Alonzo Highsmith is going to be vital to the rebuild

All of this can be true and my opinion still be valid. They aren’t mutually exclusive. He’s definitely overqualified but that doesn’t mean somebody with less experience is any worse or significantly worse than him in evaluating talent.

I don’t see why this position is controversial. There is more than one person in the continental United States that can evaluate talent effectively.
I don’t see why this position is controversial. There is more than one person in the continental United States that can evaluate talent effectively.

Couldn't hurt...No reason to not give Butch a call to gauge his interest. If anyone knows how to Evaluate talent, it'd be him. Mario speaks to him on the regular.

Tell Butch that when we win our next championship, he will get a big statue on campus, next to a much smaller statue of Cristobal.
I have zero concern over whether he stays or goes. I want what's best for him, whatever that may be. There's a lot that needs fixing and contrary to what some may believe here, they can get fixed with or without him.
I can both agree with this in principle and then disavow it due to lack of confidence that a qualified individual would be hired.

I do not believe Zo would leave after one year, as hard as he lobbied for this role over the last several years, and I’m one of the Four Mopesmen.

I’m less worried about adequately searching and filling a position like this with Rad here. But I completely understand your point. I would be concerned if we still had Blake and Co.
