Attention Users

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Simply put, this is over due.
Enough of all the stuff that keeps this place from being positive.
Let's collectively turn away from negativity.
Let's get behind this staff and administration.
Overt, unnecessary disrespect has gotten really stale.
Under these new rules the board will flourish.
Time has come for moderation.
Support this new mentality here folks.

Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's cryin', Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Someone's singin', Lord, kumbaya;
Oh, Lord, kumbaya.
This is bogus man.

Hey Andrew or D$, can you guys enable vine video embedding at the WEZ?
Great to see these progressive changes! Congrats on making this forum a place for #realcanesfam!
Question on the rules...

Can we say that a certain poster may be fond of Richard Simmons?

Not calling any names at all.
Serious question. Can we call Al golden and other staff members ***gots? Is that rule only for other members or just the word itself is not allowed?
Greetings -

First, I would like to state that all users are be redirected to this thread and the issues I will bring up are not issues you have personally caused but rather the board as a whole has.

After many discussions with users CanesInSight Administration has decided a change in board enforcement is overdue. The new rules go into effect immediately and this thread should serve as your warning.

  • Infractions will not expire for 1 month. This was previously 7 days.
  • Reputation system has been disabled, forever

New Infractions

  • Circumventing Censored Words
  • Insulting a Post
  • Homosexual Slur
  • Excessive Bumping (more than once in a 24 hour period or with no new information)
  • Creating an Unnecessary Thread
  • Trolling
  • Derailing a thread

If you would like to dispute your infraction please PM myself or DMoney. We also reserve the right to ban without warning when we will it is appropriate.

So, that means we can't bring back the famous "I heard Golden is Getting Fired Monday" thread from last December?

Just ****.😱
Do these rules apply to the plants that go and cause trouble for no reason or just people that dont fall under the dictatorship of korea gables?
Can we start calling people NFL player names or variants as insults?

Like "dammit dk72, you're such a d'prickashaw."
you are taking away the one thing that made this country great freedom of speech/expression, cane fans come hear to express there feeling about the program,players, coaches, etc. yeah we have people on this site that crosses the line sometimes but that's what makes this site fun its a perfect balance, people want to express them self and if your site cant provide that platform people will find another site that will.

Then your freedom hasn't been taken. Goodbye.
So now when someone makes a dumb post you can't say anything about it? What happened to " attack the post not the person"?
Also, all posters that end their post with a question must be answered by the next poster so that they do not feel ignored.

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