Blake James speaks on the season

I’m not sure what anyone expects from these interviews.

He not going to say, “Our 8-2 season is all smoke and mirrors. The best two teams we played fvcked us right up the ***. We were lucky to play backup QBs in the three games. Kenny Pickett at Pittsbugh would have been a Heisman finalist. Honestly, we’re a ****ty team with a ****ty coaching staff. I never should have paid Temple to hire Diaz back. Worst decision I ever made. Aww fvck it, no one else wants to win big here. I quit!”.
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I’m far from a Blake supporter, but that was exactly the right response he gave you.

The right answer would have been something more along the lines of:

Thank you for your feedback. We value you and are working to optimize the fan experience. Kindly consider contributing to the *** club/fund at the address below.

Go Canes!
The right answer would have been something more along the lines of:

Thank you for your feedback. We value you and are working to optimize the fan experience. Kindly consider contributing to the *** club/fund at the address below.

Go Canes!
Yeah. Might not be a great approach for the AD of a P5 program to be a smart *** douchebag to fan/potential donors. That answer is funny from a message board poster, but it's Down Syndrome from an AD.
Flake James needs to be eradicated....completely worthless, useless human being who steals money for a living....
The right answer would have been something more along the lines of:

Thank you for your feedback. We value you and are working to optimize the fan experience. Kindly consider contributing to the *** club/fund at the address below.

Go Canes!

Not to you it wouldn't.
If; if it’s true that Blake James was OK w/ Golden going M.I.A as he was trying to back door his way to PSU....if; if Blake James was “disappointed” in losing 58-0 to Clemson, and he would evaluate Golden at season’s end, only to be “pushed” to terminate him immediately; if; if Blake James took all of 30 minutes to pay $7m for an unproven coach from a failed regime, a regime he purchased & bragged about........

If all of those have taken place under his watch, and he’s been “OK”, “disappointed”, and have went on record in 2014 stating “u can’t expect a team to win them all”, then what on earth did any of u guys expect him to say coming off winning 8 games?

Of course it’s progress, and of course he will use 2019 as a template....he did the same thing w Golden, and he bragged about Richt in 2017 comparing to 2016. We could’ve won 7 games this yr; blown out in 3, lose the bowl in embarrassing fashion, & it would’ve been progress. We could’ve won 5 games this yr, and it would’ve been progress b/c we navigated during an unprecedented time, and our staff got our boys to compete like never before.

If u’re ever expecting some tough talk or someone who’s going to say “that’s unacceptable” or “we need to do better; well, that’s not happening. The guy has been here for 7 yrs as our AD “building champions.” He’s not going to offer anything insightful or meaningful.
Why am I not shocked that one of the least intelligent fanbases would flip out about boilerplate language from the AD. Do I support Blake James? No, he should have been fired the moment he suggested Manny Diaz, without even calling a single qualified candidate. That said, what was said in this interview wasn't offensive in the least, it's what I expect any non douchebag AD to say. Guess what, the kind of ADs that fly off the handle and make emotional decisions are also the ones that rarely last in the role.

There's plenty to hate Blake for, this interview isn't one of them.