Any update on Stevenson’s visit

If what is being said on the UGA boards is accurate it looks like Kirby is in no hurry to name a DC. They are thinking it won’t be until after their bowl game but before February signing day.
Lol what’s posted in articles vs. the stuff that I’ve heard while I’m at Southridge.. I guess we’ll find out Jan 5th
Couldn’t close Campbell despite the Richt connection, when we had recruiting momentum last year.

And now we are expecting to close this kid? People never learn. If he was coming here he’d be committed already.
I didn’t know Banda was trying to close Campbell.
If what is being said on the UGA boards is accurate it looks like Kirby is in no hurry to name a DC. They are thinking it won’t be until after their bowl game but before February signing day.
And the fans think it will be Ansley and tried to say Stevenson and Ansley just recently followed each other on twitter but that’s not true. He’s not one of stevenson recent follows, Ahmmon Richards is
got a feeling this kid is torn and will flip flop his decision a few times before Wednesday.
But, but, but....we had some people adamant that we wouldn’t even make his top 2. He’s UGA or UF, they said. LOL.
I think it's Miami.. a Dade kid wouldn't post this on Twitter to then choose Georgia...