Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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It's also the only case study with that approach. And it mostly worked. But even the Swedish strategists acknowledged they didn't provide enough protection for the most vulnerable. But we are not Sweden.

We now have the benefit of hindsight and I still haven't heard of any discussions about how to do that here in the future. If we could have insulated the elderly better, how different would this look?

And this is why you're one of the few people who can engage in these kinds of conversation.

The point is, we can't stand around and point at a 10-million person country with one single 1-million person city, that doesn't have anywhere near the commerce, travel, or governmental structures that the US has, and then say "yeah, that's EXACTLY what we should do".

Plus it is my understanding that Sweden has still not attained the statistical level of "herd immunity" yet. Oh, but "data"...and "details"...

There may be some lessons to learn from Sweden. However, since this is a "UM sports" board, and that most of the conversation revolves around sports, I still think that the sports differentials between Sweden and the US are still pretty significant.

We also could have accomplished a great deal had we pushed for widespread frequent and rapid testing, and mask-wearing, in January when many of us (maybe not a majority of us) called for it. More than 1 country did try that approach, and that approach mostly worked too.

And don't get me wrong, lots of countries half-assed that approach, and that has mostly NOT worked.

It's just sad, that you have a bunch of reasonably bright adults who go onto a sports board (professing to be big fans of data), and the minute that one player puts his health concerns first, many of them are quick to call that kid every name in the book...these same people talk about how these kids should make sacrifices and be loyal and brave...

And then many (not all, but many) of those very same people are unwilling to tolerate a simple daily sacrifice of wearing a mask, instead pivoting the discussion to "tyranny" and "constitutionality" and "sheep" and every other distracting talking point...

So, yes, the outcome is sad...but predictable.

We can debate whether testing and masks, if pursued whole-heartedly since January, would have "solved the problem" at a 100% level...but if we had made the effort and the sacrifice since January, I can guarantee you that we would be playing college football this month.

But "Sweden"...
If you go by state population, Sweden's 10.2 million population would barely crack the top ten of most populated states in the US.
Don't know how people try to compare.

Because, while they knew NOTHING about Sweden 6 months ago, "Sweden" fits their current partisan argument.

Let's not forget, a year ago, Sweden was one of those horribly liberal Scandinavian countries with a high tax rate and an even higher level of happiness.
An interesting SI article calling fear of myocarditis "the final straw." I'm certain most if not all medical professionals have discussed it with their schools and conferences. The liability from potential heart conditions could bankrupt some athletic departments IMO. This ends the season.
didnt seem to stop NBA or the NFL...
didnt seem to stop NBA or the NFL...
paid professionals dude. if CFB players were paid employees, there wouldnt even be a debate about whether or not to play the season.

also, there are NFL Players who did opt out of the season (dolphins have a few including one of their better WRs)
Yep. It's a bad pandemic. 🤷‍♂️ The kind we get every 40 - 50 years on average. No doubt.

But the level of panic is not appropriate based on the data. At this point arguing otherwise is just being intentionally obtuse.
Couldn't help myself.

And this is why you're one of the few people who can engage in these kinds of conversation.

The point is, we can't stand around and point at a 10-million person country with one single 1-million person city, that doesn't have anywhere near the commerce, travel, or governmental structures that the US has, and then say "yeah, that's EXACTLY what we should do".

Plus it is my understanding that Sweden has still not attained the statistical level of "herd immunity" yet. Oh, but "data"...and "details"...

There may be some lessons to learn from Sweden. However, since this is a "UM sports" board, and that most of the conversation revolves around sports, I still think that the sports differentials between Sweden and the US are still pretty significant.

We also could have accomplished a great deal had we pushed for widespread frequent and rapid testing, and mask-wearing, in January when many of us (maybe not a majority of us) called for it. More than 1 country did try that approach, and that approach mostly worked too.

And don't get me wrong, lots of countries half-assed that approach, and that has mostly NOT worked.

It's just sad, that you have a bunch of reasonably bright adults who go onto a sports board (professing to be big fans of data), and the minute that one player puts his health concerns first, many of them are quick to call that kid every name in the book...these same people talk about how these kids should make sacrifices and be loyal and brave...

And then many (not all, but many) of those very same people are unwilling to tolerate a simple daily sacrifice of wearing a mask, instead pivoting the discussion to "tyranny" and "constitutionality" and "sheep" and every other distracting talking point...

So, yes, the outcome is sad...but predictable.

We can debate whether testing and masks, if pursued whole-heartedly since January, would have "solved the problem" at a 100% level...but if we had made the effort and the sacrifice since January, I can guarantee you that we would be playing college football this month.

But "Sweden"...
Meanwhile, Sweden goes on with life . . .
paid professionals dude. if CFB players were paid employees, there wouldnt even be a debate about whether or not to play the season.

also, there are NFL Players who did opt out of the season (dolphins have a few including one of their better WRs)
Tuesday or Friday? Lmao
Did DeSantis bang your ole lady or something?!?! Geesh dude, you're all over that guy

Florida as a state has a comparable population to NY state. Anyways here you have a bunch of states with comparable deaths to FL and many kf these LOCKED down completely... What is even more interesting? When taking deaths per 100,000 FL fdid a LOT better than most states with way less population density. Not bad for a rube.
Florida just set a record today for number of people hospitalized. As we have seen elsewhere from that will be an increase in deaths.
the guy is a rube. I was wrong about how well educated he is, but not wrong about how he applies the knowledge. Florida has done terribly with the virus. Who would have thought a state full of young, dumb partiers and geriatrics would do poorly with an easily spread virus that kills the elderly?

We are the second oldest state in America and have a death rate well below the national average.

For comparison, New York’s death rate is 4X higher.
You don't want to send your own kids to Miami-Dade county public schools due to COVID but make players to play lol
Watch how much attitudes change on Nov 4th.

Here’s the sad part. These rioters who have publicly stated that their goal is political change through violence, are the purest definition of terrorist.

The feds need to start charging as many as they can, with the appropriate statute, for these terrorist actions.
Meanwhile, Sweden goes on with life . . .
Stfu about Sweden already. Even though they have one of the worst death rates per capita in Europe, they aren’t idiots. If we had their death rate by population we’d be at 182k deaths already So let’s not act like they’re the golden standard. They actualLy practice social distancing when going out, Which was all part of their model. most of the genius US population thought lockdowns being lifted meant life was back to normal and they could do whatever they wanted. We have nothing but guidelines and most citizens are too stupid or vain to follow them, so the US goes on, reduced to the dumbest among us
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