Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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Covid clogged your artery? Sorry bro it was the chicharones...
That's why you got to get off that dollar menu. Nurse friend of mine told me horror stories of dudes in their 30s overweight and dying on the table even before COVID. I got too many Canes championships to celebrate to be dying this young.
Sorry you got sick. But anecdotal evidence isn't helpful. My friend died of a brain tumor in his late twenties. My neighbor's son just died of leukemia. It sucks. Statistically, it's a fact that the overwhelming majority of those dying from this virus are the very elderly in the very sick. The average age is still in the 80s. We don't know enough about the long-term effects, true, but there is no reason at all to think it's any different than every other upper respiratory virus - which obviously occasionally involves lung scarring and heart issues. **** my lungs have never been the same since I had bronchitis in middle school ...
I smoked some moldy bud once but totally F'd up my lungs. Definite comorbidity but that's no ones fault but my own...
This is ridiculous. You don’t cancel football. A vaccine will also be questioned.
SEC, ACC, Big 12 should do a 3-month bubble while kids take online courses.

38 teams

Each team plays 8 conference games and 3 non-conference games

Top 2 teams from each conference are seeded based on math and enter playoff:


Highest remaining seed gets 2nd round BYE while other 2 teams play for the right to play them.
Boom. This is it...
Because Covid 19 attacks people in different ways. Caused me to have cardiomyopathy and clogged an artery. That caused me to have a heart attack. I was tested a total of 5 times until the test came back positive. I knew I had it cause my girl tested positive. When I was in the hospital, there were kids as young as 10 in there dealing with similar issues. There were nights when people died and I heard all the commotions from the doctors and nurses and equipment beeping and all I could do is pray for them and their families.
Those that have been affected by this vile virus know that it is not to be played with.
First, I'm glad you came through it.

This is one of those issues. We have anecdotal evidence, but no numbers. Is your case 1 in 3 or 1 in a thousand? Is your age a factor? Comorbidityies? Without knowing those things, suggesting that healthy college athletes are going to have dire consequences from playing football is a wasted argument.
Undereducated? He went to Yale and Harvard Law without rich parents.

I don’t agree with him on everything, but he’s been great on corona. Florida is already past peak and it’s still below the national average in death rate without crippling lockdowns.

Places like New York and Michigan can’t say the same.
And he has a smoking hot wife!
That's why you got to get off that dollar menu. Nurse friend of mine told me horror stories of dudes in their 30s overweight and dying on the table even before COVID. I got too many Canes championships to celebrate to be dying this young.
My old man has been fighting for 6 weeks. His healthy habits have helped him in the fight. If he was slinging big macs down his throat his whole life he would be feeding the worms by now...
Sorry you got sick. But anecdotal evidence isn't helpful. My friend died of a brain tumor in his late twenties. My neighbor's son just died of leukemia. It sucks. Statistically, it's a fact that the overwhelming majority of those dying from this virus are the very elderly in the very sick. The average age is still in the 80s. We don't know enough about the long-term effects, true, but there is no reason at all to think it's any different than every other upper respiratory virus - which obviously occasionally involves lung scarring and heart issues. **** my lungs have never been the same since I had bronchitis in middle school ...

Well yes, with the healthcare we have, of course it’s the elderly and sick. If I had pre-existing illnesses I would’ve been a goner. And if I was 80 same thing. I am obviously still here because I was healthy and went into the hospital even though the clinics I got tested at kept telling me I did not have it. But I knew I felt that chest pain and I know my body. I knew something was wrong. What I am saying is do not take this thing lightly. Take me as an example.
Agree, it’s all political politics. They played football in 2009 during swine flu but guess who was President, a Democrat so of course the media wasn’t gonna say anything because there nothing more then the propaganda arm of the DNC. **** they just flat out stopped testing in 2009 and said what’s the point, it’s a pandemic, no point in testing anymore and guess what, Clinton News Network. msDNC and the rest of the mainstream media didn’t say a word. Smh but now it’s a republican in office and an election year so now it’s plastered all over the place on every tv and computer to try and damage the president in hopes of trying to beat him in November. OP said it perfectly, Yankees and hippies are trying the best to ruin this country and our football. Thats the truth plain and simple, and mark my words if ole early onset dementia wins in November you won’t hear a peep about corona virus anymore. Lol it’ll just go the way of swine flu never to be heard of again. Smh

If the Dems win (it will be b/c they cheat) then they will wait until after the new guy takes office to have the miraculous reversal of number so that the optics will be that he (she) had something to do with it. It''s all a game to them, they only care about us b/c of our votes.
Because Covid 19 attacks people in different ways. Caused me to have cardiomyopathy and clogged an artery. That caused me to have a heart attack. I was tested a total of 5 times until the test came back positive. I knew I had it cause my girl tested positive. When I was in the hospital, there were kids as young as 10 in there dealing with similar issues. There were nights when people died and I heard all the commotions from the doctors and nurses and equipment beeping and all I could do is pray for them and their families.
Those that have been affected by this vile virus know that it is not to be played with.
Just like any disease, it impacts different people differently, you obviously had a rough time of it. But I know about 20 college kids including my son who had little or no symptoms and that is true of the overwhelming number of cases in that age group.
This is fear mongering absurdity.

Why didn’t fear of myocarditis stop them before? There is absolutely ZERO evidence that this extremely rare condition, which can occur after many types of different viral infections, occurs at any greater rate.

Its a risk in most major viral infections, albeit a small one.

From the Mayo clinic:

“Often, the cause of myocarditis isn't identified. Potential causes are many, but the likelihood of developing myocarditis is rare. Potential causes include:

  • Viruses. Many viruses are commonly associated with myocarditis, including the viruses that cause the common cold (adenovirus); COVID-19; hepatitis B and C; parvovirus, which causes a mild rash, usually in children (fifth disease); and herpes simplex virus.
    Gastrointestinal infections (echoviruses), mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) and German measles (rubella) also can cause myocarditis. It's also common in people with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Bacteria. Numerous bacteria can cause myocarditis, including staphylococcus, streptococcus, the bacterium that causes diphtheria and the tick-borne bacterium responsible for Lyme disease.
  • Parasites. Among these are such parasites as Trypanosoma cruzi and toxoplasma, including some that are transmitted by insects and can cause a condition called Chagas disease. This disease is much more prevalent in Central and South America than in the United States, but it can occur in travelers and in immigrants from that part of the world.
  • Fungi. Yeast infections, such as candida; molds, such as aspergillus; and other fungi, such as histoplasma, often found in bird droppings, can sometimes cause myocarditis, particularly in people with weakened immune systems.”

ANy Canes fan that still reads IS is not a Canes fan at all. Turn in your fan card.
SEC, ACC, Big 12 should do a 3-month bubble while kids take online courses.

38 teams

Each team plays 8 conference games and 3 non-conference games

Top 2 teams from each conference are seeded based on math and enter playoff:


Highest remaining seed gets 2nd round BYE while other 2 teams play for the right to play them.
No way this is happening. If these kids are in a bubble it makes them look like they aren’t regular students (even though they aren’t) and too much like pros. If they were to give the players a vote and they voted on that, it would give the players too much power. This has to be decided on by the powers that be or the players will end up unionized and the sham that is the NCAA will never be the same.

This is all about optics. One side is about protecting themselves from media bashing bc of the virus, and the other side is protecting the “amateurism” model.

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