Article about Mario the QB killer

Question. Other than playing physical football(which usually correlates with running the ball somewhat)what offensive philosophy do you feel is Mario's? Do you feel Manny had an offensive philosophy? I get Mario is a hands on coach but do you really thinks he's telling Gattis this is how you have to call our offense or not be quite as heavy handed as that. Mario will definitely make sure his principles(physicality,running the ball,etc.)are embraced. But outside of that it's on gratis how creative we get.

To me, the bigger question mark is how will Gattis call a game rather than how will Mario make his imprint on the offense. We've all heard that Harbaugh limited Gattis in what he can do yet Michigan had a pretty good offense. And 2018 Bama - we know Locksley was the OC but Gattis supposedly was very influential in that offense. Will we get some of that? We know Mario wants what you say - physicality and the ability to run the ball. Gattis' offense, to me, is the bigger question mark. JMO.
Question. Other than playing physical football(which usually correlates with running the ball somewhat)what offensive philosophy do you feel is Mario's? Do you feel Manny had an offensive philosophy? I get Mario is a hands on coach but do you really thinks he's telling Gattis this is how you have to call our offense or not be quite as heavy handed as that. Mario will definitely make sure his principles(physicality,running the ball,etc.)are embraced. But outside of that it's on gratis how creative we get.

I think Mario’s philosophy is exactly as you’ve described it. Tough and physical, similar to Saban at Bama before he completely revamped his thinking.
I think Mario’s philosophy is exactly as you’ve described it. Tough and physical, similar to Saban at Bama before he completely revamped his thinking.

Yep, and it’s not that Mario controls what his OC can do, it’s that he hires an OC that will already want to do that.

I don’t know what to think about the rumored hires.

Briles and the OC from Tenn. seemed like, “Kiffin” moments if he was actually interested in him.

And then you hear he wanted Tommy Reece, an OC who was actually learning how to implement RPO stuff while the OC at ND, and it would be more evidence of why one should be concerned.
I think this was a significant reason he bolted. He has better access to high-end talent here than there. I am hopeful that Mario the recruiter > Mario the coach and the recruiter forces the coach to open it up a little more.
It's not accurate at all to say though. When you speak on these bama recievers he gets no recruits close to who exactly are you speaking on? The few 5 stars that were brought in or just higher end talent? Because Mario brought in quite a few high 4 star kids at wr & at QB. He even had a couple that were 5 stars who went down to 4 stars. Now if you're blaming him for them not turning out as well as those bama 5 stars than that's a lil different. But it's an entirely different conversation isn't it... And to ask why did they sign brown is another conversation if imagine. Because it implies he wasn't recruiting qbs at a high enough level. But if you look through his classes you see he had at least 1 high 4 star top 10 QB annually basically and one 5star in lil johnnies favorite QB that Mario signed Johnson Jr I think was his name. Not a single one of them panned out other than shough & he got hurt than regressed heavily. Again a different conversation. Unless that was your point all along is they never produced at the level like they did at bama. But can you put all of that on him & leave out anything on the oc?
It's a bottom-line business and every coach will either get praised or crucified for the recruits they bring in.

But I wish I had saved a link someone posted recently of either the 2019 or 2020 QB class. Short of 2 or 3, the majority of the top 50 qbs totally flunked. It's a hard business and there's some luck involved. It's really tough to judge a coach merely by his QB classes.
You'll know right away? So does that mean you should discount all the continuous dropped balls from the recievers all throughout camp? You do realize a coaches job is to win. Not to do it a certain way and placate the fanbase. People never grasp that. You do what you got to do to win. Whether that's pretty or not isn't relevant if it's not an option.

You think the way to win this year is pound the ball and not put it in TVDs hands?

Our receivers are so pathetic we need to neuter the passing game?
Ok, not sure what to make of Mario's offensive expertise. Is he a QB killer? Time will tell, but doubtful. For starters, his offenses are typically what his coordinators bring to the show. His last coordinator at Oregon had previously been a head coach and landed another gig after last season. As for QBs, one was a 1st rd pick and is enjoying NFL success. His most recent, Anthony Brown, was pretty much dead on arrival. Flat-out awful.

What really have to appreciate is the brains behind this article. If read correctly, the opinions are those of one Natalie Liebhaber, described as employed in the financial technology industry in Utah. Really?
I think Mario’s philosophy is exactly as you’ve described it. Tough and physical, similar to Saban at Bama before he completely revamped his thinking.
What makes you think it's Saban who revamped his thinking? Why couldn't it have been the offensive people he had in place simply came into their own? He's always been known to be very similar to Mario in the sense that he's very hands on with his position group(dbs opposed to oline) but he lets his staff do their jobs to the best of their availability.
It's not accurate at all to say though. When you speak on these bama recievers he gets no recruits close to who exactly are you speaking on? The few 5 stars that were brought in or just higher end talent? Because Mario brought in quite a few high 4 star kids at wr & at QB. He even had a couple that were 5 stars who went down to 4 stars. Now if you're blaming him for them not turning out as well as those bama 5 stars than that's a lil different. But it's an entirely different conversation isn't it... And to ask why did they sign brown is another conversation if imagine. Because it implies he wasn't recruiting qbs at a high enough level. But if you look through his classes you see he had at least 1 high 4 star top 10 QB annually basically and one 5star in lil johnnies favorite QB that Mario signed Johnson Jr I think was his name. Not a single one of them panned out other than shough & he got hurt than regressed heavily. Again a different conversation. Unless that was your point all along is they never produced at the level like they did at bama. But can you put all of that on him & leave out anything on the oc?
I didn’t mean to imply Mario recruited JAGs. Many recruits don’t live up to their ranking for any number of reasons. It’s happens. Injuries, overrated, not coachable attitude, poor effort by the player. ****, Saban’s best WR last year came from the transfer portal thru Ohio State. He and his staff must have whiffed on a few of their own recruits.

My point, poorly stated, is Herbert didn’t have a supporting cast equal to Tua‘s or other QBs putting up huge fantasy numbers. I would think this would impact the playcalling. Especially when you want a balanced, physical offense, and have excellent RBs and OL.

All of which point to how talented Herbert is and how well he was coached.
True. We can note which assistants from Oregon did not move to Miami.

Some may have preferred to stay out West, but I suspect Mario didn’t bother to ask a few.

That's all. Not saying Mario is blameless, but I don't know that he should get 99% of the blame either.
Should have been drafted higher, am I right Dolphin fans?

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It's not accurate at all to say though. When you speak on these bama recievers he gets no recruits close to who exactly are you speaking on? The few 5 stars that were brought in or just higher end talent? Because Mario brought in quite a few high 4 star kids at wr & at QB. He even had a couple that were 5 stars who went down to 4 stars. Now if you're blaming him for them not turning out as well as those bama 5 stars than that's a lil different. But it's an entirely different conversation isn't it... And to ask why did they sign brown is another conversation if imagine. Because it implies he wasn't recruiting qbs at a high enough level. But if you look through his classes you see he had at least 1 high 4 star top 10 QB annually basically and one 5star in lil johnnies favorite QB that Mario signed Johnson Jr I think was his name. Not a single one of them panned out other than shough & he got hurt than regressed heavily. Again a different conversation. Unless that was your point all along is they never produced at the level like they did at bama. But can you put all of that on him & leave out anything on the oc?

You raise great points, and I would simply say this. If talented guys didn't pan out, that's on "talent ID" and "recruiting" and "development". It's not "offensive philosophy" or "limiting a QB".
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So you don’t think Saban persists with a tough and physical philosophy today?

I think he employs a far more complex and explosive offensive style than he used to. I also think his prototype WR has evolved.

Physicality within that is always going to be a component but It’s night and day from McElroy passing for 58 yards in his first title game.
You think the way to win this year is pound the ball and not put it in TVDs hands?

Our receivers are so pathetic we need to neuter the passing game?
Not necessarily. We'll just have to see how the group pans out in live time. But if they can't hold onto the ball then we'll have no choice but to adapt. In an ideal world we have a QB who could be potentially be elite. But a QB is only what the weapons around him allow him to be. If the recievers can't live up to their end(which I think they can)then you're gonna see the tight ends and the running backs featured far more.
What makes you think it's Saban who revamped his thinking? Why couldn't it have been the offensive people he had in place simply came into their own? He's always been known to be very similar to Mario in the sense that he's very hands on with his position group(dbs opposed to oline) but he lets his staff do their jobs to the best of their availability.
Saban said it himself lol
said he was going to be a bust big time, great kid great cfb QB in the right system with stacked talent. Elite superbowl type NFL QB? aint alot of those.....bust? probably or career backup
Me too! Busy 1000% I lost my mind on draft night. Whatever, I can count on the bears ownership and management to ***** up everything. I pray they don’t draft Tyrique… the bears did nail their second round safety pick last year fwiw
What makes you think it's Saban who revamped his thinking? Why couldn't it have been the offensive people he had in place simply came into their own? He's always been known to be very similar to Mario in the sense that he's very hands on with his position group(dbs opposed to oline) but he lets his staff do their jobs to the best of their availability.

I believe he’s had a different coordinator for each of his last few titles. Regardless, I have confidence Mario will figure it out as he continues to evolve.
Saban said it himself lol
That does make me laugh. You think Satan the megalomaniac would give credit to anyone else... Lol
Satan by the way hasn't had his own creative thought since the 90s. It's what happens when you can afford to have ALL of the best throughout & someone who knows how to delegate up top. But y'all feel free to think it's him who does everything. There's a reason everytime he sees adversity he just goes and throws far more money then they are worth at it to correct. As um fans y'all have seen it twice from Mario at the time getting a huge raise to leave to more recently he solved our own problem with t-rob(he was a problem because he was one of the few assistants who had a buy out)