Anonymous Coaches Talk Miami

So you expect 11-1 then? Because the rest of your post suggests that the only team you think is more talented than us is UF. ... Just to be clear, I'm not saying you're wrong. If the QB situation gets settled (and believe it will), and we stay mostly injury free, then we will have better athletes across the board than everyone else, with our only real vulnerability at OT.

I still think this team is too young and has historically been to inconsistent, even on defense, to win every game it should win. I think an expected outcome of 9-3 is reasonable. But there's no doubt that we have the potential to gel and have a special season, given how weak our opponents are.
Yes. If this coaching staff is what we hope it is, a 1 loss season is an appropriate expectation.

Again tho.. if our schedule had more than one ranked team on it, I’d probably think differently.
At first I wanted to call this kid a follower but then again these kids are trying to win a natty.

The defense will take a step back, although it will probably be slight.

The offense will take a step forward, because literally it’s impossible not to.

A little worse defense combined with an improved offense nets at least 9 games. 8-4 is possible, but would be a disappointment. 10-2 is possible, and would be an achievement. 9-3 is likely, and would be a nice first year for Manny as a bottom line. Then we can discuss the nuances of each game, because not every win or loss is created equal.

10 wins is not an achievement

Posts like this DUMBS down the fanbase.

EVERY SINGLE TEAM on our schedule this year outside of UF lost 5 or more games last year.

3 are replacing head coaches.

Va Tech is a dumpster fire.

FSU will always be a rivalry game

UF is our toughest game

There is NO REASON to lose ANY other game. None.

We have 3 bi-weeks

We leave the state 3 times

FIU is a **** home game.

People need to stop this nonsense. This is not a "rebuild".
10 wins is not an achievement

Posts like this DUMBS down the fanbase.

EVERY SINGLE TEAM on our schedule this year outside of UF lost 5 or more games last year.

3 are replacing head coaches.

Va Tech is a dumpster fire.

FSU will always be a rivalry game

UF is our toughest game

There is NO REASON to lose ANY other game. None.

We have 3 bi-weeks

We leave the state 3 times

FIU is a **** home game.

People need to stop this nonsense. This is not a "rebuild".
The only games I believe we even have a chance of losing is within the first 5 weeks. So UF, UNC, and VT. Once this offense hits stride we'll be hanging 50 on opponents. Could easily see us going into the ACCCG on a 7+ game winning streak.
The only games I believe we even have a chance of losing is within the first 5 weeks. So UF, UNC, and VT. Once this offense hits stride we'll be hanging 50 on opponents. Could easily see us going into the ACCCG on a 7+ game winning streak.


UNC is after a bi-week and Mac Brown is an under achieved shill of a coach. We have no business losing to UNC.

Va Tech is a home game and that guy is on the verge of losing his job. His best player will be playing for us that game.

Enough with the soft bigotry of low expectations.

UF is the only game we "should" lose but the -7.5 is based off everyone in the country thinking we have ZERO talent on offense because Richt was THAT inept.
I tried it a while ago and his username wouldn’t come up as well. Where’s his high school friend? the username escapes me but he seemed like a good dude

Pretty sure he had me muted at one point just because I went to Belen lmaooo

Imagine caring that much about a high school rivalry

UNC is after a bi-week and Mac Brown is an under achieved shill of a coach. We have no business losing to UNC.

Va Tech is a home game and that guy is on the verge of losing his job. His best player will be playing for us that game.

Enough with the soft bigotry of low expectations.

UF is the only game we "should" lose but the -7.5 is based off everyone in the country thinking we have ZERO talent on offense because Richt was THAT inept.
I said have a CHANCE of losing. Did I say I think we would lose? No, I didn't.

I believe the offense will take a few games to hit its stride but I fully expect us to run the table.
10 wins is not an achievement

Posts like this DUMBS down the fanbase.

EVERY SINGLE TEAM on our schedule this year outside of UF lost 5 or more games last year.

3 are replacing head coaches.

Va Tech is a dumpster fire.

FSU will always be a rivalry game

UF is our toughest game

There is NO REASON to lose ANY other game. None.

We have 3 bi-weeks

We leave the state 3 times

FIU is a **** home game.

People need to stop this nonsense. This is not a "rebuild".

How many times has Miami won 10 games in the past 15 years, guy who smartens up the fan base?
Lol at don't have a clue...Watch

I’ve actually heard the same thing from a friend who’s currently a booster. They’ll take the cheap route for briles, his actual words was “ our next hc is on the current staff”. I said “ briles “, he says “ yep”.

He seems to think itll have to be eight wins to save his job.
Everyone keeps talking about the schedule but more importantly there has been a regime change. Last years coaching staff (offense) had no accountability. Instead of critically looking at the failures they blamed everything on the players, even though they were using an outdated system that didn’t fit there personnel. They had coaches who either couldn’t coach (Jon Richt) or who didn’t hold there players accountable (Dugans). Last year was a monumental cluster**** on offense. That will not happen under Manny and Enos. The defense will still be great and the offense will be much improved. Now if we can just get Special teams straightened out there is no reason the Canes shouldn’t be able to win 10 games ever!
Pretty sure he had me muted at one point just because I went to Belen lmaooo

Imagine caring that much about a high school rivalry

That’s actually funny. I liked him. His obsession with Drake was entertaining.

And Even I know that the elite of the elite in pre-beard Cuba attended Belen.
OBM, come on. How many natty’s had Miami won before the first one? (rhetorical).

If something has to change and it has to change at some point…there doesn’t have to be a trend. Change doesn’t have to be evolutionary, it can be revolutionary. One of the teams that played in the CFP last year went undefeated in the regular season playing a stronger ACC schedule with a better OOC schedule last year than Miami has this year. “That team” was stomped in 2017 by Richt and Rosier...

Fans root and cheer for the possible. Lighten up and at least admit that … it’s possible.

I just think many of you (not you specifically, but this fan base) wildly overrate who Miami is and what we have. We lose EVERY YEAR to teams we "shouldn't" lose to. If it happens literally every single season, maybe we need to stop saying that we "shouldn't" lose to these teams and just accept that the gap between Miami and most other teams we play just isn't as wide as many people think.

Yes, losing will never be acceptable. Yes, Nattys will always be the standard. But I think it's absolutely ridiculous to say that winning 10 games with a first time head coach at any level, a new offensive coordinator, a QB who has proven absolutely nothing no matter who wins the job, several key pieces gone on defense, several members of a coaching staff who have proven zero, etc etc is "dumbing down the fan base". Huh? Sure, I'm going to go into every game expecting to win. But how many teams each year win 10 games? Maybe a dozen? Less? 10-2 in the regular season is a **** of an accomplishment for what we're working with here. 9-3, IMO, is moderately acceptable. Will I be happy? No. Will I be suicidal? No. But don't tell me winning 10 games with a guy who has never been the Head Coach of any football team when Miami has won 10 games ONCE since 2004 is anything short of a success.
I agree with all the points you wrote except the first line (I’ve been writing the same lines since Diaz was announced as the head coach). I would still consider 10 wins an achievement. Though I wouldn’t be terribly happy.

That said, you’re right: outside of UF and the rivalry game in Tallahassee, the schedule sets up perfectly.

- @UNC after Miami bye week (UNC new coach, new QB)
- VT home after bye week
- GT home (GT new coach, new offense)
- UVA at home on a Friday night under Hard Rock lights.

Every game on the schedule has Miami playing the other team at the most advantageous time - for Miami. Pitt won’t be a let down as long as Diaz, Pinckney and Quarterman are on the sidelines and FSU will never be. Ever. Louisville ends the second act of Miami’s season with a new coach, etc. and then the season finishes … bye, “@ FIU”, and Duke away.

This is a no excuses schedule in a year when Miami has more than enough TALENT to finish in the top-10 and an outside chance of the CFP. I’m not going to go looking for losses.

One thing about your schedule notes....I agree it sets up nicely (and has for the past 10 years because this division is hot-*** garbage)....but looking closer, the UVA game is a clear disadvantage. They have a bye-week the week prior. So they have 13 days to prepare, and Miami will be on a short week. Yes, the fact it's home will even that playing field some, but I didn't realize this until I put the helmet schedule grid up a week or so ago.

UVA plays at ND on 9/28, and then does not play 10/5, while Miami will play VT on 10/5 in Miami and then turn around with a day less of prep to welcome UVA the next Friday, 10/11.

I still think we'll be OK, because this is a payback game, but that DOES NOT set up perfectly for Miami. UVA will have an advantage with the extra prep and Miami gets hosed with the short week.
Not perfect, you’re right. and if UVA should beat the Independent Indiana Team, then they may come to Hard Rock with a top-10/15 ranking. Atmosphere will be crazy.

Yep. And UVA opens at Pitt, they play William & Mary, then FSU comes to Charlottesville. They have another cupcake (ODU), then go to South Bend. I don't think they have a snowball's chance in **** of being 5-0, but if they are, they'll be WELL inside the top 15.
I'll say it again, if Miami just scored 28 points a game last season(which by todays standards isn't all that much), they win 10-11 games.
I agree in principle with the point that you are trying to make. However, Miami actually averaged 28.77 points per game last year, which ranked 66th in the country.

I don't think there is any reason why we should average anything less than 35 points per game under Enos, considering the weapons that we have on this roster. You know who average 35 points per game last year, which was good for 22nd?.... F'ucking Florida Gaytors! It hurt just to type that ****! Considering that we averaged 28, Enos has to be at least a touchdown per game better than Richt to get us to 35!
I agree in principle with the point that you are trying to make. However, Miami actually averaged 28.77 points per game last year, which ranked 66th in the country.

I don't think there is any reason why we should average anything less than 35 points per game under Enos, considering the weapons that we have on this roster. You know who average 35 points per game last year, which was good for 22nd?.... F'ucking Florida Gaytors! It hurt just to type that ****! Considering that we averaged 28, Enos has to be at least a touchdown per game better than Richt to get us to 35!

Be careful with how you look at stats. What you're talking about accounts for 77 points against Savannah State. I'm not exaggerating, Savannah State is a high school team, and if you remember, they held several of their starters out as well. So it was the Miami Hurricanes vs Savannah State's 2's. Come on.

A much better barometer is to filter for stats vs FBS teams only. What a P5 team does against an FCS team tells you absolutely nothing.

So, looking at the whole country vs only FBS teams, Miami actually averaged 24.8 PPG, which was good for 89th in the country. UF by this metric, since you mentioned them, averaged 30.8 PPG, which was 37th.
I don’t know… The week after a huge UGA game in Athens… UVA might be the right team at the right time to take them down. I’m not putting money on it but I’d love to see it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll **** a lot of people off saying it again: I am going to be a fan of a lot of teams this year so that Miami has the best possible strength of schedule. Miami beats UF and I’m rooting for UF to win the SEC after losing to 9-3 FSU to end the season. UVA beats the Independent Indiana Team and I’m hoping Miami is their only loss.

I can dream.

Everyone else, sure. But you never root for UF and FSU to be successful, no matter what. Miami's strength of schedule really means nothing. If they win the ACC, they're going to the playoff. If they aren't in playoff consideration, then who cares about strength of schedule? The bottom line is this....the #1 priority is winning championships. So, if that's in play, then sure, I'm all for the strongest possible schedule to bolster a resume.

But if that is not in play, then the #2 priority is beating your rivals and keeping them as weak as humanly possible. Having them win the games other than when they play Miami does not accomplish that. So you should really root for them to suck no matter what. If Miami goes 11-1 or 12-0 and beats Clemson in the ACCCG, they're in the playoff no matter what. And if they go 10-2 or 9-3, who cares what the SOS metric is? You always want your rivals to implode. No different this season.

As far as UVA/ND, I didn't realize that ND played UGA the week before. You make a good point. That may be a bit of a trap game for ND.