And you want to know why we lost???

Every qb has an awful game from time to time. I've seen Marino lay big ones. Question is what does Malik do next week. Does it sharpen him or does he spiral. Thats the only answer we need.

That and does the OL have any heart at all.
I remember before the season when Rosier said he didn’t watch film for real prior to this season because he didn’t think he’d ever start.
I’m happy he got us this record but his mental game is all jacked up. I knew better than to trust a light skin cat at QB. Rosier, Kaaya, Morris all mentally soft. Get us some QBs with balls that got the hunger and the dog in them

Well, you got Perry now who is dark like cocoa so, we better go 45-0 with 3 ships in the next 3 years...dumbass comment

Saying that we need a QB with better mental toughness is a bad comment? Rosier got us to this point but when you make those type of comments like i was out there to be out there that’s a whole different level. Obviously the joke is over your head and you might not be black so I expect it to go over your head.

But saying you don’t watch film and that you are just out there tells me your heart ain’t in the game. You just there.

Is that your all world mentally tough QB? That’s my comment the light skin thing is a joke that many blacks in life have. The stereotype is that light skin cats are soft, Drake type Nigs, that’s the joke. A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

the joke was just stupid I bet you'd get mad as **** if some white people were making skin color jokes though right? last time I checked the running back is light skinned and he runs harder and tougher than anybody on the team, leave that dumb **** to yourself next time
That L is squarely on Rosier’s shoulders, and basically no where else.

This team beats Clemson next week.

That will be the first of a 18+ game winning streak.
Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there"

****...not a good look. He truly did look like he was out of it today.
How the fuuuck are you not ready for today?

Agree, really, really a bad look. Can’t believe he said that.
How do you respond to that if your a coach?

To me this sounds like a closed door meeting with Rosier and team. They need to sort some stuff out.
this should provide a clue.... here's Rosier after the game (Miami Herald):

"It was one of those moments to where, I felt like as a starter, especially as long as I've been starting I haven't lost yet. I guess I got complacent," Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there, and I was kind of like going through my reads instead of dialing in and focusing every snap. After that, it really put this football game into perspective, that any moment I could get pulled."

Complacent???? playing in the last game with natty in the picture....

And some of you maroons blame Richt for pulling him out???

After he said that I was like omg this kid just said he was complacent with a chance to win a natty on the line SMH.
Man y’all took the young mans comments way out of context. He simply said that he had never lost a game so he may have become complacent. What he was referring to in that statement was him reflecting on if he could have done things different. One of the things he said he can improve was at practice by being more vocal.

His comments are what you want to hear from your leader. He messed up and owned up to it while also reflecting on ways to get better and prevent it from happening again. This sounds like the Tebow speech after they loss

I don't want some ghey *** tebow speech. A ghey *** Tebow speech shouldn't be needed when you have a chance to go undefeated and you lose to a below average team. I don't give a **** if he gives speeches like Russell Crowe in gladiator..he needs to ****ing sharpen up on game day period.

Tebow got that title. Watson had the same speech and got that title also.

Lol now I've heard it all. A post-game speech is why teams win or lose titles. Lol my stars.
Makes you question Richt and this staff's ability to motivate.

Another all out fight to the death vs a bad ACC team. Did Richt once get in his face?
This is bad. I have never heard any athlete admit they were just out there to be out there. Dude really let his teammates down.
Makes you question Richt and this staff's ability to motivate.

Another all out fight to the death vs a bad ACC team. Did Richt once get in his face?

Not it doesn’t. Makes you question whether or not you’ve handed the keys to the Ferrari to the wrong guy.

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this should provide a clue.... here's Rosier after the game (Miami Herald):

"It was one of those moments to where, I felt like as a starter, especially as long as I've been starting I haven't lost yet. I guess I got complacent," Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there, and I was kind of like going through my reads instead of dialing in and focusing every snap. After that, it really put this football game into perspective, that any moment I could get pulled."

Complacent???? playing in the last game with natty in the picture....

And some of you maroons blame Richt for pulling him out???

The whining and bashing won't do any good, we didn't have anyone better to replace him. The former coaches didn't recruit a great QB we knew this years ago. We are at least 10 scollies down next year we start seeing some big upgrades. This game was not all on him. The play calling with Richt early sucked IMO. I don't mind pulling a kid in say the second or third quarter if you have a decent backup which we don't. No way in **** am I pulling a QB with 9 min left that has made comebacks all season in the 4th quarter, it was a stupid move, timing is everything.

Some here are just so unrealistic it isn't funny. We had a great season so far, the team as a whole didn't play well just like a few other games on the road. No matter what happens the rest of this season it's been fun for me. They beat Florida State and more importantly destroyed Notre Dame that's what I'll remember about this season and it's not over yet. I'd be loving a nice Orange bowl win if we don't win next week. I'm thankful, these kids put on a show for us.
I'm happy this kid was man enough to admit that he fu@ked up. Kid just started feeling himself, and I am happy MR drought his a$$ back down to earth. Hopefully that was the wake up call that he needed and we don't see that kind of performance again.
I'm starting to think that the two aren't mutually exclusive. He might just not care enough about winning & losing, which definitely helps him in the clutch (why would he ever be nervous/rattled if losing isn't such a big deal?)

I’m not buying into that. Miami is too big of a stage to psychologically just straight up ‘not care’ in big moments here. The human brain doesn’t work like that.
They were used to having teams give them several chances to win these games where they showed up flat, in this game they ended up having what was 2 to 3 chances to win the game with the biggest one being the miss to berrios to go up 2 scores
Rosier said. "I was just out there to be out there"

****...not a good look. He truly did look like he was out of it today.
How the fuuuck are you not ready for today?

I see some of you have never played HS or collegiate sports.

It’s not that simple. A gamer would have showed up today considering the circumstances. You don’t go 15 straight and position yourself just behind Alabama with ONE game left to go in the regular season against 4-7, bowl ineligible Pitt just to be complacent as the guy who is responsible for handling the ball every snap while Auburn and Wisconsin are banging on the door.

The playoffs are far from a guarantee. Not a good loss and an equally bad response from Rosier. Good riddance.
Makes you question Richt and this staff's ability to motivate.

Another all out fight to the death vs a bad ACC team. Did Richt once get in his face?

Not it doesn’t. Makes you question whether or not you’ve handed the keys to the Ferrari to the wrong guy.

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As opposed to who? Sheriffs? Perry? Like it or not, rosier was our best option heading into game 1.
A QB can be any color and perform well I’m not stupid

Considering that every last Super Bowl winning QB in the NFL HoF is a white boy with the exception of one, your ‘light skin’ comment regarding mental toughness at the QB position was a comedy piece. It’s all good though.

And yeah, Drake is a beyotch. No arguing that.
That Rosier post game **** was as bad as when he said he just started watching film. This guy out here missing throw after throw game after game and he getting comfortable? Who df does he think he is?

He even said in that Pitt presser that he don't even talk to the WRs in practice just the O-line to give them the protection. You telling me that he is out here never on the same page with WRs in game and he ain't even tryna fix it in practice? That another Golden special for you... no work effort, no leadership, no desire to be great, no desire to improve and just goes through the motions. What else should I have expected? I promise you Rosier doesn't work on his throwing on off days or after practice even with the way he struggles.

Then we got dude on here talking about how great of a leader he is when in reality he just getting carried by the defense. We would be right there with FSU and Florida at 4-6 if our defense wasn't holding it down most games.

