Barry Jackson says what everyone has been thinking

We already have a garbage offense just like the local high schools.

All I know is that the rules of the game aren't the same since we were on top. Jimmy Johnson used to spend all day with his kids - ****, I don't even think they enrolled in class back then. They just kept them locked up in the football dorms at night and on greentree during the day.

These days, the coach can't spend more than 5 minutes a day with the players, and so we're relying on N'Kosi Perry to teach himself the playbook.

So it seems straightforward to me that if we're recruiting South Florida, then we should run a **** system that makes the learning curve as short as possible.

Also, the more similar your system is to what the kids already know, the less you're gonna have to "project" how a kid is gonna perform in your system, and the easier it's gonna be to evaluate those kids by their high school film. It dumbs the job of evaluation down for our coaches, and that means fewer busts and better roster management. Just recruit kids to do the same thing they did in high school, and you won't have many busts.

That's all obvious. But the University of Miami is run by people who eat paint chips and sniff their own leaded farts. So I've learned to lower my expectations.

Let me put it another way. I don't give a **** about fancy schemes. Every time I've ever seen the University of Miami play fast and aggressive, we've dominated. Every time we hesitate because we're trying to figure out what to do in an RPO or we're two-gapping and don't know what to fill, then we look like trash.

SIMPLE is what this program needs.
Wheweeeeeeee Barry with that ether...

It’s quite simple, tell Enos to change or tell him to kick the can. No way we’re winning long term with Enos as our OC
Enos is not spread guy. He’s a dinosaur, stuck in his huddle, under center, bunch formation offense, reliving his days at Arkansas. Almost 50 years old and never had an offense that did anything. He is who he is, he’s not going to hit some switch and become Lincoln Riley. Enos philosophy is flawed and he is and has been too stubborn to adapt. He might be able to teach QBs fundamentals but that is about it. He needs to be fired on Sunday and replaced with a true spread OC.
Cliff notes:

Current offense is trash.

Time for a spread 'em out no huddle offense that gets playmakers in space.

Diaz needs to put that pro-style power running game he wanted back in the attic with the 30 year old sweaters.

Enos needs to go spread or GTFOH.

And most knowledgeable posters on this board could have written that article YEARS AGO!! People here have been screaming for the spread for years. Why can’t UM adapt? Is it the Miami country club atmosphere? Is it our SJW administration? Is it our administrations and coaches unwillingness to make their own history? I just don’t understand why this program and administration is always 5+ years behind everyone else.
Most fans thought Diaz would be a young innovative coach who would leave the pro style behind and we would have a dynamic spread offense (basically Oklahoma style to use our good RBs). We got sold a bill of goods. The one sort of ray of hope is that Ed Orgeron also had a pro style OC and dumped him after his 1st year. His new OC was also pro style but much more open to a spread offense and they brought in a young innovative OC to help.

I don't think Enos will change. Manny is also scared of going to a full spread O. So the best option is the LSU model which is to bring in a OC like Larry Fedora and pair him with Bedenbaugh. I bet my paycheck that Fedora would leave his 40k per year Texas analyst job to be Miami OC. There is a 100% chance Fedora will leave to take a HC job somewhere after a year or so. Bedenbaugh is promoted to full time OC and we don't miss a beat. Would Bedenbaugh accept this arrangement? Knowing that he'd get an opportunity to become the full time playcalling OC in no more than 2 years, it would be more than a lateral move. He's not winning a championship at Oklahoma and Riley is never giving up play calling duties. I think he'd strongly consider it if the money was right.

speak for yourself.

people who knew this was a MISERABLE hire were instantly shut down by fools like you who thought Diaz was some young brilliant coaching mind. he isnt and wasnt. he was headed to temple, bc thats the level he should be at, until richt retired and daddy’s pals got him this gig.
Unless Enos runs Locksleys playbook from Bama, he is incapable of running a spread.

If Manny retains him his best bet would be to focus on tempo. We need to ditch the huddle and get that ball hiked with 20 on the play clock.

This type of **** does not work. You either run mostly spread concepts( tempo, spread the field, simple plays from multiple formations) or you don’t. What the f are we going to dictate to Enos to run? The pro-spread-multiple-power-blah-blah offense? **** might sound good on paper but DOES NOT WORK. Enos is not a spread guy and he’s not going to wake up tomorrow and be that guy. He’s almost 50 yrs old and too fn stubborn to learn anything new.
He Mia so ******* arrogant and thinks he SO fn smart, but it’s gotten him no where. He’s a good QB coach that can teach fundamentals but he doesn’t have a creative bone in his body and he can’t adapt. He’s stuck in his ways and will NOT EVEN be a footnote in football history when his days are done. HOW THE F WAS HE HIRED AND HOW THE F IS HE MAKING 1.5M a year?
Enos is not spread guy. He’s a dinosaur, stuck in his huddle, under center, bunch formation offense, reliving his days at Arkansas. Almost 50 years old and never had an offense that did anything. He is who he is, he’s not going to hit some switch and become Lincoln Riley. Enos philosophy is flawed and he is and has been too stubborn to adapt. He might be able to teach QBs fundamentals but that is about it. He needs to be fired on Sunday and replaced with a true spread OC.

We’ll have a clear idea if Manny is truly the guy to turn this around. If he doesn’t fire Enos then he’s dead to me and I’ll be taking a year off from Canes football next year because nothing is going to change keeping Enos as the OC next year.
Oh hey Barry, don't forget to light up the ****ty defense that let FIU carve them up. So we have just as many problems on defense.

Cant prepare team during bye weeks, cant motivate to beat FIU, bad offense, bad defense (his side of ball). What a ****show.
Chad Morris is available and would bring a spread offense. Seems like the logical choice here, if we can get him.

He's not a Manny guy bro. He lacks style and has too much substance. And Manny may not like it when Chad asks him to do 5 up-downs every time we give up a 3rd and long. Chad doesn't fit our culture and doesn't understand what it means to play a Miami Hurricane brand of football.