Canes test positive

Let’s leave the politics out of this.

First of all, I live in South Florida, and for the most part, I’m seeing compliance. I mean I am out and around in Broward and Dade quite a bit.

Secondly, the minority of people that are constantly breaking the rules are not in the current administration‘s demographic for voters. I’m not talking about one group, I’m talking about multiple demographics. This is South Florida, just on percentages alone, the majority of the people breaking the rules vote the other way.

Young people crowding in at house parties, pool parties, and hanging out close together at hangout spots, are NOT in this alleged “MAGAloid” demographic that people keep pointing the finger at it, at least not in South Florida. Let’s just be real.

That’s why it’s stupid to bring politics into this when blaming the populace. Blame the leadership all you want, but let’s be honest about what’s happening out there.

Everybody should absolutely follow the rules and wear their mask. There is no question that has to be done and to do anything else it’s just not socially responsible or acceptable.

At the same time, keep in mind, it’s not very scientific to correlate this mess to lack of mask usage. We just don’t know at this point how and why this flare up is spreading with any great degree of scientific certainty. I think a good portion of it is young people saying “fūck it“ from what I’m seeing out there. Or it just could be more increased social interactions that happened after the lockdown. But we really just don’t know yet. That is why it’s a good idea to be precautionary.

But my no means am I advocating for people not to wear masks, it only makes sense to do it, even if you think you’re just giving a marginal sense of protection to those around you.
Not a big believer in The mask works science. I wear a mask simply to be kind to those that don't have the same belief as me about masks. if it makes the Karen's, Chad's, and Brad's feel more comfortable and confident that I have a mask on, I'm all right with it for short periods of time.
Not a big believer in The mask works science. I wear a mask simply to be kind to those that don't have the same belief as me about masks. if it makes the Karen's, Chad's, and Brad's feel more comfortable and confident that I have a mask on, I'm all right with it for short periods of time.
Even though I do believe it works - to the extent that it HELPS, I do appreciate your stance.
So the guy who drank fish tank cleaner and died because it had a form of Hydroxychloroquine really didn't die? His wife should stop lying then

You can't possibly be this ignorant!

HCQ is NOT fish tank cleaner. His wife murdered him by giving him FISH TANK CLEANER.

I've taken HCQ every damned day - for months - as do millions of other people around the world - and it's actually safer than Tylenol.

Safer than aspirin.

You really are - simple.
So the guy who drank fish tank cleaner and died because it had a form of Hydroxychloroquine really didn't die? His wife should stop lying then
She was an active Democrat and Trump hater and she poisoned him.

Not a big believer in The mask works science. I wear a mask simply to be kind to those that don't have the same belief as me about masks. if it makes the Karen's, Chad's, and Brad's feel more comfortable and confident that I have a mask on, I'm all right with it for short periods of time.

Actually masks do work. Just the right kinds of masks. Which virtually nobody in the public wears.

As far as what people are wearing out and about, the jury is out whether there is in fact, a big effect, a moderate effect, or a negligible effect.

So if we’re not sure, it makes sense to wear it. Even if we are only preventing 5 or 10% transmission.
I think we all can agree that many people NEED to wear masks.

Ugly people.

I mean - butt ugly people - it should be a law.

Now, if they can just figure out how to shade big, fat, cellulite asses and thighs - we might be onto something!
You can't possibly be this ignorant!

HCQ is NOT fish tank cleaner. His wife murdered him by giving him FISH TANK CLEANER.

I've taken HCQ every damned day - for months - as do millions of other people around the world - and it's actually safer than Tylenol.

Safer than aspirin.

You really are - simple.

Why are you taking HCQ every day?
They did have you right where they wanted you. Before Trump came along. Now they are scrambling in desperation to keep it together. Make no mistake, both parties are fighting him. Repubs, with the exception of maybe a handful, would kick him out of DC yesterday. What Trump has shown actually, is that it was really a one party system. Both parties will be forever changed. Trump is the monkey wrench in the establishment's uniparty. Americans need to get their heads out of their asses and reject the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. They are truly the ones dividing Americans.

The highlighted part is just false. I wish it was true, but it's not.
I hate both sides equally, and Biden is about as corrupt as they come. Americans need to get their heads out of their butts and reject the two party system. All they do is divide Americans in order to keep their stranglehold on power, and you talk about one side being smarter than the other. They have you exactly where they want you.
I don't care about parties, and I pretty much hate every politician. But if I'm choosing between gonorhhea and the AIDS, I'm picking gonorrhea every **** time. You'd have to be a total mental case to vote for this guy again no matter what kind of crap you've been fed about Biden.

One thing I know for sure, if either party finally finds a candidate that is even a decent person and leader that person should win in a landslide in 2024.
Did I say it was going to eliminate all cases? No, I said we should see a drop if they work to prevent the spread. Even under the worst scenario, they have to have at least a little usefulness if it is an effective tool to help decrease the spread. That should translate to less spread.

You're either being obtuse or disingenuous. Saying "We now require masks" has very little actual effect on people who don't want to wear masks or don't practice any of the other safety measures like social distancing and proper hygiene and not touching their faces. So there will still be plenty who don't wear them and plenty of people who insist on congregating in tight quarters and not keeping their hands out of their faces. Those people will continue to spread it to their families whether there's a mask requirement or not because people don't wear masks in their houses.
I think we all can agree that many people NEED to wear masks.

Ugly people.

I mean - butt ugly people - it should be a law.

Now, if they can just figure out how to shade big, fat, cellulite asses and thighs - we might be onto something!
Not nice to suggest that! You want them to start making masks to cover cellulite now? We are already short covering faces and now to use more to cover azzes, we’re going to be deadly short doing it in this obese country!
She was an active Democrat and Trump hater and she poisoned him.

That says the police are denying investigating his death as a homicide. His name doesn't show in anything dated after April 29th to indicate that's changed.

Just published. Hospital setting - literally the highest risk place. Masks appear to work and there really isn't a good argument not to wear them. Educate yourself and stop spreading misinformation.
You haven't figured that out by reading 2 or 3 of his insane posts?

LOL ... no

I think I’m just scanning them to be honest.

He said malaria, so I guess I’ll go with that. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Going to be a hundred percent honest, I just don’t get him, and I’ll just leave it at that - I’m feeling not too pugnacious today
You can't possibly be this ignorant!

HCQ is NOT fish tank cleaner. His wife murdered him by giving him FISH TANK CLEANER.

I've taken HCQ every damned day - for months - as do millions of other people around the world - and it's actually safer than Tylenol.

Safer than aspirin.

You really are - simple.
Police denied investigating his death as a homicide. You can't just make stuff up.

And while you are correct HCQ is not fish tank cleaner, I was wrong and chloroquine was what it was. However, both HCQ and chloroquine were touted early as cures, so the point still stands someone died from following the president's bad advice