Anonymous former Cane on Coaches, Players

Year 4. 6-7 with a team full of NFL players.

Every single drop of it is on the HC at that point. I don't give a **** about these lame anonymous interviews that are meant to dupe the idiot fans into blaming players. I don't care what former players have to say. It's on the HC.

News flash: They're Golden's players. Pick better players or coach them up better. But by the time year 3 rolls around, if you're still losing it's all your fault. If you win you get the credit and a giant raise. If you lose you get the blame and get fired. That's how big time sports works.
Al Golden and his **** buddy are ****ing pathetic pieces of ****s

Yeah golden and donofrio are definitely not the best but how far can you go as a team if some players are not giving their all every play? Definitely some blame to be had on some players

If the player said that it was primarily on the coaches, the whiners on here would be all over it saying how it proves how bad they are. But since the player pointed out that the majority of the problem was a subset of players, well, then the opinion doesn't matter or is wrong.
Any player that looks for someone else to provide motivation should go do something else. Competitive sports are not for them.
Any player that looks for someone else to provide motivation should go do something else. Competitive sports are not for them.

This, practice used to be tougher than the games, now it seems like the players just want it handed to them. Need more dog in them.
Players should definitely be self motivated, no doubt, but coaches still do a lot to establish a culture. When players don't believe in the coaching (or schemes) they tend to become disinterested. I don't justify it, but it is what it is. Football is supposed to be fun. When you're getting your *** kicked on a weekly basis and being put in poor positions to succeed then it becomes a "job", it's not fun anymore.

Many of the kids aren't being put in a position to succeed. IMO you gotta give a kid a taste of success before he can truly be hungry. Put a kid in position to succeed and let him feel what it's like to make a big play. That will fuel his fire to succeed further. When you're constantly asking a D-linemen to 2-gap he's never gonna make a big play. Eventually he gets tired of that **** and becomes dejected. He turns into a robot. When you're constantly rotating DB's in and out of the game how are they supposed to get into a groove and get a taste of success?

Prepare the meal properly and they'll eat.
Any player that looks for someone else to provide motivation should go do something else. Competitive sports are not for them.

This, practice used to be tougher than the games, now it seems like the players just want it handed to them. Need more dog in them.

By "the players" you must mean our kids, because college football players all over the country aren't having the same issue. Especially kids from South Florida. They tend to be the hungriest. This is a University of Miami problem.
This is year five of the Golden Era. Year two post-cloud. His overall record at Temple and Miami is now 55-56. His record at Miami is 28-22. His record in bowl games in 0-3. The least amount of losses he has had in a season is 4. His average wins per season is 6. Al Golden cannot defy statistics, he is an average coach. Nothing more, nothing less.

If the administration is mediocre and our coaching staff is mediocre. then why do we expect our players or our football team to be great? So far we have had one season where we are out of character. The 2013 season can now be looked as "overachieving." 9-4 was overachieving.

We are who we are folks. We are average. This is our new culture and existence.

As much as I would like to blame Al Golden for being a C student, his tendencies, his habits, his work effort and his results are what they are. We have a C average coach leading our program.
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Those kids at Louisville during Strong's tenure...

Look how hungry (and nasty) those kids play. They're completely loose.

Many of those players are from the same area as our kids. However, when we play Louisville they look like the old Miami, not us.

Coaching (and culture) is 100% responsible for that.
Get these stupid *** coaches out of my f*cking face already.

I'm so tired of this b*ll****. I just want it to be over.

This is clearly not working, and it's going nowhere fast.

Best case scenario: We win 9 games and some other retarded school comes in and hires Golden and Co.

Worst case scenario: We lose 6-7 games and we **** can their asses
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I was amazed watching the pre-game difference between Miami and Louisville in that Bowl game.

We looked very stiff in pre-game, with the exception of Jamal Carter. And I watched the staff tone him down. It was almost as if they didn't want any emotion, and the team looked very "robotic".

In contrast, the majority of Louisville's team had the emotions of Jamal Carter. They were geeked from pre-game, on ... And any success they had fed into their emotion. They were "settling" for FG's on offense, and they were still amped! gave up a safety ... Still amped!

Our guys had very minimal emotion. Everything was very stuffy and controlled. Even the "arm-in-arm lock and sway" our guys do at kick-off looks forced and lame.

That's definitely a culture that comes from the HC and the staff.

Those kids at Louisville during Strong's tenure...

Look how hungry (and nasty) those kids play. They're completely loose.

Many of those players are from the same area as our kids. However, when we play Louisville they look like the old Miami, not us.

Coaching (and culture) is 100% responsible for that.
Sorry, ex-player, I disagree. Most of the issue is on the coaches. We've had plenty of talent for years. FSU has been the only team more talented than us for a few years.

It is the coaching.

Hopefully our next head coach will be a difference maker. It's been 13 years of displeasure......

"### Asked who’s to blame for the underachieving and 6-7 record last season, he said 70 percent is on the players and 30 percent on the coaches.

“Players have to want to be great,” he said. “And last year, there were a few guys who wanted to be great, but not everyone gave their all every play.”

He said some players had to be cajoled simply “to play harder.” That lack of effort puzzled and angered some players who were giving their all and caused some friction among players, he said.

### The player said another problem is that some players didn’t study the playbook enough to learn D’Onofrio’s complex defense, which is patterned in some ways after the Seattle Seahawks system.

“It’s an NFL defense, a difficult system, and some college kids aren’t ready for it and don’t put in the time to learn it,” the player said. “It needs to be like a job, and some of the guys here don’t treat it like that. I don’t think he necessarily needs to simplify it. Some of the players just need to make it a priority to learn it and do it right.”

But he also acknowledged that D’Onofrio’s system, which he had no issue with, is simply “too much to learn for some kids. I’ve seen playbooks from other schools and ours is a lot more complicated and longer.”

### So what’s the issue as far as coaching, beyond that?

“Some of the players wish coach D’Onofrio would let them play more instinctively and attacking more, and play more man coverage. Against Florida State, we were attacking and playing a lot of man coverage in the first half. Then we got conservative and Jameis Winston picked us apart. Players want to play more man.”

### He said the other issue with D’Onofrio is that “guys are afraid of him because he can be insulting. Some players wanted to be treated more respectfully.

“Coach D’Onofrio doesn’t like when you speak up [with suggestions or second-guessing]. After the Virginia game, Anthony Chickillo asked why we ran a three-man line on fourth and goal at the two, and coach D’Onofrio snapped.”

In defense of D’Onofrio (who is a friendly, engaging fellow off the field), a lot of coaches are very tough on their players and D’Onofrio always praises them publicly.

### The player said UM players don’t have an issue with the hybrid 4-3/3-4 scheme or where they’re asked to line up and praised D’Onofrio for being “passionate and detailed. He would be a great NFL coach.”

### What about Al Golden?

“A great guy,” the player said. “He’s calm, cool and composed. But he comes across as a salesman. I wish he would be more open with us.” He said even though Golden says players can come to him about anything, “some players are intimidated by him.”

Does Golden motivate the team well enough? “He ignites us emotionally at practice. But after the Florida State game, we lost a lot of emotion. We kind of lost our mojo.”

The player blames everyone for that. He said he doesn’t have any issue with Golden’s strategic acumen or game-day decisions.

### He said the young players cannot feel entitlement and must understand they need to work to be great, which he believes some --- but not all --- do. As an example, he mentioned Chad Thomas can be “****y” but also praised his ability."

UM player from 2014 discusses behind-the-scenes issues with Hurricanes football program; Heat, Marlins, Dolphins nuggets; Chris Bosh interview; WQAM changes lineup | Sports Buzz
I don't care who said it. Simplify the **** defense if it is to complicated. We are not recruiting any members of MENSA for Pete's sake. As far as losing the team goes, Butch's team had its doors blown off by Syracuse and if it ever looked like someone had lost a team it was that game. The following week we beat #2 ranked UCLA and the rest is history. That is what a real coach does. They were all in it together. Golden has been here long enough to at least accomplish that feeling among the players and coaches. He hasn't and clearly can't. It's time to move on. Butch's cloud was much larger and darker so enough with that excuse.

Go Canes!
Sounds to me like they needed to have a blanket party on a few guys in the locker room. If a kid can't get motivated, then the captains and the leaders need to motivate him one way or another.
Fault goes all around but they said it's a nfl defense and it's too complicated.....i doubt it gets any easier when you uhhhh move up a level to the NFL
Breaking down the minutia of why we suck is simply not relevant after 4 years. All that matters are results and the head coach is responsible.