Bad Decisions

Kendrick should’ve came back. RJ probably would’ve improved his stock if he was healthy but Kendrick DEFINITELY should’ve came back.
Who cares, the more I see this happen the more I think we aren't recruiting well enough. When you could barely make the All ACC team and you don't have enough confidence to bet on yourself for your senior year and think the All ACC 3rd team is the best you can do in your collegiate career especially when your staring at being 4-5th round pick if you declare then scram, bye, skedaddle.
I believe Clemson’s DL had to The School could get their $$$ worth out of them from the bags. Sure they got nice bonus$$$ in addition to insurance policy.
Hindsight is always 20/20..

The thing about being drafted is early is that it isnt always about the $ (though there's a big difference) it's also about the security. A team isnt cutting a 1-3 round pick unless you are horrible. It makes them look bad. Even if your garbage they will work with you. And, if your a late round pick, be prepared to bust yo *** to make that team. You are expendable and anyone telling you different isnt your friend. You can outperform a guy picked earlier and still get cut. It's a business

I'll never knock a kid for chasing his dream...
I think it’s up to the individual kid and what their situation looks like. Some can afford to stay while others can’t. I wish them all well in their pursuit of their dreams. I do think someone can manage $2mil and not blow it all especially if they have good financial foundation and aren’t chasing a quick buck. Each kid at the end of the day gave their time, effort, and soul for the team. To moan about it when most of us are looking at it from what they could’ve done for the team if they stayed isn’t necessarily the better way to view it. Sometimes they are indeed listening to agents while other times it could mean the difference of food on the table for family. I get it, and I don’t begrudge any of them for leaving because of it. Does it always make sense to us, no.
Another line I’m tired of hearing is the “they are trying to hurry and get to the second contract so they leave early” BS. How the **** half these kids going to get to a 2nd contract if they never get to a 1st? Ask guys like Tommy Streeter and Brandon Washington about a 2nd contract smh

That's the Omar Kelly theory, lol. Which is fine in theory - but guess what, to get to your second contract you have to earn your first one to begin with by making a team and optimizing your initial chances to do so

I get both sides of the argument here, especially with the injury factor involved in this sport, but to leave as 3rd day picks is a head scratcher
Unless you're a running back or guarenteed first 2 rounds you should stay for your senior year
I feel if Norton and Mac stayed Nesta doesn’t come here. Obviously we won’t know if we would have taken that trade off since he hasn’t played a snap yet in his career.
Rj comes from a good enough family to know that 2 mil at 21 won’t last long unless you are one savvy investor. And that’s what these agents promise them. They say that they know a guy who can flip that 2 mil in to 10 if he doesn’t make it in the league. It boils down to bad advice just like op said. You can believe you’ll be the next pro- bowler but the facts don’t back it up. The safest bet is to stay one more year. But they believe the agent hype. Look at what rj and Norton turned down. And extra year of hype and an opening game against LSU where everyone would see them eat and a chance to be ranked in the top ten most of the season where every week they would be in the conversation on every network that has a cfb show. Bad bad advice.

That's all true, I'm just saying it's not surprising. I think people forget some of the bad decisions they or their friends made when they were younger. People in their 40s are prone to believing positive BS they're told about themselves, so it should be very easy to see how a 20 YO would believe the hype.

Look, maybe you and everyone else here are level headed and skeptical, but most people aren't. Most people think they make logical decisions, but in reality they make emotional decisions.
Another line I’m tired of hearing is the “they are trying to hurry and get to the second contract so they leave early” BS. How the **** half these kids going to get to a 2nd contract if they never get to a 1st? Ask guys like Tommy Streeter and Brandon Washington about a 2nd contract smh

The only position that line holds true for is RB. Their shelf life is so short in the NFL and there is no need to tack in rushes in college as a senior if you are ready to go to the NFL.
To me unless you’re a 1sr or 2nd rd grade as a jr I don’t get why you would leave early. Especially when we are building something special. At least Jaquan and Micheal were smart about their futures.
im not a kaaya fan but this is wrong. they are almsot opposites. Kaaya chokes in clutch, rosier has knack for big plays.
Knack for big plays?? his best throws were to the wrong receiver that saved the game by making unbelievable catches. poor choices that worked out. hope we don't need that kind of "big plays" this year. how many "big plays" were missed by just poor poor throws and reads?
Knack for big plays?? his best throws were to the wrong receiver that saved the game by making unbelievable catches. poor choices that worked out. hope we don't need that kind of "big plays" this year. how many "big plays" were missed by just poor poor throws and reads?
He threw some dimes in games we needed him to win and finished the FSU game 9-10 throwing perfect td passes, driving the ball methodically down the field vs Georgia tech and great passes in the Virginia game when we were down. None of those games had unbelievable catches outside the langham .
4th down conversion. Just good throws
Kendrick Norton and RJ McIntosh both are on the bubble of making their teams.

Norton is 5th strong DT. He may have a chance at Practice Roster.

RJ hasn’t been healthy since he got drafted. I believe he was having issues with his Thyroid gland.

While they may get picked up by another team, this is a good lesson for players who aren’t projected to go in the top 2 rounds to not leave early.

Imagine the depth on our line if they did stay (and RJ was actually healthy).

I’m still rooting for them to be successful, just wish they mad better decisions.
which one of these cats is represented by Peter A? that dude might be partially responsible for this debacle.
Don't worry, guysm, I'm sure Pete and the rest at that agency is giving them continued good advice.
