It's a really big decision for Lashlee. If he goes after King hard, then he is essentially telling the current QBs to transfer. We are all ok with that because we think they suck and/or are immature jackasses, but these guys were very highly regarded coming out of high school and were poorly coached for two years in a row under different systems. Maybe he thinks he can salvage them?

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Rhett and Mrs. Lashlee enjoy eating. If they want to continue to do it, Rhett needs to keep his job. If he wants to do that, he needs to win right now. D’Eriq King gives him a better chance to win than anyone else he’s got in his room. If feelings get hurt, tell them to the portal. We don’t have time for feelings. We only have time for winning. Always stack chips. ALWAYS.
Ole Miss has Plumlee and Corrall though. They have something special in Plumlee whose every bit the Athlete King is. Why would they waste a year of development with King

You do realize we will have 5 QBs on the roster going into Spring right? We have just as much to offer as anyone else. Now unless Manny is going to tell some of them to kick rocks before Spring, he will walk into a QB room being the 6th QB. This isn't some slam duck decision like most posters are making it out to be. I would love to have him but he has to be thinking that our QB room is pretty full as well. And all of them are thinking that they can shine in this new offense. (For the record, I want JW and Kosi gone like yesterday. Its time for them to move on and start over somewhere else. Keep Tate, TVD, and Machota)
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Rhett and Mrs. Lashlee enjoy eating. If they want to continue to do it, Rhett needs to keep his job. If he wants to do that, he needs to win right now. D’Eriq King gives him a better chance to win than anyone else he’s got in his room. If feelings get hurt, tell them to the portal. We don’t have time for feelings. We only have time for winning. Always stack chips. ALWAYS.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Rhett and Mrs. Lashlee enjoy eating. If they want to continue to do it, Rhett needs to keep his job. If he wants to do that, he needs to win right now. D’Eriq King gives him a better chance to win than anyone else he’s got in his room. If feelings get hurt, tell them to the portal. We don’t have time for feelings. We only have time for winning. Always stack chips. ALWAYS.

Its like the old scenario, "If your life depended on one last 1 on 1 basketball game, who would you want representing you?" And most old timers like myself would say Michael Jordan. Well..thats the corner Manny has backed himself into..Hes playing the "If your entire HC career came down to this 2020 season, and you had to win 10+ games or you will never get a HC job again, who would you want at QB?"...Manny cant with a straight face say JW or Kosi..He has one shot and he has to choose wisely. He has to go all in on this kid. This is for all the marbles. Cant entrust anything this serious to JW or Kosi or a True freshmen. (TVD)
King comes with baggage in the form of a very "involved" father. Reading through the Houston boards, he has very mixed reviews as a QB. Great accolades as an athlete and it seems that there was some discussion that he might transition to WR to prepare for the NFL. He and Dana Halgorsen did not see eye to eye and King was not a good fit in his offense. This seems to be what led him to decided to take the redshirt to preserve his eligibility. King didn't even discuss the redshirt with DH - he went directly to the AD...

Not sure this is what we need to add to the locker room , no matter how talented. Seems like a "me first" guy that is looking for the one year gig to see himself to the NFL.. Another Trevon Hill... only maybe not as good a fit. Just my opinion.
You'd rather stick with Jarren than get D'Eriq King???

Come on man, no one can be that big of homer, not even you... This is truly crazy talk bruh.
Am I the only one that's not that high on King? He had good passing numbers under Briles at Houston but just watching him throw is concerning. The Lashlee offense was the best it had ever been with a pocket passing QB.

To me running ability at QB is a blessing if you use it appropriately and a curse when you use it too much and King looks to run too much for my liking.

The bright side is he can make our OL look a lot better than it is. Idk what to think of it. An upgrade over what we have coming back but not the complete fix to our offense.
Am I the only one that's not that high on King? He had good passing numbers under Briles at Houston but just watching him throw is concerning. The Lashlee offense was the best it had ever been with a pocket passing QB.

To me running ability at QB is a blessing if you use it appropriately and a curse when you use it too much and King looks to run too much for my liking.

The bright side is he can make our OL look a lot better than it is. Idk what to think of it. An upgrade over what we have coming back but not the complete fix to our offense.

Yes. Yes you are.
Lmao our fans are honestly on drugs bruh...

How TF can anybody see what happened last year with our QB's & be like, "Nah I don't want King, he doesn't throw nicely enough for me & his Dad is involved in his life.."

Lmao lmao lmao smh... WTF ARE YALL ON?!? I'm seriously convinced some of yall either have never seen him play or you're just delusional or something.

D'Eriq King would be the best QB we've had in a decade, it's a no ****** Brainer you bring him.
Lmao our fans are honestly on drugs bruh...

How TF can anybody see what happened last year with our QB's & be like, "Nah I don't want King, he doesn't throw nicely enough for me & his Dad is involved in his life.."

Lmao lmao lmao smh... WTF ARE YALL ON?!? I'm seriously convinced some of yall either have never seen him play or you're just delusional or something.

D'Eriq King would be the best QB we've had in a decade, it's a no ****** Brainer you bring him.

...and will be the same ones giving Manny another pass because “hE DoEsNt HaVe a Qb!”. All of them can transfer if you ask me.
Lmao our fans are honestly on drugs bruh...

How TF can anybody see what happened last year with our QB's & be like, "Nah I don't want King, he doesn't throw nicely enough for me & his Dad is involved in his life.."

Lmao lmao lmao smh... WTF ARE YALL ON?!? I'm seriously convinced some of yall either have never seen him play or you're just delusional or something.

D'Eriq King would be the best QB we've had in a decade, it's a no ****** Brainer you bring him.

Its not even real life around here.
Lmao our fans are honestly on drugs bruh...

How TF can anybody see what happened last year with our QB's & be like, "Nah I don't want King, he doesn't throw nicely enough for me & his Dad is involved in his life.."

Lmao lmao lmao smh... WTF ARE YALL ON?!? I'm seriously convinced some of yall either have never seen him play or you're just delusional or something.

D'Eriq King would be the best QB we've had in a decade, it's a no ****** Brainer you bring him.

They're not on drugs, they're just stupid AF...no cure for that
If King comes here it’s a **** exodus scorched earth policy in the an room