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Any recruit with sense can see that poor coaching decisions and bad QB play is the reason for our losses.
No safety call probably gave us an extra point. It’s clear we aren’t getting **** called. No PI on Colby and no PF when they threw Chaney down 10 yards out of bounds. But for now none of those calls matter bc they were on the TD drive.
This is the most glass full BS answer I’ve seen. That safety cost us two points and there is no other way to explain it. Their punter isn’t great and Miami prob gets ball at 50 yard line instead of 35 to start the drive.
The offense does not put up enough points to outscore FSU. You can't **** away opportunities.

Keeping it close may help your narrative in recruiting but it doesn't win ball games. I want to win. This is FSU damnit!
They've scored 10 points in a half - now maybe FSU's offence explodes out of nowhere in the second half, but we've more than kept them under wraps so far.
The OL is going to be insane next season and the DL will be better and the linebacker unit. Man I can’t wait
I'm liking the way Williams runs the O. That being said, he still needs to improve and make a few plays down the field. I can see that coming in the second half, as FSU is getting a little worried about our run game.
If it was TVD I would have been thrilled to play for the FG

Emory was ready to lay his nuts though

Predictably a mess when things get tight as it always is with Mario

But we got these ******* right where we want em
I can understand ******* up the TOs since Mario is the one that calls them, but how does every OC that works for him also seem to lack the ability to run a hurry up?
Not sure if anyone has mentioned but what a great job so far by Damari Brown and Richard at CB spots.

We have fizzled in the 2nd half in a few games. Hoping the boys come out fighting and being tough in the 2nd half.

Norvell will make adjustments. We better as well.
**** these refs. doing crime. go to gulag. Emory playing great. let's beat the breaks off these inbred ***** in second half. ty genius guidry for switching to 335
Show me proof where he demanded Dawson to run that play. That was too quick of a decision for it not to be on Dawson
So we all saw it was being rushed and we needed to settle down but the head coach didn't realize that? Is he not allowed to override the oc and call a TO? Its on mario
FSU has to be stunned. We are winning in the trenches on both sides of the ball and it's started to really pay off in the 2nd quarter.

I'm really proud of how this team weathered the storm. You can see the energy boost and confidence after Emory's TD pass.

We have the momentum. It's important to come out in the 2nd half with a scoring drive even if it's a FG.

10-10. Game on!!!
Are we allowed to give credit to Mario for that?
Listen, I agree we should probably be ahead but I don’t know why people constantly act as if when a play in the middle of a half goes a different direction like the rest of the game flows exactly the same. The only time this really kind of applies is on a play right before the end of a half And even then you can’t say that it’s not going to cause a different adjustment coming out. It just doesn’t work this way. It’s not that simple.
I know man, I literally posted as much after that post.

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