Big 10 and PAC 12 v. ACC, SEC and Big 12

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This is fear mongering absurdity.

Why didn’t fear of myocarditis stop them before? There is absolutely ZERO evidence that this extremely rare condition, which can occur after many types of different viral infections, occurs at any greater rate.

Its a risk in most major viral infections, albeit a small one.

From the Mayo clinic:

“Often, the cause of myocarditis isn't identified. Potential causes are many, but the likelihood of developing myocarditis is rare. Potential causes include:

  • Viruses. Many viruses are commonly associated with myocarditis, including the viruses that cause the common cold (adenovirus); COVID-19; hepatitis B and C; parvovirus, which causes a mild rash, usually in children (fifth disease); and herpes simplex virus.
    Gastrointestinal infections (echoviruses), mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) and German measles (rubella) also can cause myocarditis. It's also common in people with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Bacteria. Numerous bacteria can cause myocarditis, including staphylococcus, streptococcus, the bacterium that causes diphtheria and the tick-borne bacterium responsible for Lyme disease.
  • Parasites. Among these are such parasites as Trypanosoma cruzi and toxoplasma, including some that are transmitted by insects and can cause a condition called Chagas disease. This disease is much more prevalent in Central and South America than in the United States, but it can occur in travelers and in immigrants from that part of the world.
  • Fungi. Yeast infections, such as candida; molds, such as aspergillus; and other fungi, such as histoplasma, often found in bird droppings, can sometimes cause myocarditis, particularly in people with weakened immune systems.”
Yep, this is beyond insanity. First the ludicrous Nagasaki syndrome or whatever it was. Then, the "long-term effects". Now when those didn't work, we have this.
Can’t believe this virus is still a thing.
There’s a 99% recovery rate.

why they still treating it like everyone drops dead after catching it

As someone who caught it and was hospitalized 7 days. I can tell you, a lot of survivors’ lives will never be the same. It’s the long term effects people worry about. I now have a stent in my heart at 33 years old and was otherwise healthy as an ox. 99% recovery rate but what percentage of survivors are ***ked up for life?
One problem is that Covid-19 causes blood clots throughout the body in SOME people even those asymptomatic. I think that is scaring the **** out of college administrators.
What's scaring administrators is being blamed by the media for exposing kids to imminent death and dismemberment and certain pulmonary embolisms. They want to protect their cushy jobs and money as administrators, so it's easier for them to punt football and not deal with being blamed and highlighted as irresponsible every time a kid catches the VID.

There's still never been an answer to what happens to the kids when they're not playing football and continuing to catch it probably even at higher rates due to no structure and testing. Administrators don't give a fck about that because the media won't be reporting on Cam Harris catching VID while hanging out at a house party. Out of sight out of mind when it comes to the VID.
As someone who caught it and was hospitalized 7 days. I can tell you, a lot of survivors’ lives will never be the same. It’s the long term effects people worry about. I now have a stent in my heart at 33 years old and was otherwise healthy as an ox. 99% recovery rate but what percentage of survivors are ***ked up for life?
Why do you have a stent?
What's scaring administrators is being blamed by the media for exposing kids to imminent death and dismemberment and certain pulmonary embolisms. They want to protect their cushy jobs and money as administrators, so it's easier for them to punt football and not deal with being blamed and highlighted as irresponsible every time a kid catches the VID.

There's still never been an answer to what happens to the kids when they're not playing football and continuing to catch it probably even at higher rates due to no structure and testing. Administrators don't give a fck about that because the media won't be reporting on Cam Harris catching VID while hanging out at a house party. Out of sight out of mind when it comes to the VID.
They're definitely going to protect themselves. They're weighing the loss of revenue vs exposure to law suits.
Preposterous? I don't get the reaction. I thought I was posting information from a reputable media outlet who's reporting on what the football decision makers are discussing behind closed doors. Somehow I'm the villain?

I guess some people just can't deal with reality.
You’re proclaiming “season over” because of a remote, unconfirmed cardiac issues when these ADs turn a blind eye to rampant performance enhancing, illegal drug use, campus rape, forged or altered grades and test scores and bags being dropped.

Dude these guys couldn’t care less about player health.
This is a stupid argument for rational people. Fatty foods kill people but we don’t stop people from eating them. Tobacco causes cancer but we still let people use it.

Life isn’t fair and tomorrow isn’t promised. If you’re afraid stay inside, but you don’t have the right to make that decision for anybody else. If the players want to play, you let them play. They’ll sign waivers. The ones that don’t want to play, can watch from home or start draft prep. If these conferences and administrators weren’t so scared of the corona mob saying bad things about them, none of this would be a problem.
I feel for the kids man. Boys work their butts off for these moments and to have it taken away by people who only care about themselves is ridiculous.

I understand the politics but this should have been handled months ago. I hope the ACC doesn’t cave in and allows these boys to play.
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