Are we over the Garcia hype yet?

It's too early to judge Garcia. He hasn't had enough reps to give him a real chance to lead this team and he's also playing in a historically bad offensive scheme. Don't tear this kid down, at least give him a chance with an OC that tries to help his players.
Yeah he def did not seize the opportunity against a weak opponent. I didnt see much positive from him at any point

I am cautious to write him off completely given the historically inept offense being featured in Miami smh
I won’t judge Garcia based on his abysmal performances the last two games. IMO, something is going on upstairs with his confidence/decision making. I think he’s better than his performance today, but I’d pull him for Brown if he has a similar performance next week.
Just like I stopped judging defensive players when we had D'Onofrio, I'm not judging players while we have Gattis. Moreover, can any WR get any separation? Think I rather have played in traffic for 3 hours than watch this offense.
TVD went through the same phase of looking mediocre having to adjust to being the head of the team in the middle of the season. Although I believe Jacurri Brown is the future of this team.. not ready to write off Garcia yet.
You guys are overreacting. Did Jake have a good game? F no.
Is Jake terrible? Also no. He's our 2nd higest rated QB recruit since 2000....yeah our sample size of him hasn't been the biggest, but watching him play out there and the offense and the struggles are almost identical to TVD's struggles earlier in the season. They both have regressed. It isn't the players, its the coaches, scheme, etc. Ironic that both him and TVD are both now locking onto their 1st read...but for the sample size we do have of him last year, and offseason, he looked fine and had better mechanics and release than TVD. You really think the product he put out there is representative of him as a player? Obviously he was rattled, got hit too many times and had happy feet. He was also in his own head about all the interceptions he threw last game. It's a lot to ask to run Gattis' garbagio scheme and also to have your 1st start on the road. It hits different. To me that part is obvious, idk about you.

I'm not even team Jake or anything like that. It's just funny how quickly CIS will turn on a player. Jacurri is a good runner, but his throws scare me as much as Jake's did/do this game. So not sure why anyone would think that he's also a viable option.

Trust me, I'm thoroughly disgusted with the product on the field, but lets say we had Lashlee back, we would have put up 35+ points on that bad Virginia team.

IDK if its Gattis or Ponce, or both, but all signs point to Gattis just based off of playcalling. But something needs to change asap. We need to clean house with the offensive staph sans TE, RB, and OL coaches.

The best hope for the remainder of the season is that we get TVD back asap and overhaul the offensive staph in the offseason.
I am not sure that Jake Garcia is the answer. But the kid right now has zero confidence in himself. So it’s hard to judge him right now. I’m not a fan of these type of threads immediately after games.
TVD has had no confidence for at least parts of this season, too. What’s the common link?
TVD went through the same phase of looking mediocre having to adjust to being the head of the team in the middle of the season. Although I believe Jacurri Brown is the future of this team.. not ready to write off Garcia yet.
Not unless he significantly improves his accuracy and touch.
This board has really eroded over the years. The takes get dumber and dumber.

So a highly touted prospect whose shown high level flashes should now be written off based on his first road start behind a terrible Oline and the worst playcaller OC we’ve ever seen based on 5 game sample size.

Do y’all seriously ever say this stuff out loud before you post it?
Same dudes saying he garbage (after his first start) were imploring people to give TVD a chance to get comfortable and don’t rush to judgement after he was also thrust into being the starter due to injury.