Bobby Bowden Respect

91 years old. Think about all the people he helped. Turned Richt’s life around. Helped Marshall after their plane crash. But of course, he teamed up with Howard Schnellenberger to form the greatest college football rivalry.
RIP! He never ducked us and boy did I enjoy our battles on the field. Helluva Coach. Bless his loved ones.
One of the best to ever do it.

Gave us absolute **** in the 80's and 90's. I've made fun of Bobby 'Dadgumit' as much as anyone over the years; but he was a **** good coach ; the dark shadow of Schnelly, if you will. Brought FSU out of the gutter and made them champions. Always had a lowkey respect for him that he never was afraid to play us, and he always came at us. He was a worthy enemy. My deceased stepbrother; I gave him an autographed football signed by Bobby Bowden, and now his surviving son has it. Funnily enough, some of my earliest memories of pro wrestling (before I started watching football), Bobby Bowden was cutting a promo for Ron Simmons in WCW, who was a standout defensive player at FSU.

Maybe this is just an opinion, but the real rivarly in Florida is NOT FSU vs. UF. It IS FSU vs. Miami, and some of the greatest modern football games ever played were of that rivarly. And, whether you love him or hate him, Bobby Bowden had a lot to do with it.

RIP Coach.
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Bobby Bowden may have been a rival, but he earned our respect by having the guts to keep Miami on the schedule, even though it cost him multiple titles. Bowden could have easily had 3-4 more titles had Miami not been on the schedule. Never afraid to play teams, even if it meant that he had to go to their house a couple of times, just in exchange for one home game. Bowden was a huge factor in us coming to the ACC, he always treated Miami as a partner behind the scenes, because he respected the way we came to prominence, which was extremely similar to how his program climbed. I don't think it's an accident that the Miami/FSU relationship changed once Bowden retired, and FSU started thinking of themselves as another UF. You think that if Bowden and his people were still in charge, FSU would be shaking their asses at the SEC, and not trying to get Miami in with them? Exactly.

If there's a heaven, and I hope there is, Howard and Bobby are choosing up sides and that's going to be one great game! Rest in peace, Coach.
RIP. He lived a long, fulfilled life. Respect. He was blessed to have made so many friendships here. He will be greeted by so many people whose lives he has impacted when he gets up there!
It is quite the conflict to hate a team so much but admire their coach even more. Much respect to that man and prayers for his family. He lived a great life and blessed thousands of young folks along the way. I appreciate the role he played making being a cane fan so passionate. Because of his acts and his team, all of us benefitted by experiencing some of the best football ever played. Life is short, is gone In a second, and can't be replayed. Thank you Bobby, RIP
Bobby Bowden elevated the collegiate game and helped establish the best modern rivalry in sports. I became a college football fan in part because I could not stand losing to our upstate rival.

RIP, Coach Bowden.