Alonzo will not be joining the Miami Administration

@Mackmiller974 You should be banned permanently for being such a "look at me" poster that you felt the need to start a new thread to post information that was already posted in the existing thread on this topic. People like you are the worst.
Calm down...I found it helpful. I don't have time to refresh a long thread every five minutes. He gave me the headline I needed...
I’m listening to Rashard Butler and Brian Monroe on 790. They also confirmed Highsmith isn’t coming. This was Manny not wanting to have someone like Highsmith over shadowing him. Could be some of Blake James also. Having Highsmith in the drivers seat would really shine the light on the incompetence.

At this point you just have to wait it out until someone on the BOT gets completely tired of the sh@@ show James is dealing in. No one in the AD or Board is over the top yet and it will probably take a disastrous season again to move the needle. They will not be able to get a good OC because who wants a 1 year job.

I know most of you don’t like Butch Davis. However, he needs to come in as a Mack Brown type of hire. Right the ship and hand it off. The CULTURE has to change. I think Blake James will be fired along with Manudo after next years season.

Why would they wait? How many more community colleges and glorified High School teams does this current crew have to lose to in order for them to have had enough. James won out, he has his power and is backed, clearly. The program is screwed. Blatant incompetence and apparent political hackery rules the day at UM. Wow.
The power Manny has over this administration is repulsive. How, his daddy's connections helped him get the job and how he continues to leverage power away from any external judgement is disgusting.
I’m with you lol. He for some reason has a tight grip and I don’t know why. I mean, he was a decent DC. He had fast defensive guys and he called aggressive plays. But our D got burned a lot so he was a lot of risk and reward. What Blake James did wasn’t lazy. The Athletic Department and the BOTs really thought Manny was the GUY.

Was it because he “Looks” Miami? From here? I don’t know. We like aggressive teams but for f@&$& sake. Hopefully after next year someone will come to their senses and get rid of the top people Like James and Strawley.
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Power move by Alonso. You want to vet other candidates you say?
Im not interested anymore and good luck with the house currently burning.

Blake James should be fired now.
**** who stole your account Miz....u been bringing the heat for a good while lately. Please do not go to lost n found.
peppur your angus...we gonna end up with Richrod or worse as OC. Can't wait til game 5 of 2020. 1-4.
I’m with you lol. He got some reason has a tight grip and I don’t know why. I mean, he was a decent DC. He had fast defensive guys and he called aggressive plays. But our D got burned a lot so he was a lot of risk and reward. What Blake James did wasn’t lazy. The Athletic Department and the BOTs really thought Manny was the GUY.

Was it because he “Looks” Miami? From here? I don’t know. We like aggressive teams but for f@&$& sake. Hopefully after next year someone will come to their senses and get rid of the top people Like James and Strawley.

I think Manny's gift for bull**** is second to none. Even the other day when he was 'nailing' the OC interview (and impressing some of this board) really just means he's a genius self-marketing salesman who knows how to come through bad situations unscathed with flashy speech.

Once you decode the gibberish, though, and look at result, you realize he's a hot air loser just like his father. That gift for bull**** gives him the unimportant traits of our great teams: the bravado, etc., but none of the substance that made us great in the first place. That's what the BOT, and every other loser who supports this guy and James are missing (if they even care at all outside of collecting checks). They only connect touch down rings, turnover chains and flashy speech with our prior greatness and nothing else.
If Alonso wants to be an NFL GM he clearly wants WAY more money than UM could offer (NFL GM's make $1-3M per year)

Sorry guys, i know you want to blame everything on Blake and Manny but they dont have that kind of money. Thats likely more than Blake makes himself. Even the highest paid college AD's are only making $1-1.5M.
Guys relax. This will bring the end closer for flake james. Same for manny I guess too. Let Alonzo hitch his wagon to real professionals. If you truly wanted the best for him you’d tell him to not take this job lol
I’m listening to Rashard Butler and Brian Monroe on 790. They also confirmed Highsmith isn’t coming. This was Manny not wanting to have someone like Highsmith over shadowing him. Could be some of Blake James also. Having Highsmith in the drivers seat would really shine the light on the incompetence.

At this point you just have to wait it out until someone on the BOT gets completely tired of the sh@@ show James is dealing in. No one in the AD or Board is over the top yet and it will probably take a disastrous season again to move the needle. They will not be able to get a good OC because who wants a 1 year job.

I know most of you don’t like Butch Davis. However, he needs to come in as a Mack Brown type of hire. Right the ship and hand it off. The CULTURE has to change. I think Blake James will be fired along with Manudo after next years season.

Could be so but when you say they confirmed are they using a separate source or are they just going by what Omar tweeted? This seems to be the new kind of journalism these days where news sources just source each other and consider that corroboration.
Guys relax. This will bring the end closer for flake james. Same for manny I guess too. Let Alonzo hitch his wagon to real professionals. If you truly wanted the best for him you’d tell him to not take this job lol

We lost to 2 G5 teams and lost 6/7 to teams we had more talent this year. This with a guy in his 4th straight year in the program. No one should relax when that evidence hasn't prompted any change to the AD or HC, yet.