Off-Topic Army cutting its size


Live from San Pomme de Terre
Dec 19, 2014
Apparently recruiting isn't going well.

Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong. - Ronald Reagan

Remember they were kicking out unvaccinated troops. We have the worlds best, and only, woke armed forces.

Those people, sadly, did not make good decisions (or maybe they did in their eyes) and it's clear that their decisions were politically motivated. That's a big no-no in the military.

I wonder if they put that much thought to the other 23984732984 vaccines they get.
Apparently recruiting isn't going well.

Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong. - Ronald Reagan

Most young people have come to realize that the Military is only dedicated to the Military Industrial Mafia. Corporate, Rich and most congressional and Senate people kids don't sign up. Why should anybody sign up to fight corporate wars. After WWII every war since, maybe not Korea, was for BS or Corporate motivated reasons.
Those people, sadly, did not make good decisions (or maybe they did in their eyes) and it's clear that their decisions were politically motivated. That's a big no-no in the military.

I wonder if they put that much thought to the other 23984732984 vaccines they get.
You are exactly right. Politics is the major motivator. They were all Woo how when they came in and took a litany of shots and when deployed in certain regions. They are full off S***.



It 100% is.
No it isn’t. Claiming they’re the only ones and doing it for political reasons isn’t serious. It’s the complete opposite. They don’t need it, so they don’t want it. Whatever you think about the other vaccines they force them to get, this is different. It does not work and serves no purpose.

You’re also refusing to address the recruiting issue which is tied to the wokeness. It might be hard for some here to wrap their mind around, but that kid from the backwoods, who you claims bangs his cousin, is who wins wars. They aren’t gonna join to learn how evil and racist they are just bc they’re white. They aren’t gonna join when they’re forced to shower with and learn about trans rights. As if they somehow have different rights than anybody else.

Like I said a long time ago, it’s systematic and it’s finally gotten bad enough to not be able to hide anymore. You don’t even wanna get into battle preparedness, either.
Soldiers refusing an order (to get vax'ed) was/is not what you want when the military is all about accepting and executing orders from above. Soldiers don't get to choose which orders they will accept or reject. Doesn't work that way.
You’re missing the point. They made it mandatory on purpose. They knew this would happen.
No it isn’t. Claiming they’re the only ones and doing it for political reasons isn’t serious. It’s the complete opposite. They don’t need it, so they don’t want it. Whatever you think about the other vaccines they force them to get, this is different. It does not work and serves no purpose.

You’re also refusing to address the recruiting issue which is tied to the wokeness. It might be hard for some here to wrap their mind around, but that kid from the backwoods, who you claims bangs his cousin, is who wins wars. They aren’t gonna join to learn how evil and racist they are just bc they’re white. They aren’t gonna join when they’re forced to shower with and learn about trans rights. As if they somehow have different rights than anybody else.

Like I said a long time ago, it’s systematic and it’s finally gotten bad enough to not be able to hide anymore. You don’t even wanna get into battle preparedness, either.
This isn’t a serious response
@Canes Stan, do you know anyone who has objected to the shot? I've worked in healthcare for years and there have always been a percentage that objected to flu shots. They usually feel that it's best for the body to build it's own resistance. That's not political at all. It extends to Covid. I was hearing the same people say the same things about the shot before it was even released. Add in the new mRNA factor and people are even more cautious. Sure, there might have been people who adopted a stance based on politics, but not everything is political, nor should it be.
No it isn’t. Claiming they’re the only ones and doing it for political reasons isn’t serious. It’s the complete opposite. They don’t need it, so they don’t want it. Whatever you think about the other vaccines they force them to get, this is different. It does not work and serves no purpose.

You’re also refusing to address the recruiting issue which is tied to the wokeness. It might be hard for some here to wrap their mind around, but that kid from the backwoods, who you claims bangs his cousin, is who wins wars. They aren’t gonna join to learn how evil and racist they are just bc they’re white. They aren’t gonna join when they’re forced to shower with and learn about trans rights. As if they somehow have different rights than anybody else.

Like I said a long time ago, it’s systematic and it’s finally gotten bad enough to not be able to hide anymore. You don’t even wanna get into battle preparedness, either.

Like I said - do they challenge these orders for other vaccines? ****, the flu vaccine is required. Do they turn that down given it's wildly varying effectiveness year to year? Your comment about its effectiveness is completely irrelevant and it's just a convenient story by people like you. Military woke people were turning down the covid vax from the jump even when effectiveness was very high. Again, it was purely political in motivation.

As for your wokeness comment, your portrayal of what a grunt looks like is not what I was envisioning so I'm not that one disparaging their looks, background, etc. and I certainly didn't criticize them b/c they're white. And trans rights? Nobody said any of that - only you. All of that is just an odd take on your part and demonstrates the lens that you view everything through.