NFL Brian Flores Suing NFL for Discrimination

Because Ross is an idiot, I know. But saying Flores got fired because he "failed" is just bull****.

I’m not gonna waste my time putting all the facts in front of you…. But Flores has a completely awful reputation within the coaching community…. Hence why his offensive staff to turned over so much and his initial DC Graham left

He’s made his own bed…. As it relates to his time with Dolphins

If true the Denver and Giants interactions is completely BS
I mean, its in violation of the Rooney Rule, so no. He has every right to not get over it.

Companies also dont interview people after deciding they will already hire someone else.
First, companies do interview others after finding their guy particularly in football because you don't know if they will say yes. I think we know this well. Also, I may be mistaken but I thought rooney rule was in place as there are minorities getting passed over for head coaching jobs. Flores was already a head coach so now he is just another just fired coach looking for a job. Doesn't seem to be racism to me. I wonder if there were any other candidates waiting to be interviewed. Or maybe Bellichek caught wind that daboll blew their socks off in the interview and believed he would be the guy. Didn't mean Flores wouldn't have the opportunity make them change their mind. What if Daboll skipped before signing? Lots of reasons to have contingencies.
Yep. Already was happening. There was a report stating that the GMen were going to make him explain the power struggle, etc. I knew right then and there he wasn't gonna get the gig. They speak in code in those circles, but the gist would be an "angry black man" trope, not a team player... the usual.
You can not have too much personality or big balls and succeed with few exceptions like Jimmy Johnson.

He should do great as a DC at a top school where there is almost no racism.

In the meantime, he can teach Ross and the NFL a lesson they will never forget, get much wealthier hopefully and likely lead to a Rooney Rule that actually works.
The study was made to demonstrate that playing football is connected to long-term injuries. If you see a flaw by concluding that the issue exists, okay...
I've said it exists multiple times. I've never said anything else. All I've said is 110 out of 111 was a flawed study because the sample wasn't representative.
I’m not gonna waste my time putting all the facts in front of you…. But Flores has a completely awful reputation within the coaching community…. Hence why his offensive staff to turned over so much and his initial DC Graham left

He’s made his own bed…. As it relates to his time with Dolphins

If true the Denver and Giants interactions is completely BS
There is reason to believe Flores reputation wasnt made by himself.

Flores has a winning record with a QB who cant throw above 30 yards. If you are that big of an *******, I dont think you can win.

The offensive staff turnover also happened because he listened to the players in terms of their former OC Chad O'Shea.

At the end of it, there were multiple reasons but lack of winning wasnt it. There was a disconnect somewhere, even with potential racism left out.
Having minority coaches is incentivized, if they get hired as HCs, the team that loses them gets draft picks.

That doesn't incentivize another team to hire a minority candidate. Its actually a disincentive. If I'm the Miami Dolphins and I want to hire a HC, why would I want to take an assistant coach from Buffalo and let Buffalo get awarded a third round pick out of it? I'd rather hire a coach that doesn't give my division opponent more draft picks.

To make this more clear, let's say the reward was a first round pick instead of a third rounder. Would any team be inclined to hire an assistant coach and give a division rival a first round pick as a reward? It's exactly backwards. If you want to reward and incentivize, then give the team that hires the minority coach a draft pick.
First, companies do interview others after finding their guy particularly in football because you don't know if they will say yes. I think we know this well. Also, I may be mistaken but I thought rooney rule was in place as there are minorities getting passed over for head coaching jobs. Flores was already a head coach so now he is just another just fired coach looking for a job. Doesn't seem to be racism to me. I wonder if there were any other candidates waiting to be interviewed. Or maybe Bellichek caught wind that daboll blew their socks off in the interview and believed he would be the guy. Didn't mean Flores wouldn't have the opportunity make them change their mind. What if Daboll skipped before signing? Lots of reasons to have contingencies.
Alright, I am muting this thread now. Too bored and too tired to explain the same **** over and over again.

Just read the ******* thread. Thanks.
I think we cheapen it when we automatically go to the raciest claim - I think when we have some facts and if we find it we kill it! But Holly **** we throw that word around so much anymore that half the world has become numb to it - which I would argue is the total opposite effect we are trying to achieve. We just got have to have some concrete facts or were just gonna be calling wolf in the night and everybody gonna start tuning us out!!!
First, companies do interview others after finding their guy particularly in football because you don't know if they will say yes
Also, we just have a HC interviewing a long list of guys before making offers. And no, regular companies dont do that, outside of the one who struggle hiring the correct ones. Same with football. Just a quick answer before I am out and I can finally catch some sleep.
Breaking the rooney rule equates to workplace discrimination.

Hence, why a class-action could be filed in the first place...
No it doesn’t. There is some correlation but they are not the same. A class action lawsuit, aka many people suing as one entity, will not be successful if it is proven that the ny giants failed to interview a black candidate in good faith. Only Flores would have standing in that situation. You should read up on what is required to sue somebody. There is no federal or state law that says nfl franchises have to Interview minority coaches for openings so the courts have no authority to enforce a law that doesn’t exist.