Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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They can stop the lawsuits easily. It's not lawsuits they're worried about. It's their own jobs in today's cancel culture. They feel like the minute a few players catch it, and the media starts looking for scalps that their scalps will be the ones taken.

Again, no one has an answer for or cares about what happens to the players if there's no football. Will they magically not catch it? Because we all know how responsible 18-20 year olds are and how they're all going to quarantine and isolate until there's a cure.


I think this is closer to the target than the fight over amateurism, which may be a factor.

I don’t think tweedy university presidents are primarily concerned about football.
The media wants to act like a positive test result should be the end of the world Gtfoh and salute to Harbaugh

Lol seriously!

Look no further than the “BREAKING NEWS” top story and headline last week of the Ohio governor testing positive........

..only to test negative the following two days. Yet we didn’t get the “BREAKING NEWS” top story and headline with it.

But as usual the America filled with chicken littles can’t see the forest thru the trees!
First, I'm glad you came through it.

This is one of those issues. We have anecdotal evidence, but no numbers. Is your case 1 in 3 or 1 in a thousand? Is your age a factor? Comorbidityies? Without knowing those things, suggesting that healthy college athletes are going to have dire consequences from playing football is a wasted argument.

COVID causing clogged arteries is a new one.
No you would not.
You May feel that way today from the limited prism of college football, but overall everyone but 51% of Florida recognize him for being a rube. He is an undereducated person who is over his head in political matters.
Not to mention he is difficult to look at. Ugly, fat, little man.
He went to Yale and then Harvard Law School. Think again before calling someone undereducated.
So you admit that we're dealing with a novel virus and there's tons of uncertainty about its short and long-term effects, yet you believe we should pretend like the risks are irrelevant? Shouldn't the opposite be the case - proceed with caution until safety is proven?

BTW we do have numbers indicating that even among young, healthy people close to 50% continue to have ill effects weeks after being dismissed from hospitals. Most of those symptoms are mild like fatigue but let's not pretend like data is non-existent here.

*note that I'm not advocating for a cancelled season, rather there should have been months of preparation to create a safe and suitable environment of established protocols to mitigate spread of the virus. But we already know that's not an option because the optics of it expose the reality that college athletes are unpaid labor propping up a profit-machine industry*
There are tons of uncertainty with every new strain of a virus. We've been through SARS and H5N1. Nobody knew if they would have lasting effects either. Life is dangerous. Everybody will die of something.

We also know that younger people are less likely to be hospitalized in the first place. We don't know how long term the effects will be. The one thing we do know is this virus will not go away. Everyone wants to keep pointing out how people have been reinfected, but then pin their hopes on a vaccine that's not guaranteed to build lasting immunity.

Instead of cancelling until some future time when things may not be any different, wouldn't it make sense to implement a strict testing program, require full face masks of players during games, and have them wash their hands and face when they go to the sideline? I'm pretty sure if all players test negative the morning before a game, they won't be spreading the virus.
My favorite was the scientific study that said there was no correlation between the protests and case number spikes. So I can protest side by side 2000 people in the street but I can’t got to a football game?

Take a look at pictures of the MAGA rally in Tulsa vs. most photos of the protests. Wearing masks helps.

Besides, this isn't about YOU going to games. If that was the case, the P5 would hold the games and admit no fans.

This is about the players, who will be slamming into one another for 3 hours per game.

I'm not justifying it or defending it, I'm just pointing out that this is NOT about whether it is safe for fans to go to football games, it is whether it is safe for PLAYERS to play in the games, at least in the analysis of the university presidents, not myself or yourself.
I love college football, but if we don't have it this year, perhaps the country will really focus on getting rid of this virus. For months now we've tried to have our cake and eat it to. A hard reality is we didn't do the things to deserve a football season. If we don't get our **** together, we may not have a 2021 season either. A vaccine may or may not be a magic silver bullet everyone hopes it will be. Rather than struggle thru this misery, I hope we can all come together and beat down Covid-19 like other countries have done. We're supposed to be the greatest country in the world.

Not all countries are the same.

There's the Asian strain and the European strain of the virus.

Some countries locked down, and others didn't.

Some countries ignored the WHO when they said the virus wasn't transmissible from person to person (namely South Korea because they didn't trust China), and most didn't.

Some countries have been wearing masks (U.S. has a higher percentage of people wearing masks than virtually every country), and other countries aren't.

There really isn't a consistent fact pattern other than the virus is disproportionately killing the elderly/infirm.

The median age of death for the virus is something like 82 years old.

More people over 100 have died of the virus than under 30.

We've tested more than every country on Earth, but the turnaround for the test is 24-48 hours. There are faster tests, but they're less accurate.

Based on everything we know, the most effective way to combat the virus is to quarantine the elderly and people with elevated risk, which we are already doing.

Anything past that is really just platitudes about "keeping people safe."
A little perspective here

COVID causing clogged arteries is a new one.
He did say cardiomyopathy caused clogged arteries. I suspect the clogged artery description was off. It's possible his enlarged heart was squeezing off flow requiring a stent.

*That's my 100% non medically trained guess. Perhaps one of our medical folks could explain it correctly.
Take a look at pictures of the MAGA rally in Tulsa vs. most photos of the protests. Wearing masks helps.

Besides, this isn't about YOU going to games. If that was the case, the P5 would hold the games and admit no fans.

This is about the players, who will be slamming into one another for 3 hours per game.

I'm not justifying it or defending it, I'm just pointing out that this is NOT about whether it is safe for fans to go to football games, it is whether it is safe for PLAYERS to play in the games, at least in the analysis of the university presidents, not myself or yourself.

Must've been the heat from the burning buildings that prevented the spread during the "protests."
There are tons of uncertainty with every new strain of a virus. We've been through SARS and H5N1. Nobody knew if they would have lasting effects either. Life is dangerous. Everybody will die of something.

We also know that younger people are less likely to be hospitalized in the first place. We don't know how long term the effects will be. The one thing we do know is this virus will not go away. Everyone wants to keep pointing out how people have been reinfected, but then pin their hopes on a vaccine that's not guaranteed to build lasting immunity.

Instead of cancelling until some future time when things may not be any different, wouldn't it make sense to implement a strict testing program, require full face masks of players during games, and have them wash their hands and face when they go to the sideline? I'm pretty sure if all players test negative the morning before a game, they won't be spreading the virus.
Pretty easy to rebut most of these arguments. COVID is way more infectious than those other viruses or any other "danger" that exists.

I agree that the virus isn't going away and vaccine is not an instant panacea. Even a late 2020 vaccine will not lead to a return to normal any time soon.

I already said what I'm in favor of. NFL has new face masks that are supposed to help but the transmission dynamics of the virus make in-game spread unlikely as long as huddles are avoided and distancing is implemented on sidelines. Sanitation is not even necessary mid-game.

Players who contract the virus on a Wednesday and test negative on Friday can be potent spreaders on Saturday. Testing is reactive not proactive as shown by the Marlins. Ultimately the best way for athletes to avoid the virus is to avoid the general public, which means some form of bubble and strict discipline. There are schools who are doing it successfully now in preparation for the season - see Jim Harbaugh's latest tweet - but all it takes is a handful of bad actors to undo everyone else.
I hope they write this up in the medical journals. Covid causes your arteries to be clogged. You are definitely a ground-breaking patient zero phenomenon.

Come on, man, you're better than this. I realize you're not a scumbag like 1LuvCane, accusing the guy of eating McDonald's and chicharrones, but he went to the hospital, he saw a doctor, he was diagnosed. What if the doctor was right? What if the doctor is wrong? Are you honestly acting as if KingB02 is making this up?

It's not for any of us to act as if he did not undergo problems, it's not for any of us who are not doctors to act like medical research experts. The virus has been around for 9 months, let's not act like there are decades of writeups in "medical journals".
I get it. They don't want to be blamed when someone gets really sick or worse. Look, I'm a diehard Canes fan and college football fan. I watch 10 or more hours of football on any given Saturday and I barely watch the NFL unless it's my Eagles or a marque match-up is on tv. I know I'll get hate for saying it and I don't care.

I love college football, but if we don't have it this year, perhaps the country will really focus on getting rid of this virus. For months now we've tried to have our cake and eat it to. A hard reality is, as a country, we didn't do the things to deserve a football season. If we don't get our **** together, we may not have a 2021 season either. A vaccine may or may not be a magic silver bullet everyone hopes it will be. Rather than struggle thru this misery, I hope we can all come together and beat down Covid-19 like other countries have done. We're supposed to be the greatest country in the world.
Believe it or not. It's a bloody MYTH that the USA is the greatest nation on the globe. duh. Heck, just peruse how many nations have the disease " relatively under check, " and all that. Even those nations whom were in a far WORST situation than the USA, are now are in a BETTER place than your USA! huh?

Again, it didn't have to be this way. But U Know Who is the President now. Oh, me oh my. Where have the FDR's gone. huh?
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