By far the worst loss in my 35 years as a fan

I know they won’t fire Manure because my school is run by gutless pvssies and toilet lickers. But in any other business in the world, if an employee had a performance like that, he’d be fired on the spot. That was the equivalent of squeezing every female coworker’s **** while screaming “HONK! HONK!”

I got to this point dude and started to cry with laughter. Well done.
I had to be proactive in texting people how disgusted I was so my phone wasn’t flooded with mocking messages. I feel like gomer Pyle behind the group sucking my thump with my pants at my ankles
lol, I do this too. It takes the edge off the abuse and I've gotten quite good at it with all the practice I've been getting. It really steals their thunder..
I’ve said it all season. Enos is the biggest problem on this team. His play calling is ******* trash. Get this slow mo holding the ball out of here ASAP! Either hand the ******* ball off and let the back get up field or pull it and fire to a WR. We are just giving the D another second to react therefore disadvantaged. I’ve never seen this before.
As I been saying:

Butch is right down the street . . .
In closing, why were we huddling and walking around so late in the game down 3 scores?

I didn't see the game but that type of idiocy doesn't surprise me. The staff has to insist on urgency no matter the score. Otherwise college kids are forever moronic in not understanding how quickly things can change down the stretch, especially if you are the superior team. We did exactly the same thing against Virginia Tech. I ranted about it and so did Poptimus. We wasted so much time while down by 3 scores it totally changed the scenario and the math once we cut it close. I'm sure I'll be sick once I get home and look at this tape.

Oregon lost tonight but they were correctly urgent late. Once down 24-7 middle of the 4th quarter they knew they had to hurry. They frantically cut it to 24-21 with plenty of time remaining and might have won other than allowing an 80+ yard bomb on 3rd and 15.
I know they won’t fire Manure because my school is run by gutless pvssies and toilet lickers. But in any other business in the world, if an employee had a performance like that, he’d be fired on the spot. That was the equivalent of squeezing every female coworker’s **** while screaming “HONK! HONK!” and then running around hurling racial epithets and following that up by taking a giant dump on the boss’s desk and wiping your *** with his tie and then pimp slapping him with the poo soaked tie.

I thought the GT loss was the worst thing I’d ever see. But this one takes the cake by a hundred miles.

In closing, why were we huddling and walking around so late in the game down 3 scores?

I’m glad I didn’t go. I was in the OB for the last game and now this ****.

MFers going to spin it about how LSU lost to Troy 2 years and see
The fact we lost to that crusty **** towel is part of what makes it the worst loss in 35 years. That’s the same used tampon who is Lame *****in’s personal bidet.

Yeah - you're one who said Butch was a ****poor game day coach - among other things.

I was thinking of your comments during the game tonight.

You see - the gods have a sense of humor.

This loss may be entirely YOUR fault.
I know they won’t fire Manure because my school is run by gutless pvssies and toilet lickers. But in any other business in the world, if an employee had a performance like that, he’d be fired on the spot. That was the equivalent of squeezing every female coworker’s **** while screaming “HONK! HONK!” and then running around hurling racial epithets and following that up by taking a giant dump on the boss’s desk and wiping your *** with his tie and then pimp slapping him with the poo soaked tie.

I thought the GT loss was the worst thing I’d ever see. But this one takes the cake by a hundred miles.

In closing, why were we huddling and walking around so late in the game down 3 scores?
Walking around, ****, they were dancing down three scores.