
I'm liking the way Williams runs the O. That being said, he still needs to improve and make a few plays down the field. I can see that coming in the second half, as FSU is getting a little worried about our run game.
Emory still in learning phase. Also defenses will adjust next season and have some film. But he is a commander in that huddle he doesn’t look scared at all. He just seems like a dog white boy that’s about that talk on the field. I like this kid right now hope he keeps it up but not expecting perfection
Not sure if anyone has mentioned but what a great job so far by Damari Brown and Richard at CB spots.

We have fizzled in the 2nd half in a few games. Hoping the boys come out fighting and being tough in the 2nd half.

Norvell will make adjustments. We better as well.

Great points.
So we all saw it was being rushed and we needed to settle down but the head coach didn't realize that? Is he not allowed to override the oc and call a TO? Its on mario
Okay. Now praise him for going into half time tied (should be winning if not for missed FG and bad safety call) on the road vs FSU #4 team in the nation. Be consistent.
I'm liking the way Williams runs the O. That being said, he still needs to improve and make a few plays down the field. I can see that coming in the second half, as FSU is getting a little worried about our run game.
I like how in between plays he absolutely is focused on the next play and not getting caught up

He’s locked in on the flow of the game not a freshman at all
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