bama commit Christian Williams visiting

Sellers gonna sell. I wish the “winning cures all” crowd would start to realize this.
Agree! Rumph simply can’t sell it. And yes he is a good developer of what we do get but with south Florida producing arguably the best dbs in the country, it’s no excuse for the continued sub par recruiting by rumph. On a ten win season, turnover chain hype, coastal title and an orange bowl berth he couldn’t even sell a guy he’s been coaching since he was a kid. If I couldn’t sell it then, then I don’t think he ever will. When he was on the fence about getting let go I was praying manny would have let him go, seeing as he was never mannys guy. The funny thing is he was Richts guy brought in to recruit South Florida and he is officially the worst recruiter on the team. Smh
At this point save the roster spot, don't waste a scholarship on just a body
Agree! Rumph simply can’t sell it. And yes he is a good developer of what we do get but with south Florida producing arguably the best dbs in the country, it’s no excuse for the continued sub par recruiting by rumph. On a ten win season, turnover chain hype, coastal title and an orange bowl berth he couldn’t even sell a guy he’s been coaching since he was a kid. If I couldn’t sell it then, then I don’t think he ever will. When he was on the fence about getting let go I was praying manny would have let him go, seeing as he was never mannys guy. The funny thing is he was Richts guy brought in to recruit South Florida and he is officially the worst recruiter on the team. Smh
Yea we went 7-6 and only won 10 games once since 03 but come make the crib great.
Lol, so the recruiting vets blame this on Rumph when we didn't get on this kid until Novemberish. Real tears... lmao so let me think because we have spots available because we played so poorly this year and got beat 35-3 in the last game we fielded a team.

Some of you guys are inflating a UM offer. We are a middle tier program. Until we win 10 games at least 3 or 4 years straight... I'm not going to be mad at Rumph some guys are overrated. I just want a winning consistent program. Is that too much to ask?
Rumph vs Raymond, what could go wrong?

Your CB coach HAS TO BE an ace. HAS TO BE! We are so blessed to live in a world where guys like Ivey and Bandy fall in our laps. It’d be ugly if we didn’t.

So great local kids that come here “fall into our laps” and the ones who don’t are because Rumph can’t recruit.

Fact is dbs sadly look for recruiters who they vibe with better and that sucks because FSU who was what 110th in pass defense or something like that last season can get a top 3 db class while Rumph is 10 times better as a coach but he doesn't get kids because he isn't cool enough let's just be real because if it was anything else a recruit the last 3 years would say it or a cb would say that instead of praising the school weekly ( Colbert, Delaney etc)
Agree! Rumph simply can’t sell it. And yes he is a good developer of what we do get but with south Florida producing arguably the best dbs in the country, it’s no excuse for the continued sub par recruiting by rumph. On a ten win season, turnover chain hype, coastal title and an orange bowl berth he couldn’t even sell a guy he’s been coaching since he was a kid. If I couldn’t sell it then, then I don’t think he ever will. When he was on the fence about getting let go I was praying manny would have let him go, seeing as he was never mannys guy. The funny thing is he was Richts guy brought in to recruit South Florida and he is officially the worst recruiter on the team. Smh
Last 3 games prolly phucked up our chances....look at the coaches who left for uga and bama....all of the sudden they have become better recruiters....I know they got bags....but we can't recruit with the bigdogs losing like we do... especially getting bi+c# slapped by weak *** teams...we gotta win the coastal a few years in a Clemson tough and win a bowl game against a quality top 10 opponent....then we will start stacking those top 4-5* recruits at money positions like DT and CB....
Lol. Cmon D. Rumph is buns and you know it. He struck out on a very long list of guys since he’s been here.

His best player to date is Adrian Colbert. Who has he really developed?
So what did he do? Wish upon a star to get a top pass defense and make NFL prospect every year? I get it once again Rumph is fun to hate...... Until they're on the field and they perform well
Lol. Cmon D. Rumph is buns and you know it. He struck out on a very long list of guys since he’s been here.

His best player to date is Adrian Colbert. Who has he really developed?

MJ was one of the better corners in the country. Bandy has turned into a very good player. Dean even developed from trash to serviceable.

The guy can coach, he just can’t land the 5 star CBs.