Barry Jackson on the end of the Zo Saga

Lol ok so we hate everyone again now? As I said in other thread. This never made sense for Manny to be on board with. If you want to say Blake should have forced it on him then sure, I’ll listen to that but why would Manny want this?

Bring in someone over him that can do no wrong in the fans eyes? Lose lose situation for Manny. He’s betting his job on this though. We will see how it plays out.
Barry should’ve said “ Alonzo to Um is dead, this time I really mean it”
Awesome, great idea. Let's just keep the status quo and follow (10 years late) the common trends set by every other D1 team. I mean just look at the phenomenal success we've seen the last 15 years doing that ... JFC these clowns.

If we can't win 10+ next year, I really really really hope we can finally rid ourselves of this nonsense. I'm not getting any younger.
This is very interesting. I wonder if Zo is on borrowed time in Cleveland. Barry seems to be pushing a certain agenda this whole offseason

Right or wrong it’s about time he does something to put pressure on this program. The media here has always given this school a pass. We need them to get with the times and not let these clowns get away with all this BS. Win or face the scrutiny.
I like the Lashlee hire a lot

But if you were going to bet your job and career on a OC to change everything they should have broke the bank and got Joe Brady

Lashlee could be the goods but he might need a year to get this team from “pro style bro” to true spread offense

Time Diaz and cuck james don’t have
Classic egomaniacal thinking. Just like stacking chips at every position, stack smart people in the front office. Going to be a long 12-24 months.

Being optimistic, at least my Leafs are good. If they can just get out of the first round of the playoffs this year....