Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

Sometimes the beauty challenged ones are the most fun. They realize their opportunities may be few and far between so they're going to make the most of the ones they get.

No man. I’m not letting that mouth get anywhere near me. Not only is she disgusting looking, but she looks like she could commit a homicide with that mouth. She literally looks like she could be in a horror movie.
No man. I’m not letting that mouth get anywhere near me. Not only is she disgusting looking, but she looks like she could commit a homicide with that mouth. She literally looks like she could be in a horror movie.
I'd have to agree with you on that one. With that grill, she'd be more lethal than Lorena Bobbitt.
Well, considering the amount of students living on campus is only 3,000, these numbers are a bit misleading. Ultimately, the guy needs to hop on the metro rail and meet the rest of the city.
And they're probably a lot of Greeks. N'kosi probably has a language barrier.
I didn't know UF had interscholastic boxing.
Someone on a FB Canes page posted this screen shot. This kid seems to not realize the opportunity at his disposal. His mental makeup is concerning as one of the potential future leaders of this ballclub. Could be something or could be nothing *
shrugs. *View attachment 81345
Dude is not smart
It’s 7:47 AM and he has 12% battery
And some of you want THIS clown to start
Good grief he seems like a total tard
Bye *. Need a guy with the right attitude to be a starter and he isnt it. Probably not liking that Enos cracking the whip.
If this is really from Perry, it's disappointing. I've been in his corner hoping he would mature. Kid is ****ting all over himself. With this baggage, even if you want to leave, who would want you? No time for primadonna crybaby bs!!!! Give me guys that want to be men. Will grind all day and never complain. Like Mike Singletary says, "I need winner!!!." Thst means on and off the field and leadership.
Does UM have a semester abroad program? You know, where the students go live and take classes in another country?

He can meet new people that way. Might not be too late to sign up for this Fall.
He thought a semester abroad meant something else. Honest mistake.
Slightly there now an actual sustained alligator population in the lake? Doesn’t that pose a risk to students? I recall some areas around Osceola where the path dipped fairly close to the water.

Also, isn’t Osceola brackish? I recall seeing barracudas in there in the past.
Hope this isn’t true , well with that attitude he’ll end up following a white line till he’s told it’s lunch time and to go home after 12 hours of digging.

Hope this young gets it soon before he says OMG what have I done and it’s to late

If this is really from Perry, it's disappointing. I've been in his corner hoping he would mature. Kid is ****ting all over himself. With this baggage, even if you want to leave, who would want you? No time for primadonna crybaby bs!!!! Give me guys that want to be men. Will grind all day and never complain. Like Mike Singletary says, "I need winner!!!." Thst means on and off the field and leadership.
Imo, Kosi's checked out, good chance Tate has to wait a year and If Jarren's head isn't in the game or he gets hurt we're down to Cade.

Hope Cade has learn't from his mistakes and put the time in, because there is a good chance he'll be starting at some point this year.