Blades didn’t travel?

He didn't, but even if he did - you can have to sit out due to testing positive for COVID or contact tracing. So if a player was in close contact with someone who tested positive prior to a game, they might have to sit out that game even though they are not positive. They could later get it (or come in close contact with someone who has it again) and have to sit out that game.

I don't know the rules in regards to contact tracing once it has been been confirmed that you have had it, but a player could theoretically have to sit out every game w/o ever getting it if they met the criteria for having to sit out due to contact tracing. This scenario is obviously incredibly unlikely, but missing several games w/o ever testing positive for COVID is definitely possible.
That was three weeks ago!
Keep trolling **** face. You’re horrible at it. What was your most recent banned name, **** face?

These new guys (or rehashed banned trolls) aren’t even good at being trolls, they do stupid shlt like not even even following the team very well. We have some people that don’t even know that Blades played against Virginia Tech.

There’s a current infestation of several relatively new ones, or reactivated ones, on the site. Like a recurrent pustulant boil that needs to be excised
Searched 247 and no where was any player shown as missing the Duke game. Post a link please.
Someone mentioned it being on 247, and Hall posted a photo basically showing he wasn’t available to play but deleted it shortly after
These new guys (or rehashed banned trolls) aren’t even good at being trolls, they do stupid shlt like not even even following the team very well. We have some people that don’t even know that Blades played against Virginia Tech.

There’s a current infestation of several relatively new ones, or reactivated ones, on the site. Like a recurrent pustulant boil that needs to be excised
They're trash. The whole troll thing is so played out because there's nothing new for them to do. It's just the same rehashed retread garbage--either trash the team or find the best posters and try to take runs at them.
SIDENOTE: Restrepo been taking some reps at DB.
rubbing hands GIF
Do we have any wr's that can play corner. I remember the good ole days where coaches could see the talent like my boy Sam Shields and move him to corner.
Are we the only team that releases team info an hour before game? Gets kinda annnoying not knowing who is playing. I am sure part of it is gamesmanship with other team.