Bags aren't the problem

7-6 with one of the worst offenses in America

Richt got two five stars last year in Lingard and Pope, he completely misused them. How can anyone be shocked that the elite guys would want nothing to do with it right now?

Manny's gotta fix the offense. We have enough talent on defense to survive one ****** class
nah bro, they beat us because mediocre talent has bad days. thats why they don't beat us regularly.

No, it’s coaching. Miami is infinitely more talented than UVA, BC, and Duke. Miami lost those games because of poor offensive coaching, not because of talent.
Something that needs to be said as well is that we need a mega recruiter. Don Soldinger/Butch were our mega recruiters when we came into prominence and we need at least one now again. We need Jajuan Seider here, we need a Tee Martin, a Jeff Scott, a Tony Alford, a Mario Cristobal to be apart of this staff. One is available and the other wants to be here even though he’s at PSU. Make it happen...
@DMoney Seems we have a recent history of blaming complacency and "bad culture." Like guys come in, get their feelings hurt and play victim, and turn toxic.

Every. 3. Years.

Shannon years.. Golden's cleaning up bad attitudes..
Richt years.. he's cleaning the entitled Golden guys..

It seems from afar, we need to run these lazy, complacent, spoiled cancers out at the root, instead of letting them fester. It may be painful (e.g. JT), and sure there are guys you stick with and believe in (e.g. Willis), but do others have this same cycle? Are our players more entitled to play in the pros b/c they grew up in So Fl? Is 3 strikes and out prevalent at Alabama, Clemson, etc or do Saban and Dabo move the line for the prima donnas?
Well we want exactly a clean program then lol

We want to project a “clean” program...

But I’m not naive I know we play a small bag game and do a little dirty work we just don’t have that much bag/job networking to compete with the big SEC schools
The “must get” kids for the foreseeable future should be kids who can consistently beat teams in the division. Do that for a while and then maybe, maybe you can get lucky every seven years and make a playoff run. Key word is run. You are delusional if you think differently. Miami should move on from recruiting sofla studs and find other kids. Kids who have a chip who want to rip some five stars head off, kids from other parts of the country because the current recruiting is not working. And at some point they have to find a quarterback and some friggin’ linemen.
@DMoney Seems we have a recent history of blaming complacency and "bad culture." Like guys come in, get their feelings hurt and play victim, and turn toxic.

Every. 3. Years.

Shannon years.. Golden's cleaning up bad attitudes..
Richt years.. he's cleaning the entitled Golden guys..

It seems from afar, we need to run these lazy, complacent, spoiled cancers out at the root, instead of letting them fester. It may be painful (e.g. JT), and sure there are guys you stick with and believe in (e.g. Willis), but do others have this same cycle? Are our players more entitled to play in the pros b/c they grew up in So Fl? Is 3 strikes and out prevalent at Alabama, Clemson, etc or do Saban and Dabo move the line for the prima donnas?

I think the problem this year was just bad offensive coaching. The culture isn’t as bad as the past three coaches.

The offensive freshmen were ****ed they didn’t play but that’s normal given their rankings and our results. The real cancer on the team, from what I understand, was Jeff Thomas.

We just need to score some points.
No, it’s coaching. Miami is infinitely more talented than UVA, BC, and Duke. Miami lost those games because of poor offensive coaching, not because of talent.
you can have good coaching and a missed tackle or a drop can cost you. you can say thats coaching but elite talent lowers that margin of error. we had ******* malik rosier at QB bro, theres no coach fixing that BS
Bags are real. I've spoken to people on both sides of the transaction. Tyrique Stevenson and others are getting paid. The SEC is cheating and barely hiding it.

But that's not Miami's problem. For the past decade, we've recruited at a Top 15 level. We've produced NFL players at a Top 5 level. And we've played at a Top 40 level.

Let's get some coaches, man. I'm tired of talking about hiring "ace recruiters" to "lock down" South Florida and give us an overwhelming talent edge. I've been guilty of it myself. But it's a waste of time.

Do we need players like Tyrique Stevenson and Jerry Jeudy to compete for championships? Yes. We aren't getting them and we won't be in the title discussion until we do. But how about stringing together two 10-win seasons? Is that too much to ask? How about producing an offense that isn't the second-worst in Power 5?

These kids are getting smarter. Manny Diaz compared it to Kevin Durant going to the Warriors. The elite players travel the country in 7on7s and national camps. Social media has improved the flow of information. Elite recruits know what teams are winning and getting the good players.

Last year, we had our first ten-win season in fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. There are fathers and mothers who had never seen the Canes win double digits. Not coincidentally, we had a Top 10 class. Let's get the most out of guys like Mark Pope and Lorenzo Lingard. That will help our recruiting more than any bag.

Miami is like the dude who goes to the club looking like a scrub, and then complains that the models only hang out with the rich dudes. It may be true, but it has no impact on your situation. Let's get our house in order. We aren't losing to Virginia because Jerry Jeudy got paid.
This guy gets it the problem is u start well position yourself well with these guys then it all goes to **** when it’s time actually play football

Seriously look at last year i mean what happened with 10 wins even with the bad ending

Pretty great class
Sounds a like an excuse from their failure to recruit. I just wonder why Anderson's mom is still a janitor living in a condemned house and he was a 5-star recruit and rated as the 1 OLB in the country last year.

While we are on the topic, how much UCF paying players because they would have wrecked us?

I’ve seen the texts. Georgia is paying.
Interesting take, I wonder why UGA doesn't pay kids from GA. Adam Anderson was the 1 OLB in the country last year and his momma lives in a condemned house (literally). Kirby Smart is a proven coach with a proven staff and somehow we wonder why the top kids in the country don't come here when our coach just quit after a 7 and 6 season.

I have no idea why you bother. You can't win. Simpleton cynics are going to be simpleton cynics. They are in their absolute glory around here, their paradise. All they have to do is shout bags in every post and they become heroes to fellow simpleton cynics. There is one poster here who completely changed his posting style and themes from a decade ago on another site, so he can fit in here and lavish in the flimsy praise. It is hilarious.
Been saying this. We have fans that are in denial in regards to how mediocre our program has become and they think kids are supposed to be loyal to some team that has been irrelevant during their whole lifetime.
Bags are real. I've spoken to people on both sides of the transaction. Tyrique Stevenson and others are getting paid. The SEC is cheating and barely hiding it.

But that's not Miami's problem. For the past decade, we've recruited at a Top 15 level. We've produced NFL players at a Top 5 level. And we've played at a Top 40 level.

Let's get some coaches, man. I'm tired of talking about hiring "ace recruiters" to "lock down" South Florida and give us an overwhelming talent edge. I've been guilty of it myself. But it's a waste of time.

Do we need players like Tyrique Stevenson and Jerry Jeudy to compete for championships? Yes. We aren't getting them and we won't be in the title discussion until we do. But how about stringing together two 10-win seasons? Is that too much to ask? How about producing an offense that isn't the second-worst in Power 5?

These kids are getting smarter. Manny Diaz compared it to Kevin Durant going to the Warriors. The elite players travel the country in 7on7s and national camps. Social media has improved the flow of information. Elite recruits know what teams are winning and getting the good players.

Last year, we had our first ten-win season in fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. There are fathers and mothers who had never seen the Canes win double digits. Not coincidentally, we had a Top 10 class. Let's get the most out of guys like Mark Pope and Lorenzo Lingard. That will help our recruiting more than any bag.

Miami is like the dude who goes to the club looking like a scrub, and then complains that the models only hang out with the rich dudes. It may be true, but it has no impact on your situation. Let's get our house in order. We aren't losing to Virginia because Jerry Jeudy got paid.
How much did Syracuse drop on Nunn? How much did Indiana drop on Mullen? How much did Clemson drop on Boateng? How much did Michigan drop on Solomon? How much did Kentucky drop on Scalzo? How much was dropped on Brownlee & Good? How much did OU drop on Davis? Just curious how much was dropped on these guys that are bodies that we need?
I know his mom lives in a condemned house because it was in the newspaper. If he or his mom were paid then are not spending the money.

You don’t have a clue on what mom is doing with the money. Weak argument.
UGA just paid $100K for a linebacker. Per two SEC coaches from different schools.

Been saying this. We have fans that are in denial in regards to how mediocre our program has become and they think kids are supposed to be loyal to some team that has been irrelevant during their whole lifetime.
you know whats worse than the fans being in denial? thats the coaches being in denial. Why don't we have backup plans if we are so trash?
I have no idea why you bother. You can't win. Simpleton cynics are going to be simpleton cynics. They are in their absolute glory around here, their paradise. All they have to do is shout bags in every post and they become heroes to fellow simpleton cynics. There is one poster here who completely changed his posting style and themes from a decade ago on another site, so he can fit in here and lavish in the flimsy praise. It is hilarious.

Another hot take from the all knowing Awsi Dooger! Recruits do not get paid and the wishbone is the best offense, right?
How much did Syracuse drop on Nunn? How much did Indiana drop on Mullen? How much did Clemson drop on Boateng? How much did Michigan drop on Solomon? How much did Kentucky drop on Scalzo? How much was dropped on Brownlee & Good? How much did OU drop on Davis? Just curious how much was dropped on these guys that are bodies that we need?
