Beckham's New Miami MLS Stadium Site

I know we've gone back and forth about this and there is no need to do it again. But to answer the second question.

We had a ton of VACANT land (big enough for a stadium and parking) but the school valued something more than a stadium.


Might as well tear down the Life Science & Technology Park and start building a football stadium right?

Irrelevant statement, ignore the truth and post irrelevancy.

Just like you casually ignore the fact that Miami has never and will never have the funding available for a football stadium.

Pot, kettle and all that jazz.

No point made, good try.

We didn't have funding for the new buidlings either so DS raised 340 million for it during momentum2.

The best part about a stadium is it isn't a sunk cost, it generates revenue. We don't have to split that revenue either.

Keep trying. You and the admin seem to have similar priorities.

Oh wait,

You do understand that alumni are FAR more likely to donate money earmarked for academic purposes, and that it's FAR easier to get matching funding from corporations or research entities to fund academic and research facilities than for a football stadium, right?

The majority of UM football fans have proven time and time again that they don't make UM football a high priority. Many UM fans are relatively poor and have little money to give, while many others live out of state and rarely if ever comes to games anyway. Shalala et al would be wasting time to sink money into a fundraising campaign that would net little in the way of results.
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I know we've gone back and forth about this and there is no need to do it again. But to answer the second question.

We had a ton of VACANT land (big enough for a stadium and parking) but the school valued something more than a stadium.


Might as well tear down the Life Science & Technology Park and start building a football stadium right?

Irrelevant statement, ignore the truth and post irrelevancy.

Just like you casually ignore the fact that Miami has never and will never have the funding available for a football stadium.

Pot, kettle and all that jazz.

No point made, good try.

We didn't have funding for the new buidlings either so DS raised 340 million for it during momentum2.

The best part about a stadium is it isn't a sunk cost, it generates revenue. We don't have to split that revenue either.

Keep trying. You and the admin seem to have similar priorities.

Oh wait,

It's comical you keep comparing academic funding to potential athletics funding and thinking that the University of Miami would ever be able to fundraise the money to build a football stadium.

Whats the biggest donation the University has gotten towards athletics? $4M?

Your angle is wrong, so beyond shockingly stupid wrong. But hey, keep flinging **** at that wall, something might stick.

You bring a lot of good points.

I do agree that winning would help, to some degree, but I don't think we will ever feel like the home team at No Life. Even when were good, people didn't show up for the inferior games at the OB. I remember Temple in 03 felt a lot like it did against WF this year. At least we we're playing in our home than. I was proud to be at that place and around all the orange and green and tradition in produced.

I do agree that we're making more money at SLS than at the OB. That doesn't mean I think we couldn't make more in our own place, just more than the OB.

I've only made up my minds about the admin based on their actions and lack thereof. I believe that we could raise the funds for our own stadium. Private schools in worse shape than us seem to be able to do it (Tulane and Baylor). Other private schools just stay committed to the cause (Northwestern's 220 Million they just announced). I just don't believe the admin wants it. Where is our 200 Million? Where is our 100 Million?

Shalala raises close to 3 Billion since 2001 and we can't any serious money towards our football team started. A project that is well deserved for our university.

[wrote on phone, sorry]

You bring a lot of good points.

I do agree that winning would help, to some degree, but I don't think we will ever feel like the home team at No Life. Even when were good, people didn't show up for the inferior games at the OB. I remember Temple in 03 felt a lot like it did against WF this year. At least we we're playing in our home than. I was proud to be at that place and around all the orange and green and tradition in produced.

I do agree that we're making more money at SLS than at the OB. That doesn't mean I think we couldn't make more in our own place, just more than the OB.

I've only made up my minds about the admin based on their actions and lack thereof. I believe that we could raise the funds for our own stadium. Private schools in worse shape than us seem to be able to do it (Tulane and Baylor). Other private schools just stay committed to the cause (Northwestern's 220 Million they just announced). I just don't believe the admin wants it. Where is our 200 Million? Where is our 100 Million?

Shalala raises close to 3 Billion since 2001 and we can't any serious money towards our football team started. A project that is well deserved for our university.

[wrote on phone, sorry]

You mention the new Northwestern facility. Let's take a look; here's some quotes from their press release about it:

Northwestern University today (Sept. 15, 2012) announced approval by the Board of Trustees of plans to build a major complex for athletic and recreational activities and a new parking structure on the north end of its main Evanston campus.

A large indoor multipurpose facility will provide room for major events, such as the University’s annual new student convocation; indoor practice and a competition venue for intercollegiate sports; and space for recreation, club sports and intramurals. The new facilities and renovation of the existing Dellora A. and Lester J. Norris Aquatics Center and Henry Crown Sports Pavilion include new practice, training and competition venues for Northwestern’s varsity sports, a new diving well, new locker rooms and new space for aerobics, yoga and other exercise classes.

The University also plans to build a 1,200-car parking garage that will be located on the existing surface parking lot located west of the current sports and aquatics center. Preliminary estimates for the cost of the new sports complex and related construction are approximately $220 million.


So, there's a whole lot of difference between what they're doing and what you want UM to do.

First off, they apparently have the space to do this on campus. UM doesn't. UM would have to buy land somewhere to build, and land isn't cheap in Miami.

Second, it's not just a football stadium. It's a multi-purpose facility that would consolidate all of the athletic needs for the entire university. So it wouldn't be empty for 99% of the year, like a stand-alone football stadium would. It would be used for football, basketball, swimming, intraumurals, etc, and would hold all sorts of other activities (yoga classes, convocations, etc). So it has the buy-in of the entire university community, unlike a stand-alone football stadium.

So let's rule out anything like what NW is doing.

Let's move on to discuss Tulane and Baylor...both of which, again, have land already on campus on which they're building a stadium. Baylor had 93 acres of wide open land on campus, just waiting for something to build on it. I'm not sure you really grasp what a benefit that is for them, and what a detriment it is to UM's chances of building a stadium that we do not have space available on campus. I'd venture that it would cut the costs of a stadium by 1/3rd to 1/2.

Not to mention, Baylor also received nearly half of the funding for the stadium from one donor, BEFORE THEY EVEN STARTED THEIR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN. Let me know when one UM donor ever gives more than 5-10 million to the athletic department. Maybe then, we can discuss a serious fundraising campaign.

You know the old adage "it takes money to make money'? Well, let's think about the Baylor situation for a minute. Baylor didn't even publicly announce they were fundraising for a new stadium UNTIL they'd already locked up a crap-ton of money. That's the way most campaigns work. Big-time back-room deals for tens of millions of dollars get the ball rolling, and then you announce a formal campaign in order to reel in the small fish, the people who will donate a few hundred dollars here or a few thousand there, to come up with the rest of the cash.

Shalala did the same thing with the two fundraising campaigns for the academic side of things. UM had hundreds of millions in the bag before they ever publicly announced they were conducting a fundraising drive.

If someone steps for with a big gift of 50 mil for athletics, let's say, I'm sure that would get the ball rolling at UM and we could begin a serious stadium campaign. So who do you propose we get to donate the cash?
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The Northwestern project does not include a football stadium. They already have a stadium and have no plans to move. Go back and read that piece carefully. It's very easy to get the impression that it includes a stadium. It doesn't.

The Northwestern project does not include a football stadium. They already have a stadium and have no plans to move. Go back and read that piece carefully. It's very easy to get the impression that it includes a stadium. It doesn't.

Ah, my're right. Which renders Consigliere's point moot.
It would be sweet if we can swing a 45,000 seat stadium. All surrounded by our beautiful downtown, the ocean, by bars and restaurants; could become a real classy and very beautiful place. Would become one of the more picturesque stadiums in College football. Parking is the one question but there is metro rail and metro mover. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Beckham words are all PR lies to use Canes fans or he would have shown his 40K size stadium drawing in Port of Miami to the Dade County board instead of the 25K stadium. The Underwear models is just Catfishing Canes fans to win the vote then won't give UM the time of day. Yet the soccer fans are still trying to get everyone to support Beckman that should be run out of town for trying to pull another Marlins tax deal.
So, there's a whole lot of difference between what they're doing and what you want UM to do.

First off, they apparently have the space to do this on campus. UM doesn't. UM would have to buy land somewhere to build, and land isn't cheap in Miami.

Second, it's not just a football stadium. It's a multi-purpose facility that would consolidate all of the athletic needs for the entire university. So it wouldn't be empty for 99% of the year, like a stand-alone football stadium would. It would be used for football, basketball, swimming, intraumurals, etc, and would hold all sorts of other activities (yoga classes, convocations, etc). So it has the buy-in of the entire university community, unlike a stand-alone football stadium.

So let's rule out anything like what NW is doing.

Let's move on to discuss Tulane and Baylor...both of which, again, have land already on campus on which they're building a stadium. Baylor had 93 acres of wide open land on campus, just waiting for something to build on it. I'm not sure you really grasp what a benefit that is for them, and what a detriment it is to UM's chances of building a stadium that we do not have space available on campus. I'd venture that it would cut the costs of a stadium by 1/3rd to 1/2.

Not to mention, Baylor also received nearly half of the funding for the stadium from one donor, BEFORE THEY EVEN STARTED THEIR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN. Let me know when one UM donor ever gives more than 5-10 million to the athletic department. Maybe then, we can discuss a serious fundraising campaign.

You know the old adage "it takes money to make money'? Well, let's think about the Baylor situation for a minute. Baylor didn't even publicly announce they were fundraising for a new stadium UNTIL they'd already locked up a crap-ton of money. That's the way most campaigns work. Big-time back-room deals for tens of millions of dollars get the ball rolling, and then you announce a formal campaign in order to reel in the small fish, the people who will donate a few hundred dollars here or a few thousand there, to come up with the rest of the cash.

Shalala did the same thing with the two fundraising campaigns for the academic side of things. UM had hundreds of millions in the bag before they ever publicly announced they were conducting a fundraising drive.

If someone steps for with a big gift of 50 mil for athletics, let's say, I'm sure that would get the ball rolling at UM and we could begin a serious stadium campaign. So who do you propose we get to donate the cash?

We're never going to agree but here are my thoughts.

First. We cannot rule out NW because it is a similar sized private school who decided to get an organized effort for the football team. NW has their own stadium but they still decided that this was worth getting the masses together and collecting donations. NW an actual academic powerhouse with 1/100th the football tradition found a $200+ million project worth getting behind. I get it, the project is more than just football but where is our $220 million project.

Second. Land. I don't need anything on campus. I don't expect it on campus. Recently UM held a ton of vacant land by the old zoo. This land was big enough for a stadium with a ton of parking. It was by major roads. The land was there, but we choose to sell the land for the hospital. Not to build the actual hospital but because the thing is bleeding money. This is an example of priorities.

You know where land is expensive? New Orleans. You know what school got behind a project to build a 30,000 stadium? Tulane. Tulane has 1/1000th of the tradition we do plus the expensive land problem.

Just to review we have land (not on campus), we had land and we will always be able to get land to build a stadium. Simply having this asset has never made this project a priority.

Third. Earmarked Donations. I agree. I agree. I agree that it is easy to fund raise when a big donation is earmarked for a certain project. I also agree that it is hard to string together donations to make this project work if it is not a priority of the school. I agree that we need a big donation to kick things off right. I don't know why this is a random alumni's job to solicit donations but here is one name...

Bruce Berkowitz (both his girls went to UM, he lives in CG)

How about we start with him? Do you want to ring his doorbell or should I? Here is one recent donation he made above.

Listen, I am being real here and not messing around. I think this project is going to take a tremendous amount of work and effort (understatement). I only think this project will happen if the school deems it a priority and gets behind the actual project itself. It may take some "Big-time back-room deals" to get the ball rolling, but I would also like to know that the school is making this a priority as well. I don't believe the school makes this a priority at all.
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It's comical you keep comparing academic funding to potential athletics funding and thinking that the University of Miami would ever be able to fundraise the money to build a football stadium.

Whats the biggest donation the University has gotten towards athletics? $4M?

Your angle is wrong, so beyond shockingly stupid wrong. But hey, keep flinging **** at that wall, something might stick.

My angle is not wrong, your understanding of my point is wrong. I am saying that I believe that the school could get together and start some campaign to raise money for the sports program. I get it, raising money for academics may be easier. I got it. I am also asking for about 1/10th the amount. I am asking that we put some serious money into a program that we will get the money back in future revenues.

As for the biggest donations, I don't have the schools donations receivables to know that answer. I think recently, Ted and Todd Schwartz ($5M) to athletics for the new athletic complex a few years ago. I get it 5 million isn't 50 million. I am just saying we might have to bang the pavement a little more. Perhaps hit others up for money after we make this project a priority. Perhaps we need to stop selling our assets that we could use for a project like a stadium (the vacant land). My angle is not wrong simply because you disagree. I acknowledge the great difficulties involved. I also acknowledge that my previous statement is an understatement (great difficulties involved).

My angle is that the university doesn't have these priorities, that is my angle. Feel free to disagree with this all you want, that is your right. Again, we will agree to disagree. When has the school ever made athletics a priority?
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Without rehashing the same argument over and over I will say that Consigliere is correct here. This administration has made it very clear that the football program takes a back seat to other priorities. Now that in and of itself isn't a bad thing per se, but other universities have been able to maintain good academics couple with great athletics.

Donna doesn't care about 60,000 empty seats. The fact that UM has engaged in talks with Beckham's group about a 45K stadium is defeatist to me. Why wouldn't they strive to provide a better product that will bring in better crowds? Why accept the mediocrity of some small time college football program? Div II schools think bigger than our current leaders in regards to a vision of big time football and all the ancillary benefits that it brings.

This is Donna's last gig. She is concerned with her legacy. The hospital and the medical campus expansion are her pets. She wants to leave with a glowing reputation of bringing world class medical care and research to UM. That is a noble desire. I fully give her credit for that.

But, as president of the U, she deserves both the credit for raising the academic rankings and the pitchfork up her *** for castrating the football program. You can't have it just one way. We have gone through many coaches, AD's, players and even a stadium. The one constant through it all is her. There is no passing the buck. The mess, the mediocrity, the lagging attendance, the lack of passion from the fan base, the rudderless ship all belong to her.

Open the purse strings and pay top coaches and staff and we will see better results. It is that simple. Keep doing things on the cheap and we get the Coker-Shannon-Golden **** that never flushes. Just clogs the hearts of us fans every year.
Without rehashing the same argument over and over I will say that Consigliere is correct here. This administration has made it very clear that the football program takes a back seat to other priorities. Now that in and of itself isn't a bad thing per se, but other universities have been able to maintain good academics couple with great athletics.

Donna doesn't care about 60,000 empty seats. The fact that UM has engaged in talks with Beckham's group about a 45K stadium is defeatist to me. Why wouldn't they strive to provide a better product that will bring in better crowds? Why accept the mediocrity of some small time college football program? Div II schools think bigger than our current leaders in regards to a vision of big time football and all the ancillary benefits that it brings.

This is Donna's last gig. She is concerned with her legacy. The hospital and the medical campus expansion are her pets. She wants to leave with a glowing reputation of bringing world class medical care and research to UM. That is a noble desire. I fully give her credit for that.

But, as president of the U, she deserves both the credit for raising the academic rankings and the pitchfork up her *** for castrating the football program. You can't have it just one way. We have gone through many coaches, AD's, players and even a stadium. The one constant through it all is her. There is no passing the buck. The mess, the mediocrity, the lagging attendance, the lack of passion from the fan base, the rudderless ship all belong to her.

Open the purse strings and pay top coaches and staff and we will see better results. It is that simple. Keep doing things on the cheap and we get the Coker-Shannon-Golden **** that never flushes. Just clogs the hearts of us fans every year.

I agree with this whole post. I just want to focus on the bold for a second. It's not like when DS started we were a crap program either. She began on June 1, 2001, we were the best program/team in the nation.
You don't need to raise the entire amount, just enough annually to pay the debt service. It is a good point that our largest donation ever was $5M. You really would need a $25-$50M lead gift if they were going to rely on fundraising. This was a golden opportunity and I wish we had played hard ball.
So, there's a whole lot of difference between what they're doing and what you want UM to do.

First off, they apparently have the space to do this on campus. UM doesn't. UM would have to buy land somewhere to build, and land isn't cheap in Miami.

Second, it's not just a football stadium. It's a multi-purpose facility that would consolidate all of the athletic needs for the entire university. So it wouldn't be empty for 99% of the year, like a stand-alone football stadium would. It would be used for football, basketball, swimming, intraumurals, etc, and would hold all sorts of other activities (yoga classes, convocations, etc). So it has the buy-in of the entire university community, unlike a stand-alone football stadium.

So let's rule out anything like what NW is doing.

Let's move on to discuss Tulane and Baylor...both of which, again, have land already on campus on which they're building a stadium. Baylor had 93 acres of wide open land on campus, just waiting for something to build on it. I'm not sure you really grasp what a benefit that is for them, and what a detriment it is to UM's chances of building a stadium that we do not have space available on campus. I'd venture that it would cut the costs of a stadium by 1/3rd to 1/2.

Not to mention, Baylor also received nearly half of the funding for the stadium from one donor, BEFORE THEY EVEN STARTED THEIR FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN. Let me know when one UM donor ever gives more than 5-10 million to the athletic department. Maybe then, we can discuss a serious fundraising campaign.

You know the old adage "it takes money to make money'? Well, let's think about the Baylor situation for a minute. Baylor didn't even publicly announce they were fundraising for a new stadium UNTIL they'd already locked up a crap-ton of money. That's the way most campaigns work. Big-time back-room deals for tens of millions of dollars get the ball rolling, and then you announce a formal campaign in order to reel in the small fish, the people who will donate a few hundred dollars here or a few thousand there, to come up with the rest of the cash.

Shalala did the same thing with the two fundraising campaigns for the academic side of things. UM had hundreds of millions in the bag before they ever publicly announced they were conducting a fundraising drive.

If someone steps for with a big gift of 50 mil for athletics, let's say, I'm sure that would get the ball rolling at UM and we could begin a serious stadium campaign. So who do you propose we get to donate the cash?

We're never going to agree but here are my thoughts.

First. We cannot rule out NW because it is a similar sized private school who decided to get an organized effort for the football team. NW has their own stadium but they still decided that this was worth getting the masses together and collecting donations. NW an actual academic powerhouse with 1/100th the football tradition found a $200+ million project worth getting behind. I get it, the project is more than just football but where is our $220 million project.

Second. Land. I don't need anything on campus. I don't expect it on campus. Recently UM held a ton of vacant land by the old zoo. This land was big enough for a stadium with a ton of parking. It was by major roads. The land was there, but we choose to sell the land for the hospital. Not to build the actual hospital but because the thing is bleeding money. This is an example of priorities.

You know where land is expensive? New Orleans. You know what school got behind a project to build a 30,000 stadium? Tulane. Tulane has 1/1000th of the tradition we do plus the expensive land problem.

Just to review we have land (not on campus), we had land and we will always be able to get land to build a stadium. Simply having this asset has never made this project a priority.

Third. Earmarked Donations. I agree. I agree. I agree that it is easy to fund raise when a big donation is earmarked for a certain project. I also agree that it is hard to string together donations to make this project work if it is not a priority of the school. I agree that we need a big donation to kick things off right. I don't know why this is a random alumni's job to solicit donations but here is one name...

Bruce Berkowitz (both his girls went to UM, he lives in CG)

How about we start with him? Do you want to ring his doorbell or should I? Here is one recent donation he made above.

Listen, I am being real here and not messing around. I think this project is going to take a tremendous amount of work and effort (understatement). I only think this project will happen if the school deems it a priority and gets behind the actual project itself. It may take some "Big-time back-room deals" to get the ball rolling, but I would also like to know that the school is making this a priority as well. I don't believe the school makes this a priority at all.

First, as noted by another poster, Northwestern is NOT building a new football stadium. They're building a multi-sport multi-use facility for virtually everything but football, which will still be played in their current stadium. So yes, we can rule out Northwestern.

Second, regarding Tulane, they're building a stadium on-campus. So you're incorrect; the land is not expensive for them; it's land they already own, and which is already being used for sports purposes (the stadium will be between their old football stadium and their current baseball stadium, all on campus grounds.)
First, as noted by another poster, Northwestern is NOT building a new football stadium. They're building a multi-sport multi-use facility for virtually everything but football, which will still be played in their current stadium. So yes, we can rule out Northwestern.

Second, regarding Tulane, they're building a stadium on-campus. So you're incorrect; the land is not expensive for them; it's land they already own, and which is already being used for sports purposes (the stadium will be between their old football stadium and their current baseball stadium, all on campus grounds.)

You're not understanding my point at all. My point is to demonstrate other schools getting behind athletics and making it a priority. So agree to disagree here? As to your post...

First, it is for everything. Correct. They already have their own stadium. I was only pointing out a private school with better academics and similar enrollment putting $220 Million into athletics. We don't rule this out because we (at Miami) don't put anything close to this into athletics.

So to review, NWU raised money to put $220 Million into athletics and they already have a their own stadium. My point here is simply to demonstrate another school getting behind athletics with a serious donation.

Second, Tulane raised $75 Million for this project (what have we done for sports that matched this effort?). We also owned land as well but sold it instead of using it towards the stadium. My point here is that another private school decided to get behind this effort for athletics.

So to review, Tulane raised $75 Million for athletics to build their own stadium.

Beckham words are all PR lies to use Canes fans or he would have shown his 40K size stadium drawing in Port of Miami to the Dade County board instead of the 25K stadium. The Underwear models is just Catfishing Canes fans to win the vote then won't give UM the time of day. Yet the soccer fans are still trying to get everyone to support Beckman that should be run out of town for trying to pull another Marlins tax deal.

Humor me for a second as I must be a glutton for punishment and explain exactly procedurally how this great Beckham bait and switch will work. I've yet to understand how anyone thinks that a larger venue will be put to a public referendum vote with all this UM support and then it'll somehow be downgraded to a smaller soccer only venue post facto. Whatever it's going to be size-wise will be long settled prior to the vote thus rendering any previous Canes fan support as worthless and even detrimental if it's changed at the last minute.

Beckham words are all PR lies to use Canes fans or he would have shown his 40K size stadium drawing in Port of Miami to the Dade County board instead of the 25K stadium. The Underwear models is just Catfishing Canes fans to win the vote then won't give UM the time of day. Yet the soccer fans are still trying to get everyone to support Beckman that should be run out of town for trying to pull another Marlins tax deal.

Humor me for a second as I must be a glutton for punishment and explain exactly procedurally how this great Beckham bait and switch will work. I've yet to understand how anyone thinks that a larger venue will be put to a public referendum vote with all this UM support and then it'll somehow be downgraded to a smaller soccer only venue post facto. Whatever it's going to be size-wise will be long settled prior to the vote thus rendering any previous Canes fan support as worthless and even detrimental if it's changed at the last minute.

Bend it like Beckham.
First, as noted by another poster, Northwestern is NOT building a new football stadium. They're building a multi-sport multi-use facility for virtually everything but football, which will still be played in their current stadium. So yes, we can rule out Northwestern.

Second, regarding Tulane, they're building a stadium on-campus. So you're incorrect; the land is not expensive for them; it's land they already own, and which is already being used for sports purposes (the stadium will be between their old football stadium and their current baseball stadium, all on campus grounds.)

You're not understanding my point at all. My point is to demonstrate other schools getting behind athletics and making it a priority. So agree to disagree here? As to your post...

First, it is for everything. Correct. They already have their own stadium. I was only pointing out a private school with better academics and similar enrollment putting $220 Million into athletics. We don't rule this out because we (at Miami) don't put anything close to this into athletics.

So to review, NWU raised money to put $220 Million into athletics and they already have a their own stadium. My point here is simply to demonstrate another school getting behind athletics with a serious donation.

Second, Tulane raised $75 Million for this project (what have we done for sports that matched this effort?). We also owned land as well but sold it instead of using it towards the stadium. My point here is that another private school decided to get behind this effort for athletics.

So to review, Tulane raised $75 Million for athletics to build their own stadium.

I understood the point you were trying to make--I simply think that you're incorrect, are overlooking and/or downplaying the many significant differences between our situation and theirs, and are unfairly expecting UM to go far above and beyond the universities you're comparing us to.

Again, Northwestern is sinking 220 million into an on-campus facility that will be in use year-round for intramural sports, yoga classes, a student gym, a pool, and convocation ceremonies, and will also serve as the home of various varsity sports. That is VASTLY different than spending hundreds of millions on a football stadium that will be in use a handful of times per year. The Northwestern project isn't so much an investment in their athletics department as it is an investment in their student life facilities. It's a different animal than asking for contributions to one sport.

And they've played in the same **** football stadium since sine 1926, the year after UM opened. So it seems pretty farcical to try to weave this into some narrative about them "prioritizing" football more than UM does.

Second, Tulane raised 75 mil for a project on campus land that was already earmarked for sports facilities and had already previously housed a football stadium. If UM had usable land near the Light that could accommodate a football stadium, and that once housed a football stadium, do you not think we'd look into using it for a football stadium currently?

As such, Tulane had an easy and cheap path to get the project under way. There was no issue with zoning restrictions. There was no need to reconfigure roads or to be concerned about parking or traffic issues. There was no need to try to convince the local community of the benefit, or to grease the palms of county and city officials. And at 75 mil, it was far cheaper than anything that UM could ever hope to build...we'd be lucky to come in under 250 mil, given the inflated construction costs and the need to grease the hands of south florida politicians and such.

So to review, neither Northwestern nor Tulane (nor Baylor, your initial example) are doing anything remotely comparable to what UM would need to do. You can harp on UM not "prioritizing" football, but the truth is that there are so many roadblocks in UM's way--roadblocks that no other program has had to deal with-- that it's relatively impossible to make our own football stadium a genuine priority.
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