Barry Jackson on the end of the Zo Saga

I like the Lashlee hire a lot

But if you were going to bet your job and career on a OC to change everything they should have broke the bank and got Joe Brady

Lashlee could be the goods but he might need a year to get this team from “pro style bro” to true spread offense

Time Diaz and cuck james don’t have

But what's the bar? That's the issue.
As a matter of fact, they're betting their jobs on it.
Yes they are and I am fine with that. I think Diaz will turn it around but I want to know one way or another if he can coach and last season didnt give me any indication because the problems began and ended mostly with OC , a young OL ( which got better ) and a not having a kicker when we the same guy was a good kicker the year before. We have fixed those 3 things so if we are still not winning 9-10 games next season it is on him.
Imo the reason this didn't go down is because of james hands down. He sees the writing on the wall that his time is running out. If he were to give zo the job and zo starts making the team stable and hired the right coaches and miami gets good people are gonna start calling for zo to be the athletic director because zo is a cane and if he can turn the football program around not only is that alot of money flowing into the university people will say if he can fix the mess of 20 years in 2-3 then what can he do for the rest of the athletics
Worst thing about this, poor Rhett Lashlee had no idea he'd be counted on call plays ... And.... save his bosses job, his bosses bosses job, culture in the locker room, recruiting, etc.

Instead of Blake and Manny accepting the help everyone knows they need, they drew a line in the sand! Anything short of the Coastal and they've earned their walking papers. Both have their fingerprints on every issue they complain about.
I wonder who they gonna hire. I got a feeling we have another diversity hiring coming up.
Never understand why some thought this was going to be the magic pill anyway
I never thought it was going to be a magic pill. For me the most interesting aspect of this saga was to see who really calls the shots. If the BOT cannot make this happen after a 6 - 7 season where the team lost to FIU, Duke, and LA Tech, then just fold the program. You guys are smoking crack if you think Manny is in any danger next year. And Blake isn't going anywhere either. It's over.
A crackdown on player misbehavior...yeah that's the ticket

LOL. How about they run the program in a more serious no losing attitude opposed to chains, paradise, we are fun loving coaches instead. This is a business. Fun and games come with Wins not clowning around dancing.
Yes they are and I am fine with that. I think Diaz will turn it around but I want to know one way or another if he can coach and last season didnt give me any indication because the problems began and ended mostly with OC , a young OL ( which got better ) and a not having a kicker when we the same guy was a good kicker the year before. We have fixed those 3 things so if we are still not winning 9-10 games next season it is on him.
Realistically, other Mich St because it's on the road, what other game should even be a concern?