Brian Kelly has lost his **** mind.

Yeah, whoever that fan was who threw that beer bottle and broke that window on the Notre Dame bus, bless him. We were in their heads even before they got into the stadium.

And when we went up 7-0, thats when the crowd was really giving them ****. I was in the West End Zone, and the few Notre Dame fans that were there had a 'What The ****' look on their faces.

It was a few notches below in-crowd ugliness. We weren't exactly rude, but we made it very clear that it was OUR HOUSE.

The place went nuts when they put the camera on Ed Reed even before they kicked the ball off.

Miami fans were chanting for Ed Reed and he was getting choked up.

...No, ND did not have a chance in ****. Soccer ball or no soccer ball.

One of the great compliments that I heard from one of the older fans is that the crowd was reminiscent of a big game in the Orange Bowl in the 80s.

To me that was the real treat. Sure, we stomped Notre Dame. But being in an atmosphere that made the older fans remember the good old days when we dominated at will...I'll never forget that.
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I still get goosebumps remembering the atmosphere that night. There was a palpable buzz in that stadium the minute you walked in.

I don't know if we'll ever get back to what we were, but for that one night, we got a taste of how good it used to (and can) be.