Can we be civil?

The moderation on this site is getting out of control. This is basically the 15 yard taunting rule extrapolated to message board posting.

Your site. You guys do what you want...but that's the quickest way to lose your audience. Anyone who can't take a lighthearted insult shouldn't be posting on message boards anyways.
Eddie Murphy GIF
Have you watched any of the games this season?
I don’t think the fan base has given up on Manny just because we lost some games.
It’s how we look and play on the field, we have got smoked 5 out of the last 6 games going back to last season.
Nothing is improving, not the players, coaches or play-calling. We are unprepared, unmotivated, undisciplined and we do nothing well on either side of the ball.
He has been in this program for six YEARS, have 19 returning starters, littered with seasoned players but have not improved at anything. He stinks as a head coach and almost everyone can see it. Our fans, other team fans, local and National media. He’s terrible and needs to go now, so we can take our time and finally find the right guy to resurrect this decaying carcass known as the Miami Hurricanes football.
And I’ll say it again, “The emperor is naked.”
The Hurricanes are my team and have been for over 60 years. What did anyone expect going into the year? The loss to Alabama was expected and we played better then the score. I think that game damaged the team psychologically. We then BEAT APP St a team that last year Penn State had to go to overtime to win 45-38 so they were not chopped liver and after the Bama loss was to be expected. Michigan St was a disaster but not until the 4th quarter where the wheels fell off but Mich St is a drastically improved team from last year, they have the leading rusher in the nation. Sure I am disappointed but teams learn from non-conference competition and we have time to fix what's broke before we start and we start with a home ACC game. Our main competition started the ACC with a loss. If we bomb out in the ACC then we move on from there via drastic changes but UNTIL then lets support our team. If we win the Coastal Clemson is vulnerable this year so we could have a dramatic reversal IF our team gets its confidence back. Sure it will take some doing but anything is possible. The rips on Diaz is his inexperience so do we have him gain experience here and leave or hope that he is learning and can be the coach so many of us EXPECTED. I am not for throwing the baby out with the wash water. Our season is the ACC now, let it play out and then make the necessary changes. I for one want this team to succeed, it is a great challenge but we are capable. I will never root for losses as some here are. I am excited to see Garcia or TVD step up and take charge of this team, our success should be in their hands and they seem capable. GO CANES!
troll fail GIF
Wait, fraggle is an ole school cat like myself?? Ah man. Ill cut the guy some slack then. Didnt know that. I dont blame him. Hanging on to whatever little piece of what we use to be that he can. Cheers to the old timer. I dont expect to be alive when UM has next big run. I hope I am. Mario is my last hope.
You see your son struggling with basic math and reading and you still think by the end of the year he will be top of his class.
Optimism not based on reality is delusion.
The problem with delusion it it stops you from doing things you must do to improve the bad outcome, get your son help before it’s too late.

In our case, get our team a good coach before it’s too late.
The Hurricanes are my team and have been for over 60 years. What did anyone expect going into the year? The loss to Alabama was expected and we played better then the score. I think that game damaged the team psychologically. We then BEAT APP St a team that last year Penn State had to go to overtime to win 45-38 so they were not chopped liver and after the Bama loss was to be expected. Michigan St was a disaster but not until the 4th quarter where the wheels fell off but Mich St is a drastically improved team from last year, they have the leading rusher in the nation. Sure I am disappointed but teams learn from non-conference competition and we have time to fix what's broke before we start and we start with a home ACC game. Our main competition started the ACC with a loss. If we bomb out in the ACC then we move on from there via drastic changes but UNTIL then lets support our team. If we win the Coastal Clemson is vulnerable this year so we could have a dramatic reversal IF our team gets its confidence back. Sure it will take some doing but anything is possible. The rips on Diaz is his inexperience so do we have him gain experience here and leave or hope that he is learning and can be the coach so many of us EXPECTED. I am not for throwing the baby out with the wash water. Our season is the ACC now, let it play out and then make the necessary changes. I for one want this team to succeed, it is a great challenge but we are capable. I will never root for losses as some here are. I am excited to see Garcia or TVD step up and take charge of this team, our success should be in their hands and they seem capable. GO CANES!
I've crossed the Rubicon and want a coaching change even if we would run the table.

So I continue to root for the Canes but have come to my senses.
This is y in my OP, I said fans who are vested in hope will make excuses, despite what they see. It’s the O&G glasses.

-15-0 was peddled around here, OP, & anyone who said otherwise was given a scarlet letter. So let’s not change the narrative after the debacle.

-Bama: We did not play well that game; as a matter of fact, the score was much less indicative of how bad we played that game.

For a person like myself, someone who tries to balance fandom w/ reality, I didn’t expect us to win; but remember, this was supposed to be a “run it back” type of season. The reason why the polls, prognosticators, media were bullish on us, was b/c we were bringing back 91% production from a team that went 8-3. We were “supposed” to be a mature, well seasoned team, and thus, competitive against a young, mostly inexperienced Bama team (See Florida). We looked like the inexperienced team, which is troubling yr 6 in the same system, and team full of Juniors, Seniors, and Super Seniors.

-App St: Pls don’t bring up the App St v PSU game from last season as a “gage.” I brought out in another thread in response to this rhetoric, the commonality of every P5 school that went toe to toe w/ App St was they ALL had no less than 4 losses on the season, meaning they weren’t that good to begin w/. Ding, Ding, Ding.

-MSU: The heat was supposed to be our ally (that’s what all the pundits on here said). Yet, we were the ones that melted in the 4th like a popsicles & we looked like suckers.

What u fail to realize, @fraggle, is that this venom that’s being spewed on this board is not just b/c we’re 1-2 or that we’re 1-4 in our last 5 games, it’s how we are playing. It’s the constant mistakes, lack of discipline, lack of toughness, play calling, lethargic & apathetic attitude when getting punched in the mouth, the classless display of trinkets when getting our heads beat in, the lack of pride of donning the Orange & Green, etc. etc. etc.

We have seen EPIC failures in a short period of time w/ Diaz, & yet u wanna live in la-la land about how teams learn from out of conference games & the season starts next week during conference play?? I’m sorry, that is the most hog chit of bull chit theories I’ve heard.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s not a cow. In our last four P5 games, we have been out scored 181 - 90.
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You see your son struggling with basic math and reading and you still think by the end of the year he will be top of his class.
Optimism not based on reality is delusion.
The problem with delusion it it stops you from doing things you must do to improve the bad outcome, get your son help before it’s too late.

In our case, get our team a good coach before it’s too late.
That's a **** of a quote.
If you watched the first 3 games and still feel like we have a shot in the ACC than idk what to tell you. Enjoy the rest of the season I guess.

For those of us that are realists, we know what time it is. Punt the baby off a cliff.
Its not like the ACC teams are awesome...

ACC article
The Hurricanes are my team and have been for over 60 years. What did anyone expect going into the year? The loss to Alabama was expected and we played better then the score. I think that game damaged the team psychologically. We then BEAT APP St a team that last year Penn State had to go to overtime to win 45-38 so they were not chopped liver and after the Bama loss was to be expected. Michigan St was a disaster but not until the 4th quarter where the wheels fell off but Mich St is a drastically improved team from last year, they have the leading rusher in the nation. Sure I am disappointed but teams learn from non-conference competition and we have time to fix what's broke before we start and we start with a home ACC game. Our main competition started the ACC with a loss. If we bomb out in the ACC then we move on from there via drastic changes but UNTIL then lets support our team. If we win the Coastal Clemson is vulnerable this year so we could have a dramatic reversal IF our team gets its confidence back. Sure it will take some doing but anything is possible. The rips on Diaz is his inexperience so do we have him gain experience here and leave or hope that he is learning and can be the coach so many of us EXPECTED. I am not for throwing the baby out with the wash water. Our season is the ACC now, let it play out and then make the necessary changes. I for one want this team to succeed, it is a great challenge but we are capable. I will never root for losses as some here are. I am excited to see Garcia or TVD step up and take charge of this team, our success should be in their hands and they seem capable. GO CANES!
Sooo 2 years ago we lose to Florida barely. We’ve recruited just as good as them and a bunch of their players didn’t even qualify. They use the transfer portal as much as we did. But against Bama it was over for us 7 minutes into the first quarter but they were an extra pint away from taking them into overtime.
So please





Say it and detail it to me like I was the fckng idiot that the entire athletic department has treated me like for 15 years.