And you want to know why we lost???

Makes you question Richt and this staff's ability to motivate.

Another all out fight to the death vs a bad ACC team. Did Richt once get in his face?

Not it doesn’t. Makes you question whether or not you’ve handed the keys to the Ferrari to the wrong guy.

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As opposed to who? Sheriffs? Perry? Like it or not, rosier was our best option heading into game 1.

I don’t disagree. I’m just saying it’s more of questioning whether Malik is the guy next year. Not questioning the staff’s ability to motivate

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Makes you question Richt and this staff's ability to motivate.

Another all out fight to the death vs a bad ACC team. Did Richt once get in his face?

Not it doesn’t. Makes you question whether or not you’ve handed the keys to the Ferrari to the wrong guy.

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As opposed to who? Sheriffs? Perry? Like it or not, rosier was our best option heading into game 1.

I don’t disagree. I’m just saying it’s more of questioning whether Malik is the guy next year. Not questioning the staff’s ability to motivate

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No question. Perry will get his chance in the spring. As for staffs ability to motivate, I dunno - I was hoping to see more urgency on the sidelines but saw none. Not sure if that’s on the coaches or players.
Coach Richt knows whats going on. He did wht he thought was right. Sent a message to Rosier and the whole team. Practice will be intense this week. The whole team better show up Dec. 2. It's my boys birthday.
While the loss definitely stings what's bothering me the most is how we lost. These are the hardest games in part because your fighting yourself not so much your opponent. For the first time all season Malik wasn't willing to do what it took to win. All it took was to care. It showed yesterday that Malik wasn't emotionally invested in this game. Simply put his heart wasn't in it. With so much on the line that's the most dissapointing thing about his effort. That's the type of effort we saw routinely under Golden. Unfortunately, there is really no where to turn.
He was in lala land today.

That is putting it mildly. I'm being serious here, he looked flat out depressed.

I have had realistic expectations for the kid, but it has always bothered me that he almost never shows any fire...the ND game excluded. He sometimes looks like he could give a **** whether he plays the game or not. Lackadaisical in the first half?...yeah quite ******* often I would say. Wonder if we can give a **** for 4 quarters against Clempson.

this should provide a clue.... here's Rosier after the game (Miami Herald):

"It was one of those moments to where, I felt like as a starter, especially as long as I've been starting I haven't lost yet. I guess I got complacent," Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there, and I was kind of like going through my reads instead of dialing in and focusing every snap. After that, it really put this football game into perspective, that any moment I could get pulled."

Complacent???? playing in the last game with natty in the picture....

And some of you maroons blame Richt for pulling him out???

I was so happy when CMR pulled him. It sends a strong message - even more when he does it in the 4th. I think they come out fired up for Clemson. This loss might actually end up being good. They know they have to earn it.
Ya'll people are nuts.

He knows he ****ed up, he knows he got complacent, he knows he wasn't focused. I'd rather him be honest with himself and with us than lie about it and put on a show.

Maybe this is a good thing, maybe it will teach him that he can't afford to not be at his best and can't get complacent. Hopefully it lights a fire under him.

I mean, what did ya'll want to hear?
Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there"

****...not a good look. He truly did look like he was out of it today.
How the fuuuck are you not ready for today?

I see some of you have never played HS or collegiate sports.

Malik was repeating Richts life/football Lesson, private, coach/qb after the game chat, about being prepared. It was a wake up call needed after going 10-0.
He's just trying to rationalize his play and why he was benched. It's sounds worse than it is.

As far as his body language, is this the first time some of you have watched Miami this year? He's always that unexpressive regardless of play- his TD run against ND was about the only time I've ever seen any emotion from him lol
He’s a kid. I like his honesty about being a kid. It was Richt’s job to snap him out of it and to stop reinforcing failure series after series. Richt failed.

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I hope to be proven wrong but my guess is he’s shot for the year mentally. I’m sorry but his comments were really serious to me. It showed a whole lot about his mental makeup and none of it good. No way he’s beating Clemson, IMHO.
I went from thinking he’s a tough as nails gamer to really he’s just a flake.

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He’s a kid. I like his honesty about being a kid. It was Richt’s job to snap him out of it and to stop reinforcing failure series after series. Richt failed.

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Fans are refusing to acknowledge this just like they made excuses for Al Golden. This doesn't mean Richt is a bad coach, but for 4.5 million I don't think it's unreasonable to expect more. Richt failed to get the team ready or help Rosier with the play calling. I've posted a lot on my frustration with the HC, so thanks for letting me vent. Time to move on.
Is there something going on with his father, beyond what we know? His father had a stroke several weeks ago and this could have been on his mind.
I remember before the season when Rosier said he didn’t watch film for real prior to this season because he didn’t think he’d ever start.
I’m happy he got us this record but his mental game is all jacked up. I knew better than to trust a light skin cat at QB. Rosier, Kaaya, Morris all mentally soft. Get us some QBs with balls that got the hunger and the dog in them

Well, you got Perry now who is dark like cocoa so, we better go 45-0 with 3 ships in the next 3 years...dumbass comment

Saying that we need a QB with better mental toughness is a bad comment? Rosier got us to this point but when you make those type of comments like i was out there to be out there that’s a whole different level. Obviously the joke is over your head and you might not be black so I expect it to go over your head.

But saying you don’t watch film and that you are just out there tells me your heart ain’t in the game. You just there.

Is that your all world mentally tough QB? That’s my comment the light skin thing is a joke that many blacks in life have. The stereotype is that light skin cats are soft, Drake type Nigs, that’s the joke. A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

the joke was just stupid I bet you'd get mad as **** if some white people were making skin color jokes though right? last time I checked the running back is light skinned and he runs harder and tougher than anybody on the team, leave that dumb **** to yourself next time

Never dumb **** continue to be broke and a internet tough guy. The joke not dumb to people who get it. If you ain’t from the bottom I️ can’t
I remember before the season when Rosier said he didn’t watch film for real prior to this season because he didn’t think he’d ever start.
I’m happy he got us this record but his mental game is all jacked up. I knew better than to trust a light skin cat at QB. Rosier, Kaaya, Morris all mentally soft. Get us some QBs with balls that got the hunger and the dog in them

Well, you got Perry now who is dark like cocoa so, we better go 45-0 with 3 ships in the next 3 years...dumbass comment

Saying that we need a QB with better mental toughness is a bad comment? Rosier got us to this point but when you make those type of comments like i was out there to be out there that’s a whole different level. Obviously the joke is over your head and you might not be black so I expect it to go over your head.

But saying you don’t watch film and that you are just out there tells me your heart ain’t in the game. You just there.

Is that your all world mentally tough QB? That’s my comment the light skin thing is a joke that many blacks in life have. The stereotype is that light skin cats are soft, Drake type Nigs, that’s the joke. A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

the joke was just stupid I bet you'd get mad as **** if some white people were making skin color jokes though right? last time I checked the running back is light skinned and he runs harder and tougher than anybody on the team, leave that dumb **** to yourself next time

Never dumb **** continue to be broke and a internet tough guy. The joke not dumb to people who get it. If you ain’t from the bottom I️ can’t

The part that bothered me was the light skinned comment related to being not as good for some reason. My brother-in-law is African American, dark as Mississippi molasses, and one of the most amazing guys I know. My niece is half AA & half Hispanic from my side of the family. She is "Light skinned" as a result, the comments to discredit your own people based on skin tone is sad to say the least. It ****es me off bc I know my niece will have to deal with this BS mentality...and it's not unique to the AA community, we Hispanics do it to each other as well. Puerto Ricans think they are better than Dominicans, Cubans think they are better than Puerto Ricans, etc...and a lot has to do with flawed logic of ancestry and skin being lighter and from European decent, other being darker and from more Native American &/or African roots.

I just get sick of it, that's all. Hopefully you were joking and I failed to see the humor, maybe you were not, but lets stop dividing people and assigning worth based on skin tone.
Well, you got Perry now who is dark like cocoa so, we better go 45-0 with 3 ships in the next 3 years...dumbass comment

Saying that we need a QB with better mental toughness is a bad comment? Rosier got us to this point but when you make those type of comments like i was out there to be out there that’s a whole different level. Obviously the joke is over your head and you might not be black so I expect it to go over your head.

But saying you don’t watch film and that you are just out there tells me your heart ain’t in the game. You just there.

Is that your all world mentally tough QB? That’s my comment the light skin thing is a joke that many blacks in life have. The stereotype is that light skin cats are soft, Drake type Nigs, that’s the joke. A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

the joke was just stupid I bet you'd get mad as **** if some white people were making skin color jokes though right? last time I checked the running back is light skinned and he runs harder and tougher than anybody on the team, leave that dumb **** to yourself next time

Never dumb **** continue to be broke and a internet tough guy. The joke not dumb to people who get it. If you ain’t from the bottom I️ can’t

The part that bothered me was the light skinned comment related to being not as good for some reason. My brother-in-law is African American, dark as Mississippi molasses, and one of the most amazing guys I know. My niece is half AA & half Hispanic from my side of the family. She is "Light skinned" as a result, the comments to discredit your own people based on skin tone is sad to say the least. It ****es me off bc I know my niece will have to deal with this BS mentality...and it's not unique to the AA community, we Hispanics do it to each other as well. Puerto Ricans think they are better than Dominicans, Cubans think they are better than Puerto Ricans, etc...and a lot has to do with flawed logic of ancestry and skin being lighter and from European decent, other being darker and from more Native American &/or African roots.

I just get sick of it, that's all. Hopefully you were joking and I failed to see the humor, maybe you were not, but lets stop dividing people and assigning worth based on skin tone.

I’m joking I’m black as **** and my dad was light skin. We make jokes about it in the AA community not to hate or tear one another down. Just joking way because people get treated a lot differently if they are one or the other. I’m joking about Rosier, Kaaya, and Morris.

The comment was in poor taste for this forum. If im in the hood it’s a different joke. So my bad CIS.
Saying that we need a QB with better mental toughness is a bad comment? Rosier got us to this point but when you make those type of comments like i was out there to be out there that’s a whole different level. Obviously the joke is over your head and you might not be black so I expect it to go over your head.

But saying you don’t watch film and that you are just out there tells me your heart ain’t in the game. You just there.

Is that your all world mentally tough QB? That’s my comment the light skin thing is a joke that many blacks in life have. The stereotype is that light skin cats are soft, Drake type Nigs, that’s the joke. A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

the joke was just stupid I bet you'd get mad as **** if some white people were making skin color jokes though right? last time I checked the running back is light skinned and he runs harder and tougher than anybody on the team, leave that dumb **** to yourself next time

Never dumb **** continue to be broke and a internet tough guy. The joke not dumb to people who get it. If you ain’t from the bottom I️ can’t

The part that bothered me was the light skinned comment related to being not as good for some reason. My brother-in-law is African American, dark as Mississippi molasses, and one of the most amazing guys I know. My niece is half AA & half Hispanic from my side of the family. She is "Light skinned" as a result, the comments to discredit your own people based on skin tone is sad to say the least. It ****es me off bc I know my niece will have to deal with this BS mentality...and it's not unique to the AA community, we Hispanics do it to each other as well. Puerto Ricans think they are better than Dominicans, Cubans think they are better than Puerto Ricans, etc...and a lot has to do with flawed logic of ancestry and skin being lighter and from European decent, other being darker and from more Native American &/or African roots.

I just get sick of it, that's all. Hopefully you were joking and I failed to see the humor, maybe you were not, but lets stop dividing people and assigning worth based on skin tone.

I’m joking I’m black as **** and my dad was light skin. We make jokes about it in the AA community not to hate or tear one another down. Just joking way because people get treated a lot differently if they are one or the other. I’m joking about Rosier, Kaaya, and Morris.

The comment was in poor taste for this forum. If im in the hood it’s a different joke. So my bad CIS.

No worries, man.
Rosier, was way off on most of his throws and missed 3-4 probable TDs to Richards and Thomas with their speed. Something else is going on here with him and Richt needs to figure it out real quick.