Another coaching blooper reel

See, I don't mind if people are gonna dog the pre-snap alignments but atleast know WTF you're talkin about.

The first play in question...

Burns HAS to be on the TE side. We're playing zone. Who do you think is covering the TE if he goes vertical? Also, what if they run toss? The problem is yall don't know the difference between zone and man. In zone, LB's match up with WR's all the time. Burn is either playing Cover-2, in which case he has the flats, or Cover-3 where he has the TE releasing vertical. The Linebacker that's lined up on the #2 is covering flats. Just cause he's got a ****in' WR across from him doesn't mean he's playing man on him. SMH

Honestly, not a single alignment (screen shot) in this thread is wrong. They're all pretty standard.
Man you are wrong. Why would any coach with sense line there DB up behind the LB's almost as deep as the safeties?


You would leave the entire field open.

God **** man, this **** is giving me a headache.

Burns is the CB. He's playing deep 1/3 or deep 1/4. It's not man defense, it's zone.

If he lines up too close to the TE then he's vulnerable to play-action pass and the TE will be wide open for a touchdown.

Where do you think he's supposed to be lined up?

You continue to talk about 1/3 coverage's. But what does that have to do with the alignment? What is even more laughable is that he is bailing and back peddling right before the start of the They are in a double tight end formation with both wide outs on the short side of the field so who is he guarding?

That play is so dumb it is comical.

It's zone. He isn't covering anyone. He is covering an area of the field.

So why would we be in a deep zone? That is a stupid play call. Nebraska does not throw the ball. So who are we guarding in a deep zone? That is the dumbest play I have witness. It makes no sense. So again we were not in the right defensive play and were lined up wrong.
Look at how silly we look lined up. The is the same formation different play and you guys still think they were lined up correctly

It isn't the same formation. I think they should've been forced to do it and we didn't but it has been pointed out that Nebraska had averaged throwing the ball 30 times a game.
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It isn't the same formation. I think they should've been forced to do it and we didn't but it has been pointed out that Nebraska had averaged throwing the ball 30 times a game.

LOL, and in the 4th quarter when they had run over 45+ times I'm sure our staff was saying just that. "Nebraska throws the ball 30 times a game"... get the **** out of here with this ****ed up ****.
It isn't the same formation. I think they should've been forced to do it and we didn't but it has been pointed out that Nebraska had averaged throwing the ball 30 times a game.

LOL, and in the 4th quarter when they had run over 45+ times I'm sure our staff was saying just that. "Nebraska throws the ball 30 times a game"... get the **** out of here with this ****ed up ****.

fincane is a master at pointing out the irrelevant. See his post about Maurice Hagens in this thread.
See, I don't mind if people are gonna dog the pre-snap alignments but atleast know WTF you're talkin about.

The first play in question...

Burns HAS to be on the TE side. We're playing zone. Who do you think is covering the TE if he goes vertical? Also, what if they run toss? The problem is yall don't know the difference between zone and man. In zone, LB's match up with WR's all the time. Burn is either playing Cover-2, in which case he has the flats, or Cover-3 where he has the TE releasing vertical. The Linebacker that's lined up on the #2 is covering flats. Just cause he's got a ****in' WR across from him doesn't mean he's playing man on him. SMH

Honestly, not a single alignment (screen shot) in this thread is wrong. They're all pretty standard.
Man you are wrong. Why would any coach with sense line there DB up behind the LB's almost as deep as the safeties?


You would leave the entire field open.

not even trying to get in the backfield no wonder no TFL.

Holy ****@ the DL right here, Tyriq is standing right up, no leverage what so ever
See, I don't mind if people are gonna dog the pre-snap alignments but atleast know WTF you're talkin about.

The first play in question...

Burns HAS to be on the TE side. We're playing zone. Who do you think is covering the TE if he goes vertical? Also, what if they run toss? The problem is yall don't know the difference between zone and man. In zone, LB's match up with WR's all the time. Burn is either playing Cover-2, in which case he has the flats, or Cover-3 where he has the TE releasing vertical. The Linebacker that's lined up on the #2 is covering flats. Just cause he's got a ****in' WR across from him doesn't mean he's playing man on him. SMH

Honestly, not a single alignment (screen shot) in this thread is wrong. They're all pretty standard.
Man you are wrong. Why would any coach with sense line there DB up behind the LB's almost as deep as the safeties?


You would leave the entire field open.

not even trying to get in the backfield no wonder no TFL.

Holy ****@ the DL right here, Tyriq is standing right up, no leverage what so ever

Our entire DL is trying to mimic Superman's flying posture.
It isn't the same formation. I think they should've been forced to do it and we didn't but it has been pointed out that Nebraska had averaged throwing the ball 30 times a game.

LOL, and in the 4th quarter when they had run over 45+ times I'm sure our staff was saying just that. "Nebraska throws the ball 30 times a game"... get the **** out of here with this ****ed up ****.

So quick to get to your one liner... Every **** discussion doesn't have to devolve into "*** you, you're defending them" I said they should've been forced to throw it. The poster said Nebraska doesn't throw the ball. As if they're Georgia Tech or Navy. They throw the ball plenty. We were too scared or stubborn I guess to make them prove it.
It isn't the same formation. I think they should've been forced to do it and we didn't but it has been pointed out that Nebraska had averaged throwing the ball 30 times a game.

LOL, and in the 4th quarter when they had run over 45+ times I'm sure our staff was saying just that. "Nebraska throws the ball 30 times a game"... get the **** out of here with this ****ed up ****.

So quick to get to your one liner... Every **** discussion doesn't have to devolve into "*** you, you're defending them" I said they should've been forced to throw it. The poster said Nebraska doesn't throw the ball. As if they're Georgia Tech or Navy. They throw the ball plenty. We were too scared or stubborn I guess to make them prove it.

After all this back and forth, that's the bottom line.
The lack of football knowledge in this thread is almost laughable.

I'll be the first one to question our alignments when it's warranted but some of the **** you couch potatoes come up with is mind boggling. Yall would get your asses schemed to death if you were in charge of lining up defenses.
I'm never played HS or college football yet played enough flag football to understand the concepts that Macho is talking about. Doesn't matter if nobody is lined up on your side if you're playing halves or thirds. You have to cover your alley in the event someone crosses, etc.

Jeez, some of you are morans.

the question is why would they keep having our cb's playing so deep when they only threw 13 times the whole game. watching any nebraska game the last 4 years, you pretty much know there is a 85% chance it will be a run. all of this deep zone crap is just helping the offense gain chunks at a time. it's like we're always in a prevent defense bc our coaches are that scared we're gonna get beat over the top even though passing isn't the cornhuskers strength. it's bad strategy

Burns assignment on this particular play requires him to line-up in that fashion. Now, can he afford to line-up a little closer considering he's only covering a TE? Sure.
The 1st TD was Crawfords fault, looks like He was supposed to be playing middle 1/3s, and He bit on the run fake. Don't understand why He bit on the run fake, when Kirby & McCord clearly had the B & C gaps after the TE released down the field.
lol...I broke down as bunch of games in 2011 and some in 2012 and you saw some of the same things. I tried to tell people but golden was already crowned lol.
When kids don't recognized things it's 99% of the times because they haven't been coached well enough to recognize and adjust. Then the most likely scenario, the DC called a stupid set and although the players recognized it, they didn't feel authorized to make the adjustment. Like these two moronic buddies keep saying about "their" defense: "players need to be disciplined and do what the defense is designed to do". We all know the results of that- 6-7!
lol...I broke down as bunch of games in 2011 and some in 2012 and you saw some of the same things. I tried to tell people but golden was already crowned lol.
Have you achieved the credit yet that you so richly deserve for being one of the first guys to call it? I'm pulling hard for you, dear friend.

Did you call it during the Maryland game, or did it take you a couple more games? Some guys knew it after the first play against Maryland.
lol...I broke down as bunch of games in 2011 and some in 2012 and you saw some of the same things. I tried to tell people but golden was already crowned lol.
Have you achieved the credit yet that you so richly deserve for being one of the first guys to call it? I'm pulling hard for you, dear friend.

Did you call it during the Maryland game, or did it take you a couple more games? Some guys knew it after the first play against Maryland.

I have to defend Randy on this one Chise. He is a much better DC than Folden or NoD could ever be and I would take him back as such; hopefully under Butch. He's just not HC material.