Barry Jackson has a mental breakdown.

maybe but what's worth is getting both sides when one is fact free and equating them.

that said **** barry.

some here also need to learn the difference between reporters (sports/news whatever), columnists (intended to have take for decades not just facts) & pure editorial pages (total opinion, often off the rails from different views)

too many mix them up, including reporters in pure reporter roles.
All media/ journalism now is opinion, agenda or activism. From the NYT, NYP, WP on down. The truth no longer matter , it’s just finding the truths I agree with. Any X poster can be a journalism now lol
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Barry is an opportunist. He is not a Cane, never was. His drive is controversy and whatever will ensure he gets clicks in order to support his own life. Having our team and coaches going at each other benefits him. That's his goal.
most folks in todays hot take world are like that..... need some clicks, need a hot take . that said part of being an HC is dealing with media and having a relationship with said group . Mario really needs to rally the troops and finish strong let the OC/DC make you look good.... game plan seemed like Mario wanted to micro manage the offense as this was the worst we looked all year.
I find it difficult to find fault here despite not liking him normally
This is not an uncommon practice at all major program. And even in the NFL.

And the fact a “staffer” leaked to Barry his opinion that Mario focuses on stuff that’s not important is the exact reason for the reminder.

The reality it ppl say the same thing about Kirby Smart becuase those guys are meticulous about the details.

The difference is in Athens the reports don’t feel entitled to having sources within the locker room.
This is not an uncommon practice at all major program. And even in the NFL.

And the fact a “staffer” leaked to Barry his opinion that Mario focuses on stuff that’s not important is the exact reason for the reminder.

The reality it ppl say the same thing about Kirby Smart becuase those guys are meticulous about the details.

The difference is in Athens the reports don’t feel entitled to having sources within the locker room.
I don’t fault Mario at all for wanting to clamp down on the media. They’re obnoxious.

But Mario deserves all the flack and clap backs for being so **** “meticulous” and emphasizing “how you do anything is how you do everything”, and then just going pure brain dead when the game was in hand and won. Start with being meticulous about the clock and other key aspects of your job and you wouldn’t be freely giving ammunition to anybody.
This is not an uncommon practice at all major program. And even in the NFL.

And the fact a “staffer” leaked to Barry his opinion that Mario focuses on stuff that’s not important is the exact reason for the reminder.

The reality it ppl say the same thing about Kirby Smart becuase those guys are meticulous about the details.

The difference is in Athens the reports don’t feel entitled to having sources within the locker room.

The other difference in Athens is they win…
There's no defending that IMO, bush league by Barry. There's a time and a place for everything and last night was neither.
The only reason people are defending it is because they’re too dumb to separate Mario’s f up with somebody being a total unprofessional douche and having a personal issue with Mario / program. No matter what BJ posted negative about Mario they’d agreed with it
That was a ***** move by Barry but also an idiot move. He posted the tweet like Mario is going to be fired the next day. If he wasn’t getting any UM info before what does he think is going to happen now? He is going to have to deal with Mario for long time and he made his job at least when comes to UM football 10x harder.
Barry is an opportunist. He is not a Cane, never was. His drive is controversy and whatever will ensure he gets clicks in order to support his own life. Having our team and coaches going at each other benefits him. That's his goal.
I thought he went to UM
Journalism is 100 percent dead. It’s activism and agenda now instead of getting both sides of the stories .facts and then allowing people to come to their own decision. He obviously has a big bias / towards Mario and this was his moment to unleash it. The sad thing here is theres folks that think this is professional, couth behavior.

We currently live in the movie idiocracy.
Rock my brawndo t-shirt often here in nwf
I still support Mario and the team but let’s be honest here. To have a coach come in and take the helm and state that the canes will again be prominent and win championships, especially being part of those championship years and blunder the simplest call in football has me thinking he might not be the guy. Last night took a lot out of this ole timer.