Butch Davis - Haters cost us 4 crappy coaches

I happened to be close to the situation...you weren't...run along with your missinformed self...
So tell me what members on the side of the university have said? Can you answer that question? Also answer me this question. You turned down a job offering you more money, so money wasn't the issue, but the deal breaker was the buy out. Why would a buy out be such a deal breaker if you don't plan on leaving?

It’s what savage recruiters do and title building teams do, they cheat. Just like we used to, now u have Clemson bama OSU LSU our all of whom..........ummmmm cheat.

No, why did he stop building champions? UNC was a long time ago. Why isn't it Butch vs Saban every year?
So tell me what members on the side of the university have said? Can you answer that question? Also answer me this question. You turned down a job offering you more money, so money wasn't the issue, but the deal breaker was the buy out. Why would a buy out be such a deal breaker if you don't plan on leaving?
There was many more reasons...more $$ for assistants...etc...
It’s not rocket science man lol.....for UM to win it has to fuqin cheat. What is so hard to understand this lol, fuqin people hate davis so much they come in swooping in. No one saying he’s a God we are saying he knows what it takes to be an elite roster something we haven’t been since his guys left

So calm those vaginas man
No, why did he stop building champions? UNC was a long time ago. Why isn't it Butch vs Saban every year?
Because u need infrastructure......if Saban took a job at FIU he wouldn’t win it’s common knowledge to normal people. I called this when he got hired at FiU that he wouldn’t do **** there. Same like saban can’t reach the strides he would at a bama compared to MSU. There is something called stepping stone jobs (what we are now) and elite jobs where the prez admin bot will do anything to win. I’m not doing the back n forth......that’s the answer and I’m sticking with it. For all I care Butch could lose every fuqin game at FIU and I won’t give a ****, I’m just talking facts. Like the ****** Al Golden said there’s a difference when u approach a recruit with a U on your shirt (not anymore we are temple) then a school that isn’t a brand.
Honestly I think he was holding out hope for us but in the mean time, why would anyone choose to negate millions of free money, to put yourself through the grind to make the same thing?
Same reason why Fedora wasn't a real candidate and likely won't coach again until he stops getting millions from UNC
But for some reason people a grudge against Butch for doing the same thing.
I hold no grudge against Butch. I do think some people on here are building him up greater than what he needs to be. Yes, he guided us through some dark times. However, was he the only one that could have? Probably not. We had competent ADs at the time making good hires. It was plug and play with coaches here. You don't think Sam Jankovich wouldn't have made a good hire? We were a stepping stone at the time. The three previous coaches moved on to the next level, and yes I count Howard as going to the USFL in that. It was a pro league at the time. Butch wanted to do the same. I don't fault a man for wanting to see if he can make it at the highest level of his profession. Just don't sit here and tell me you want to retire here, but then walk over a buy out, when we agreed on salary. He wanted to finish the rebuilt, get his ring that the team got screwed out of in 2000 and then move on. The school wanted a longer commitment from him. It was just business, but the Butch Davis Circle Jerk Crowd wants to fault the university for him leaving. He would have left in a year or two. He wanted to coach at the next level.
He was paid millions to not coach, any new coaching job would've negated that. So he worked as an analyst with the Tampa Bay Bucs and got paid millions from UNC
He even called a Mullen’s at MSU a good coach (few of us knew) Butch at espn loved his teams and evals. Guy knows his stuff, he may have fuqed some posters wives on here but he’s super smart when it comes to talent and closing. No one said he’s an x and o genius.....saban is basic af he gets best players and wins he’s not out scheming teams. He learned this from butch and parcels coaching trees. My goodness why do people have to explain this every fuqin time
Get paid millions to
Honestly I think he was holding out hope for us but in the mean time, why would anyone choose to negate millions of free money, to put yourself through the grind to make the same thing?

That's what coaches do, because that grind is what makes them tick. Not sure I want a guy who was happy sitting home collecting a check and who is happy losing at FIU.
Because u need infrastructure......if Saban took a job at FIU he wouldn’t win it’s common knowledge to normal people. I called this when he got hired at FiU that he wouldn’t do **** there. Same like saban can’t reach the strides he would at a bama compared to MSU. There is something called stepping stone jobs (what we are now) and elite jobs where the prez admin bot will do anything to win. I’m not doing the back n forth......that’s the answer and I’m sticking with it. For all I care Butch could lose every fuqin game at FIU and I won’t give a ****, I’m just talking facts. Like the ****** Al Golden said there’s a difference when u approach a recruit with a U on your shirt (not anymore we are temple) then a school that isn’t a brand.

Did someone force him to go to FIU? If he is the greatest talent evaluator and greatest program builder of all time, why isn't he winning titles at a place like Texas or Georgia or USC?
A young, qualified up-and-comer (basically, what Butch was in 1995) would be a safer bet
Coker, Shannon, Golden, Richt and Diaz say hi.
Lets see the names of the young guys with SB ring and proven track record of having done , not maybe, might, possibly built the best team in college football history here at the University of Miami. Not in Cleveland, N Carolina or anywhere else. Here.
That would be a safer bet for sure. Names please.
Otherwise, it's posterior pulled belief.