Butch Haters - this must really suck for you

Butch could come back as coach and donate his salary to the university, go on a 96 game win streak racking up championships along the way and half the people here would find a reason to hate him.
I'm not a Butch "hater," I just don't think hiring him back is the right call.

The loss on Saturday does nothing to change that -- it's an indictment on the state of Miami's program, not on Butch Davis being a "football gaw."

I just don't think that hiring him instead of Richt or Manny changes a **** thing about where we are as a program right now. And I think that's more than supported by the fact that he's a 6-5 football coach who got boatraced by the better teams in CUSA.

Why is that such a controversial opinion around here? It's okay to be really thankful for Butch's contributions to Miami in the past while also realizing that he'd do nothing to change where we are as a program right now. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
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Where is the College Football Hall of Fame? I want to go when Butch is inducted. He's first ballot after last Saturday.
They don't think Butch good enough. Meanwhile, Butch screws their girlfriend, makes her pregnant and all on tape for whole world to see. LOL.
I bet the same ones slurping Butch wanted him fired back in 97-98. Which one y’all calling for Butch, helped flew the banner calling to fire him
Show me the lie

You're the one that's touting a lie. Normally one never needs to prove a negative - but since your ability to reason by postulating such a claim leave little doubt of your ability to intelligently address this painfully false narrative, leave this to adults.

After some four investigations - as everyone at UNC couldn't "believe" such things could go on - even the Governor's office did a full investigation.

Butch Davis was clean - it was the University that for decades had been doing the dirty stuff. Courses the administration set up and allowed - and everyone discovered the unthinkable - Butch Davis was not the person who decades earlier - established courses or hired professors. He was at UM or Dallas.

Normally, a sane, rational, prudent person who's not going full ****** will hesitate to speak on something they have absolutely NO knowledge of - but to quote a truism - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - you just bore right in, slinging handsful of **** in every direction.

Look, you don't **** about it, you never DID know **** about it, and I'd say tomorrow isn't looking good either - as you're either a simple-minded millennium reject incapable of discovery of facts - or you're an outright fabricator - and liar. Rarely are folks - both - but it happens.

Neither of which - dumbass or liar - one would consider a virtue.

Stick to cooking threads - maybe arranging flowers or telling wild tales of Days of a San Francisco Bathhouse Towel Boy - because this historical fact checking isn't working out well for you.
It’s 11:30 how are you already wasted

You never saw Lombardi coach. I did!

Saw Butch Davis too. And recall when Schnellenberger was hired - bet you weren't cognizant of/during that period, either.

Most here are younger - really rely on film - or rumors - or BS they heard about our good old days - after all, the Snelly arrived at UM 40 years ago, won his NC at UM 35 years ago.

Even if you were ten years old - and as a ten year old had some cognizant factors - you'd have to be fifty years old - which most here - aren't.

Buncha pups who rely on limited narratives and limited film - from decades ago.
You're the one that's touting a lie. Normally one never needs to prove a negative - but since your ability to reason by postulating such a claim leave little doubt of your ability to intelligently address this painfully false narrative, leave this to adults.

After some four investigations - as everyone at UNC couldn't "believe" such things could go on - even the Governor's office did a full investigation.

Butch Davis was clean - it was the University that for decades had been doing the dirty stuff. Courses the administration set up and allowed - and everyone discovered the unthinkable - Butch Davis was not the person who decades earlier - established courses or hired professors. He was at UM or Dallas.

Normally, a sane, rational, prudent person who's not going full ****** will hesitate to speak on something they have absolutely NO knowledge of - but to quote a truism - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - you just bore right in, slinging handsful of **** in every direction.

Look, you don't **** about it, you never DID know **** about it, and I'd say tomorrow isn't looking good either - as you're either a simple-minded millennium reject incapable of discovery of facts - or you're an outright fabricator - and liar. Rarely are folks - both - but it happens.

Neither of which - dumbass or liar - one would consider a virtue.

Stick to cooking threads - maybe arranging flowers or telling wild tales of Days of a San Francisco Bathhouse Towel Boy - because this historical fact checking isn't working out well for you.
Wow, no mention Butch's dline coach John Blake. Wonder why? You are as fraudulent as Butch.
You're the one that's touting a lie. Normally one never needs to prove a negative - but since your ability to reason by postulating such a claim leave little doubt of your ability to intelligently address this painfully false narrative, leave this to adults.

After some four investigations - as everyone at UNC couldn't "believe" such things could go on - even the Governor's office did a full investigation.

Butch Davis was clean - it was the University that for decades had been doing the dirty stuff. Courses the administration set up and allowed - and everyone discovered the unthinkable - Butch Davis was not the person who decades earlier - established courses or hired professors. He was at UM or Dallas.

Normally, a sane, rational, prudent person who's not going full ****** will hesitate to speak on something they have absolutely NO knowledge of - but to quote a truism - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - you just bore right in, slinging handsful of **** in every direction.

Look, you don't **** about it, you never DID know **** about it, and I'd say tomorrow isn't looking good either - as you're either a simple-minded millennium reject incapable of discovery of facts - or you're an outright fabricator - and liar. Rarely are folks - both - but it happens.

Neither of which - dumbass or liar - one would consider a virtue.

Stick to cooking threads - maybe arranging flowers or telling wild tales of Days of a San Francisco Bathhouse Towel Boy - because this historical fact checking isn't working out well for you.
Mr Davis
Enjoy your time in Sweetwater. You are radioactive and in Sweetwater for a reason
You're the one that's touting a lie. Normally one never needs to prove a negative - but since your ability to reason by postulating such a claim leave little doubt of your ability to intelligently address this painfully false narrative, leave this to adults.

After some four investigations - as everyone at UNC couldn't "believe" such things could go on - even the Governor's office did a full investigation.

Butch Davis was clean - it was the University that for decades had been doing the dirty stuff. Courses the administration set up and allowed - and everyone discovered the unthinkable - Butch Davis was not the person who decades earlier - established courses or hired professors. He was at UM or Dallas.

Normally, a sane, rational, prudent person who's not going full ****** will hesitate to speak on something they have absolutely NO knowledge of - but to quote a truism - Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - you just bore right in, slinging handsful of **** in every direction.

Look, you don't **** about it, you never DID know **** about it, and I'd say tomorrow isn't looking good either - as you're either a simple-minded millennium reject incapable of discovery of facts - or you're an outright fabricator - and liar. Rarely are folks - both - but it happens.

Neither of which - dumbass or liar - one would consider a virtue.

Stick to cooking threads - maybe arranging flowers or telling wild tales of Days of a San Francisco Bathhouse Towel Boy - because this historical fact checking isn't working out well for you.
Show me the lie TARD. You didn't mention the tutor either.

There were also numerous issues connected to tutor Jennifer Wiley, who had tutored Davis' teen son, and improper assistance given to players on school work -- including some after she had graduated and no longer worked for the school.
Show me the lie TARD. You didn't mention the tutor either.

There were also numerous issues connected to tutor Jennifer Wiley, who had tutored Davis' teen son, and improper assistance given to players on school work -- including some after she had graduated and no longer worked for the school.

You must be very special.

You mention all these things - and yet four official, detailed investigations - found Butch clean.

Others weren't clean - but Butch was.

I was a classmate of a biitch who killed her husband - I assure you - none of us had any idea what she was planning or did. And we were right there.

Oh, my God. A tutor gave improper assistance to players - AND helped Butch's son? Did the administration hire her - or did Butch?

Ever been with or around someone - and they did things they weren't supposed to? Just because you're in the vicinity - doesn't automatically get you the gas chamber.
Show me the lie TARD. You didn't mention the tutor either.

There were also numerous issues connected to tutor Jennifer Wiley, who had tutored Davis' teen son, and improper assistance given to players on school work -- including some after she had graduated and no longer worked for the school.

Well, shiffer brains, show ME the guilty finding he was guilty. Like, the Governor's investigation, the university's investigation - you know - something tangible. From a real investigation - of which there were multiple.

And yet - Butch was found clean - not guilty - no finding.