Barry Jackson has a mental breakdown.


Journalism is 100 percent dead. It’s activism and agenda now instead of getting both sides of the stories .facts and then allowing people to come to their own decision. He obviously has a big bias / towards Mario and this was his moment to unleash it. The sad thing here is theres folks that think this is professional, couth behavior.

We currently live in the movie idiocracy.
I actually liked it! Mario needs to worry about the r football and understanding the concept of kneeling down!
What’s that have to do with our toxic *** media and Mario keeping them out ? You’re just mad at Mario and taking this idiots side because of it. Our media has been awful for decades , going back to fat scum bag Lebaturd
What’s that have to do with our toxic *** media and Mario keeping them out ? You’re just mad at Mario and taking this idiots side because of it. Our media has been awful for decades , going back to fat scum bag Lebaturd

Our media sucks.
Our HC is a corch.
Our sucky media took a shot.
Our sucky HC was right to control media access.

Our HC also misreads the room a lot in his return to Miami as HC…

**** Barry.
What’s that have to do with our toxic *** media and Mario keeping them out ? You’re just mad at Mario and taking this idiots side because of it. Our media has been awful for decades , going back to fat scum bag Lebaturd
What it means is that there was finally some transparency by THE herald!
Why are some surprised that when sh** hits the fan, skeletons come out of the closet? Anyone here married? Ever had a family conflict? Bru-ha-ha at the office?
Mario's kind of a dikk to the media - so Barry's ****ed about the loss and out it spills. Don't let it distract you from the first-class buffoonery we all just witnessed.
The only thing he's "exposing" is himself. Totally agree. I don't give a **** about right/wrong in this case, the source matters more. We all know what we saw. We all know what Mario is. I personally ain't hearing **** any outside fan or ***** with an ax to grind has to say.

Only the dumbest mother****ers would use outside sources to help kick us when we're down.
He had that one in the chamber waiting like a scorned woman. Not only is it unprofessional as **** it’s ***** made.
I actually liked it! Mario needs to worry about the r football and understanding the concept of kneeling down!

We disagree then. He's a paid reporter that covers SFla and us (from the safety of his desk at that unless things have changed). Bush league on his part and not the first time.

You're not likely to find a Canes fan that doesn't think Mario messed up in the worst way last night. Doesn't give Jackson a pass to say what he did.
Journalism is 100 percent dead. It’s activism and agenda now instead of getting both sides of the stories .facts and then allowing people to come to their own decision. He obviously has a big bias / towards Mario and this was his moment to unleash it. The sad thing here is theres folks that think this is professional, couth behavior.

We currently live in the movie idiocracy.
maybe but what's worse is getting both sides when one is fact free and equating them.

that said **** barry.

some here also need to learn the difference between reporters (sports/news whatever), columnists (intended to have take for decades not just facts) & pure editorial pages (total opinion, often off the rails from different views)

too many mix them up, including reporters in pure reporter roles.
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Smarmy Barry was probably in the sauce. Herald is the ultimate fish wrapper. Look at what they’ve tried to do to Gov. DeSantis and others over the years who won’t go along with their made-up agenda. Daily ugliness with editorials posing as “news”. I remember the nickname Hank Goldberg had for Barry...every coach who’s been at Miami has said the same thing about them.
What’s that have to do with our toxic *** media and Mario keeping them out ? You’re just mad at Mario and taking this idiots side because of it. Our media has been awful for decades , going back to fat scum bag Lebaturd
Couldn’t have said it better myself. This nails it & has gone on for decades.