Blake James speaks on the season

Not sure what I hate more, the content of the Herald article or the title.

Miami AD Blake James gets "candid" about 2020 UM football season and coach Manny Diaz. 🤮


His answer about the UNC game is downright frightening.

Feels like no matter how much good news we get, as long as this guy is the AD it really won't matter. He is an absolute loser (and a primarily a hockey guy btw).

I've been saying this for years, and then people would tell me "but the IPF".
Honestly..I read the quote on the Unc and Clemson games..and unless you straight don’t like the guy (99.9 percent of the board) I didn’t find anything wrong with that quote. He said it’s disappointing to lose to anyone we play..isn’t that how we all feel..just going off these idk what’s the big deal

Do you want an honest answer?

I would not call a HISTORIC loss to North Carolina "disappointing". It was much worse than that.

I would say something like, "UM has a nearly 100 year long history of playing college football, so to "set records" in such a negative fashion is something that does not meet the standards of excellence here at UM. I will not go into specifics, but we will be making some changes to insure that this low level of performance is never repeated or duplicated at UM. This was not a historically-bad Miami team that took the field against North Carolina, this was a 1-loss Top-10-ranked team, so to see that kind of performance goes well beyond disappointing, and I would never try to use an adjective that creates a false equivalence to the outcome of the Clemson game."
Athletic directors do set the standards. That’s the coaching staffs Job. They are not the head of the football program. **** most successful ADs have no background in Football. It’s about hiring the correct ppl to run their athletic program. Any ADvthat tries to micro manage the everyday operations of a particular sports program is more than like gunna fail. That’s been a problem at UM that predates Blake James..yet here we are hanging on to these quotes as if there’s something negative about them

Nobody expects Beta Blake to "micromanage". He does not have to be a football expert.

He needs to provide the resources to get the job(s) done. He needs to set the standards of accountability that will lead an assistant coach to realize that he will be fired for setting 100-year records for poor performance.

I can agree with you that we shouldn't be "hanging on these quotes", but if I see the word "candid" to describe an interview, I tend to expect more than the bland bullsh!te that Beta Blake just pumped out.

NOBODY GIVES A ****E ABOUT THE DATE WE LOST TO NORTH CAROLINA. We care about a "top 10 team" giving up a RECORD amount of yardage. THAT is unacceptable, and someone should acknowledge that, instead of yapping about how you would be "equally disappointed" if you lost in December or October or the motherfvcking Ides of March.
I’m far from a Blake supporter, but that was exactly the right response he gave you.

I respectfully disagree.

Beta Blake runs a department that is supposed to raise tens of millions of dollars for capital projects. Those capital projects do not suddenly arise because "someone sends in the first check". Not only that, but a flippant ****head response to a (potential) donor that he does not know personally is an indication that Beta Blake really doesn't know how to speak to adults.

He could have said something much more productive, such as "We are in the process of setting up a capital campaign right now, and I would like to use your Tweet as a part of our appeal. With your permission, if you were able to make a contribution, I would like to treat your donation as our symbolic "first pledge" of money towards this great facility."

It's not difficult to be a good PR guy when that is a necessary part of the job.
Vanilla answers.

The only insight is that Blake expects Manny to make adjustments.
Exactly...everyone knows James is a Beta. Will pawn it off on let's hope that Manolo learned from the mistakes of his predecessors at UM, and pink slips Baker. It's easy to get rid of dudes that he didn't hire & a standoffish failure of an OC he hired. The real test is getting rid of friends bc they are not cutting it and it's your job to do so based on the wellbeing of the institution.
Runs even deeper; the University of Miami's Board of Trustees and overall attitude of football is the cancer and Blake James is the symptom.

It's the BoT that is "satisfied" with James—overlooking his lack of football prowess because he checks off a few good boxes as a fundraiser.

Having a non-football president like Dr. Julio Frenk is no win for the program, either.

So many tried to celebrate him being a "hands-off" guy—as it's better than a non-football "meddler" type actively sabotaging the program—but having a passive president not actively trying to better the football department; no victory in that, either.
Huh? What's a non-football president? The university president is not an extension of the athletic department. He or she is responsible for the entire university not just the football program. Nor would I want he or she to be.
I respectfully disagree.

Beta Blake runs a department that is supposed to raise tens of millions of dollars for capital projects. Those capital projects do not suddenly arise because "someone sends in the first check". Not only that, but a flippant ****head response to a (potential) donor that he does not know personally is an indication that Beta Blake really doesn't know how to speak to adults.

He could have said something much more productive, such as "We are in the process of setting up a capital campaign right now, and I would like to use your Tweet as a part of our appeal. With your permission, if you were able to make a contribution, I would like to treat your donation as our symbolic "first pledge" of money towards this great facility."

It's not difficult to be a good PR guy when that is a necessary part of the job.

I would normally agree under virtually 100% of all conditions, but our Twitter fanbase is composed of brokeass loudmouth know-nothings who bltch about $25 parking. Find me one that’s ever contributed anything ever in their lifetime.

You and I both know this guy wasn’t and isn’t a donor, and if a flippant response stops somebody from contributing, they were never going to contribute anyway.

Yes, Blake sucks donkey dlcks, but I’d rather bust the balls of all the dumbasses that think because they have a 5-year old “The U invented Swagger” t-shirt, they somehow have a say. At least people that contribute/club members/ST holders get a say in the sense that you can burn the ears of real live people.

His answer about the UNC game is downright frightening.

Feels like no matter how much good news we get, as long as this guy is the AD it really won't matter. He is an absolute loser (and a primarily a hockey guy btw).

Blake James is a Cuck
I would normally agree under virtually 100% of all conditions, but our Twitter fanbase is composed of brokeass loudmouth know-nothings who bltch about $25 parking. Find me one that’s ever contributed anything ever in their lifetime.

You and I both know this guy wasn’t and isn’t a donor, and if a flippant response stops somebody from contributing, they were never going to contribute anyway.

Yes, Blake sucks donkey dlcks, but I’d rather bust the balls of all the dumbasses that think because they have a 5-year old “The U invented Swagger” t-shirt, they somehow have a say. At least people that contribute/club members/ST holders get a say in the sense that you can burn the ears of real live people.

You may be 100% correct. I haven't seen the Tweet, I have no idea of the context or prior Twitter history between these two fine young men.

But I've heard other comments on Blake that lead me to believe that he thinks he is a lot more hilarious than he actually is. And, only speaking for myself, when communicating in my professional capacity, I try to be nice to everyone. Even IRS agents.

But then again, I'm also too humble/self-aware to Tweet directly at the AD, no matter who it is.
You may be 100% correct. I haven't seen the Tweet, I have no idea of the context or prior Twitter history between these two fine young men.

But I've heard other comments on Blake that lead me to believe that he thinks he is a lot more hilarious than he actually is. And, only speaking for myself, when communicating in my professional capacity, I try to be nice to everyone. Even IRS agents.

But then again, I'm also too humble/self-aware to Tweet directly at the AD, no matter who it is.

He’s a complete goof, there’s no arguing that.

About two years ago I saw Blake with the most ridiculous looking outfit. I can’t even describe it. I think it was at an away women’s basketball game, but I’m not 100% sure. If memory serves I think he had shredded jeans on and some kind of funky jacket, it was something that no grown professional should ever wear in public in his official capacity. At that time, even though I was on the fire Blake bandwagon already, I knew that there was never going to be any hope for him. Anybody that lacks that kind of self-awareness is worthless.
He’s a complete goof, there’s no arguing that.

About two years ago I saw Blake with the most ridiculous looking outfit. I can’t even describe it. I think it was at an away women’s basketball game, but I’m not 100% sure. If memory serves I think he had shredded jeans on and some kind of funky jacket, it was something that no grown professional should ever wear in public in his official capacity. At that time, even though I was on the fire Blake bandwagon already, I knew that there was never going to be any hope for him. Anybody that lacks that kind of self-awareness is worthless.

Wait, I thought some of the other porsters had convinced me that the Board of Trustees is to blame for Blake's wardrobe decisions. That Yale MBA guy told me that the BoT bears ultimate responsibility for everything.
What's frustrating with James for me most of all is that he has failed to identify the larger landscape of college football and the resources needed to compete at that level. College sports has changed a lot in the last decade or so. IMO, teams are like nations at this point. Superpowers have developed (Bama, Clemson, OSU) and then you have your tier 2 and 3 and so on. (I'd put us in tier 3.)

We're never going to have the resources of tier 1. But, any AD here needs to try his damnest to squeeze every amount of juice possible out of the administration and the boosters to at least attempt to combat it. I'm not sure whether he has any long-term plan.
If u’re ever expecting some tough talk or someone who’s going to say “that’s unacceptable” or “we need to do better; well, that’s not happening. The guy has been here for 7 yrs as our AD “building champions.” He’s not going to offer anything insightful or meaningful.
If you use the name of his campaign to evaluate him, he has been a colossal failure. He has had his chance and he’s proven that he’s not up to the task. It’s time to find someone who can actually meet Bloke’s standard.

Edit: he should be fired for paying Temple $4M to “steal” a guy who never even coached a flag football team.
If you use the name of his campaign to evaluate him, he has been a colossal failure. He has had his chance and he’s proven that he’s not up to the task. It’s time to find someone who can actually meet Bloke’s standard.

Edit: he should be fired for paying Temple $4M to “steal” a guy who never even coached a flag football team.

Like; I can’t look at any of his pressers or any statement towards the AD, in whole, & take it serious. Not sure why anyone gets worked up about any of his statements.
Like; I can’t look at any of his pressers or any statement towards the AD, in whole, & take it serious. Not sure why anyone gets worked up about any of his statements.
I don’t watch the pressers or read the articles because it’s all white noise to me. Aside from resigning, there is nothing he can say that will interest me.