CFB Cale Gundy resigns at Oklahoma after using the N word in a team meeting

I applaud Oklahoma for pushing this guy out. Words have meaning, and words can be very hurtful. If its true the admin sent him packing then good for them. People do wrong all the time. It is nice to see an institution do right that has historically done wrong to people of color.
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He was actually in a meeting with players and one player wasn't paying attention so he took his iPad and read aloud what was on the players iPad. Shouldn't the player be dismissed from the team as well?
If he was a scrub..he probably would be. If he was a star sure you know the answer to your own question.
Im Out GIF
“There once was a story about a man named Jed
But now Jed is dead, all his kids instead
Want to kick rhymes off the top of they head
Word, what go around come around I figure
Now we got white kids callin' themselves niggazz”

How sad that grown men behave this way. There's a word some people can say and others can't? This word can be said with permission in certain circumstances by certain people? How bout we all grow up and everybody can say it or nobody can say it? Seems fair and cuts out all the bull****. I don't see anybody crying about any other racial slurs.
How sad that grown men behave this way. There's a word some people can say and others can't? This word can be said with permission in certain circumstances by certain people? How bout we all grow up and everybody can say it or nobody can say it? Seems fair and cuts out all the bull****. I don't see anybody crying about any other racial slurs.
in general this might be valid but we don't really know the facts in this case.