Barry J. article summary on "behind the scenes" problems.

I guess they’re lucky I’m not their coach. I wouldn’t just kick them off the team, I’d expell them from the school and report them to the campus police.

They would never play another down of D1 football again.
But conversations with multiple people around the program, including a veteran player, say there’s another issue, particularly in the quarterback room, that must be fixed. And UM is working to achieve that.

That player - and other sources around the team - say a few players seem more concerned with partying than focusing on football and that a handful (including a prominent one on offense) broke curfew the night before the FIU loss to go out.

It didn’t help that players are aware that UM’s drug policy does not call for a suspension for a first failed drug test; that policy was taken advantage of, according to numerous sources.

All of that had one regular on the team hoping Diaz becomes more of a disciplinarian next season. Diaz apparently realizes this.

We’re told Diaz reminded players before the Independence Bowl that breaking curfew, drinking and smoking weed would not be permitted.

A source said Diaz has discussed implementing a three-strike system in which the first failed test is a one-game suspension, a second failed test is a multi-game suspension and a drug education course; and a third failed test results in dismissal. It’s unclear if that system will be implemented.

Under UM’s current drug policy, the penalty for a first offense on a failed drug test is 10 hours of community service. The punishment for a second offense is players are withheld from 10 percent of their season’s competition (one game for football) and a third suspension requires missing 30 percent of the season’s games (three or four for football).

“The University of Miami has one of the strongest institutional drug testing policies in all of college athletics,” the UM athletic department told The Miami Herald in response to an inquiry last week. “Testing is outsourced to, and conducted entirely by, an independent entity that has no other affiliation with Miami Athletics.

“Any football student-athletes who violated the institutional drug policy this past season were penalized in accordance with the institutional policy. Any University of Miami coach has the authority to strengthen the drug testing policy for his or her respective sport.”
Community service? Is this why we led the country in community service hours? Chechen n Chong University
Alcohol is 10X worse than weed. What the **** are you talking about?
This is a ridiculous take straight out of the Nixon era. That myth has been debunked and studies have shown it improves concentration and study. Alcohol has no benefits, does make you either lazy or violent. The absolute worst side effects possible with marijuana is hungry, happy and sleepy.
He's trolling
Certain teams seem to prosper with discipline even if you are treating them like kids; take the Yankees no hair on face policy does them well. On the other hand the prosperous RedSox of a few years back looked mostly like Moses as they flashed their World Series rings.

Being a party city and with glory now only in the past, perhaps a no tolerance policy for getting high before the game, or drunk the night before, would do us well. Tell recruits (AND THEIR PARENTS) before trying to sign them up its hard work, dedication, talent, and not getting high or tipsy! Maybe not at all while enrolled here.

Sure this is a new generation and recreational weed laws are springing up like, well, weeds. But would you want your airline pilot, kids’ school busdriver, or surgeon for your wife to be high before the effort, or party hearty the night before. I for one do not, and don’t want my football team to either, sorry.
This is why I said last year I’d be shocked if Jarren won the job. It lets you know how bad he outplayed the other guys to had won the job.

Which I feel was Mannys first real mistake. Jarren should have not started vs Florida.
honestly, this is an evaluation thing as much as it’s a current coaching thing. we gotta stop recruiting kids who don’t have their heads on straight. some teams have the luxury of taking those guys because they already have a strong culture. we do not.
This is what happens when you let players like JT4 and Jarren come back after they went AWOL. Many on this board celebrated them coming back and in retrospect, it was dumb as ****.

If Manny fails, this is why - not scheme or game day coaching, but his management of the team's culture.
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I mean a lot of it is Jarren he provides the perfect example, but some of the other guys that they are referencing you’d be surprised about. Why surprised??? Because they are key contributors

Not speaking on drugs but more so partying and not working out as hard as they should, which ****es others off

I’m not old. I’m in my 30’s.

I’m a young black man who graduated from the U, then went on to grad school at Yale, and now I’m doing well for myself making $$$. I succeeded in life because I worked hard every single day. I never smoked weed.

So many of my friends I grew up with was smarter and more capable than me, but they just wasted their lives on the couch playing madden and some ****. And now they don’t do ****. And the reason is marijuana.

I hate that **** more than anything. I hate being around people who are high. I hate how it makes people act.

Jarren Williams is about to throw his entire football future away too and it strikes a chord with me.

**** marijuana.
Maybe JW is just more naturally talented than the other two. There is an inexplicable inconsistency to JW game that fits into the narrative in this story....and before we say coaching...yes penos was a disaster as an OC but he was a successful QB coach.

More naturally talented while on drugs as a solo artist - or more naturally talented while they’re all on drugs together? Doesn’t make sense.

What you call, when you call it, tendencies, and how each position is coached - all plays a part in the overall execution. Coaching.

If an entire group is having an issue - I usually want to know what’s wrong with the coach’s message or approach. We’ve seen groups and individual players transition “over night” with a new coach.

Enos is viewed as good QB coach. I was pulling for him. But, he proved to be beyond mediocre as a Coord. And his unwillingness to allow our QBs to audible out of bad plays tells me a bit more about him as a QB coach.
I’m not old. I’m in my 30’s.

I’m a young black man who graduated from the U, then went on to grad school at Yale, and now I’m doing well for myself making $$$. I succeeded in life because I worked hard every single day. I never smoked weed.

So many of my friends I grew up with was smarter and more capable than me, but they just wasted their lives on the couch playing madden and some ****. And now they don’t do ****. And the reason is marijuana.

I hate that **** more than anything. I hate being around people who are high. I hate how it makes people act.

Jarren Williams is about to throw his entire football future away too and it strikes a chord with me.

**** marijuana.
Some of the most successful people I know smoked weed every day. All that stuff you described is due to their own lack of drive and motivation to be better.
Were Shaq and DJ supposed to follow the other kids around on the weekend and tell them not to smoke?

Not at all, but peer pressure is both a good thing and bad thing.

Holding your teammates accountable is the bare minimum for the leaders on the team. If player x is blazing and can barely make it through conditioning sessions in the Spring then get on that ***.

The players know better than the coaches what is going on. Weak *** players afraid of holding other accountable or getting them to fall in line is one of MANY reasons the program continues to fall short.
Everybody is singling out Jarren & for good reason, as he deserves it...

But if you think he's the only QB drinking/smoking & not taking football seriously you're sadly mistaken.

Some of yall are gonna have to come to terms with the fact your boy Tathaniel isn't the innocent little angel yall believe him to be.

Everybody knows Perry's get down lol, but there's a reason why Tate the Great spent the entire season just chasing after his girlfriend & "taking a leave of absence" for weeks & weeks at a time.

the University of Marijuana... lulz
Certain teams seem to prosper with discipline even if you are treating them like kids; take the Yankees no hair on face policy does them well. On the other hand the prosperous RedSox of a few years back looked mostly like Moses as they flashed their World Series rings.

Being a party city and with glory now only in the past, perhaps a no tolerance policy for getting high before the game, or drunk the night before, would do us well. Tell recruits (AND THEIR PARENTS) before trying to sign them up its hard work, dedication, talent, and not getting high or tipsy! Maybe not at all while enrolled here.

Sure this is a new generation and recreational weed laws are springing up like, well, weeds. But would you want your airline pilot, kids’ school busdriver, or surgeon for your wife to be high before the effort, or party hearty the night before. I for one do not, and don’t want my football team to either, sorry.
Maybe because weed (THC) is getting more potent or being vaped it's not real good for someone serious about playing football, but I suspect it's more meth or blow or opioids making the players act the fool out there too often.
I’m not old. I’m in my 30’s.

I’m a young black man who graduated from the U, then went on to grad school at Yale, and now I’m doing well for myself making $$$. I succeeded in life because I worked hard every single day. I never smoked weed.

So many of my friends I grew up with was smarter and more capable than me, but they just wasted their lives on the couch playing madden and some ****. And now they don’t do ****. And the reason is marijuana.

I hate that **** more than anything. I hate being around people who are high. I hate how it makes people act.

Jarren Williams is about to throw his entire football future away too and it strikes a chord with me.

**** marijuana.

Im not making a judgement on anybody and what they do, marijuana(medicinal or recreational) is here to stay. But it's clear that this program needs to bring in more players who care more about football than those other things. That is as clear as day to me
Alcohol doesn’t lower your IQ. Alcohol doesn’t ruin your motivation and make you sit on the couch eating Doritos all day.

I want football players who are driven, aggressive, hungry and committed.

If that means kicking half the team to the curb and starting over with nothing but transfers, so be it.

We are NEVER winning so long as our team is full of lazy stoners
Neither does weed.