Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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Brett McMurphy



Dan Patrick reports Big Ten had internal vote & by 12-2 margin, league members opted on not having a fall football season. Nebraska & Iowa were only schools that voted to play this fall,
said. Patrick said Big Ten & Pac-12 would cancel fall seasons Tuesday
First, I'm glad you came through it.

This is one of those issues. We have anecdotal evidence, but no numbers. Is your case 1 in 3 or 1 in a thousand? Is your age a factor? Comorbidityies? Without knowing those things, suggesting that healthy college athletes are going to have dire consequences from playing football is a wasted argument.

Im not suggesting that it would happen to healthy athletes if they caught it. I was just answering to the idiot that said is COVID-19 still a thing. I didn’t ask to catch it and I took precautions, but someone I know went to church and caught it and didn’t have symptoms. They gave it to their entire lineage which includes my girl. What I’m saying is that this virus is not to be taken lightly. I think football can be played if the players are treated like the NBA is doing. But I also know the swab test is very inaccurate because mines came back negative 4 times even though I had all the symptoms. It wasn’t until they did the blood test which came back positive.
Just like any disease, it impacts different people differently, you obviously had a rough time of it. But I know about 20 college kids including my son who had little or no symptoms and that is true of the overwhelming number of cases in that age group.

Yes that is true and I have said this. I saw Everyone from kids to seniors in that hospital with the same things as me and some worse. There’s a lot of factors, but there’s no time to figure all that out when lives are on the line. Put these kids in a bubble at their colleges and let them play.
They can stop the lawsuits easily. It's not lawsuits they're worried about. It's their own jobs in today's cancel culture. They feel like the minute a few players catch it, and the media starts looking for scalps that their scalps will be the ones taken.

Again, no one has an answer for or cares about what happens to the players if there's no football. Will they magically not catch it? Because we all know how responsible 18-20 year olds are and how they're all going to quarantine and isolate until there's a cure.

Unless they can prove exactly where the virus was caught there is no lawsuit.

Like you said, the media and twitter mobs are holding everybody hostage with their cancel culture. It's a scary time to be alive. We need of these "leaders" to nut up and take them on
Yes that is true and I have said this. I saw Everyone from kids to seniors in that hospital with the same things as me and some worse. There’s a lot of factors, but there’s no time to figure all that out when lives are on the line. Put these kids in a bubble at their colleges and let them play.

NBA and NHL have proven that the bubble works but as I alluded to in a previous post, it’s a bad look for the amateurism model. With the NIL already passed in some states, there’s a wave coming and the NCAA is gonna do all they can to slow it down. The bubble is in the kids best interest, not theirs.
Probably a thought for the Recruiting forum but I don't like starting threads unless it is necessary. Say that some P5 teams cancel but a couple conferences/partial conferences go forward--how does Miami benefit recruitment~wise? Imagine being a P5 athlete/prospective athlete and part of the #WeWantToPlay movement yet your school was one of the ones to vote to cancel the season--possibly for the foreseeable future. You have to sit at home Saturdays and watch your in-state rivals play games, make SportsCenter, and try to improve your draft stock. That has got to wear on the mind--and your loyalty to the program that promised so much but mostly no fault of their own could not deliver.

Some of these programs voting "No" to the 2020 season are not only hurting their coffers but recruitment efforts.
First, I'm glad you came through it.

This is one of those issues. We have anecdotal evidence, but no numbers. Is your case 1 in 3 or 1 in a thousand? Is your age a factor? Comorbidityies? Without knowing those things, suggesting that healthy college athletes are going to have dire consequences from playing football is a wasted argument.
So you admit that we're dealing with a novel virus and there's tons of uncertainty about its short and long-term effects, yet you believe we should pretend like the risks are irrelevant? Shouldn't the opposite be the case - proceed with caution until safety is proven?

BTW we do have numbers indicating that even among young, healthy people close to 50% continue to have ill effects weeks after being dismissed from hospitals. Most of those symptoms are mild like fatigue but let's not pretend like data is non-existent here.

*note that I'm not advocating for a cancelled season, rather there should have been months of preparation to create a safe and suitable environment of established protocols to mitigate spread of the virus. But we already know that's not an option because the optics of it expose the reality that college athletes are unpaid labor propping up a profit-machine industry*
They can stop the lawsuits easily. It's not lawsuits they're worried about. It's their own jobs in today's cancel culture. They feel like the minute a few players catch it, and the media starts looking for scalps that their scalps will be the ones taken.

Again, no one has an answer for or cares about what happens to the players if there's no football. Will they magically not catch it? Because we all know how responsible 18-20 year olds are and how they're all going to quarantine and isolate until there's a cure.
I get it. They don't want to be blamed when someone gets really sick or worse. Look, I'm a diehard Canes fan and college football fan. I watch 10 or more hours of football on any given Saturday and I barely watch the NFL unless it's my Eagles or a marque match-up is on tv. I know I'll get hate for saying it and I don't care.

I love college football, but if we don't have it this year, perhaps the country will really focus on getting rid of this virus. For months now we've tried to have our cake and eat it to. A hard reality is, as a country, we didn't do the things to deserve a football season. If we don't get our **** together, we may not have a 2021 season either. A vaccine may or may not be a magic silver bullet everyone hopes it will be. Rather than struggle thru this misery, I hope we can all come together and beat down Covid-19 like other countries have done. We're supposed to be the greatest country in the world.
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