Ahmon "AR15" Richard is who I thought Stacy Coley would be

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Don't use Richards as a vessel to erroneously attack Coley. You're going to want to delete this thread in a couple of weeks.

Although, it would be hilarious if the OP IS Richards. I'd actually give him major points then. Scumbag points but points.
AR looks and plays the part!! Coley is sweet, no doubt, but he hasn't proven he's reliable because of his health.
I don't get the hype with Coley and never will. And there are still people who think Coley is a true #1 or some elite WR talent or a 1st rounder. I ask those who love COley. What does he do well?

YAC - Awful at YAC. Touch him and he falls
Bad ball control - falling down to make a catch when not needed. does not high point the football. never seen him go up and grab it.

In the NFL he will be a #3 WR at best. he doesn't have anything he does really well....expect for speed. but he is not elite in that catogeory as well. he's very fast. not elite..

that's where AR15 comes in. Anyone who watched him knows what I mean. He runs effortlessly, smooth, and is an elite speed WR. There's a reason CMR and Kaaya were targeting him deep on multiples throws because they've been seeing it in practice.

I'm going ot be honest, I fully expect AR15 to be our best receiver my mid year going foward.

Did you see that catch vs fsu ? The one he got hurt on ? Most WRs couldn't of changed his body in mid air to Come down with a pass like that .
Coley is one of the softest football players I've ever seen. He staggers up almost every time he hits the ground. I can't imagine him surviving NFL contact. Hope he has a good season, but the FAMU game was same ol, same ol.
Stacy Coley is as tough as nails, the only year he was battling injuries was his sophomore year. Last year and even from what i saw the last game, he may just get hurt for a play or two, then he shakes it off and is right back in the game.

How is last year on him when the QB only threw 16 TD passes? The entire offense was terrible bc of James Coley.
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Coley is one of the softest football players I've ever seen. He staggers up almost every time he hits the ground. I can't imagine him surviving NFL contact. Hope he has a good season, but the FAMU game was same ol, same ol.

How are u soft if you get up after getting knocked down??? Lol i can tell you and idiots like you are some the softest mfkers breathing, that have never played a physical sport or stood up for yourselves in a fight a day in ur weak lives Gtfoh
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I love these threads. Can't compliment one player without tearing down another. Coley had a terrible sophomore season but he looked good as a true freshman and played really well when healthy last year. Not sure how he's a bust, sounds good though I guess. He's going to eat this season.

To me they are both canes who ball out, thus I love both of them. To criticize either player's talent or negatively compare is f*cked up.
ok so how is a freshman WR who literally has done nothing against quality competition "better" in your dim eyes than a senior WR who's made big catches against future NFLers?
In the last 6 years, he's one of the very few players who's won individual matchups against FSU. He's perhaps one of 3 or so offensive players who can do it again this year.

Say whatever you wish about how he gets up from being tackled, but if you're against Stacy Coley, you don't understand what he means to our chances against our biggest rival (of the teams who actually play us).
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