“Gattis sucks!”

You want to know what sucks?

Watching Romello Brinson miss 349 blocks and then I have you dweebs complaining about playing him more as if there was another 0 on the field.

You know what sucks? The fact that y’all clamored for all these dudes that couldn’t catch Covid in the middle of Wuhan then have to read mindless drivel about getting the same guys dropping football “into space” like you’re in some other universe where they’re making plays.

Where on god‘s earth do you watch this game and come away thinking Gattis is the issue? He’s got WRs who couldn’t separate loose leaf paper and also can’t block. A QB that couldn‘t hit water if he fell out of a boat and a TE that can‘t even un**** himself.

What voodoo did you want him to pull out tonight? We couldn’t even complete a simple ******* screen tonight with somebody missing a block or dropping a ball but you wanted to go uptempo and some basic routes? What routes? They couldn’t even separate on crossing patterns.

All I saw was the hometown heroes y’all continuely swear by commit ****up after ****up after ****up. How about start actually start holding players accountable for once? Maybe if we left tropical park like we did back in the 80’s and 90’s we‘ll actually find guys that can catch the football.
apparently nobody in this board remembers Booing the offense and play calling off the field last year.. Short term memories for everyone in this fanbase. similar to knowing we would lose, then lose, then lose your mind that we lost. bunch of Bi Polar mofos
the same people that loved the Enos hire and defended it until it couldn’t be defended anymore.
The difference was enos couldn’t run and was getting sacked left and right
At least he’s running controlling the los
And he’s not getting sacked once a series
My issue with gattis is that he should know by now tvd can’t consistently make the reads he needs
So he should give him easier throws
Or see if Garcia can make those reads and go with him
My guess is Pitt.
Absurd to even to think Pitt or anyone else on that schedule has a better Defense than A&M. Clemson is the only one I can agree with but even then, not entirely.
Absurd to even to think Pitt or anyone else on that schedule has a better Defense than A&M. Clemson is the only one I can agree with but even then, not entirely.
I guessed Pitt because Partridge has a good record of D-lines and they have given us trouble in the past despite the fact we have won most of those games.
My issue with gattis is that he should know by now tvd can’t consistently make the reads he needs
So he should give him easier throws
Or see if Garcia can make those reads and go with him
My main with some of you is we look to blame anything for our struggles and completely ignore the 7 dropped passes.

I agree, TVD is looking shady at times but he was looking shady and missing open throws vs Southern Miss. That on Gattis, too?
My main with some of you is we look to blame anything for our struggles and completely ignore the 7 dropped passes.

I agree, TVD is looking shady at times but he was looking shady and missing open throws vs Southern Miss. That on Gattis, too?
It is bc he should let the back up get a chance
If one of the oline kept missing blocks he would get benched no reason for Garcia not to get reps
We may face better pass rushers vs Pitt, but overall size, talent, and athleticism…we won’t see that til Clemson. TAMU isn’t a penetrating style either, but their defense is set up for them to do exactly what they DID NOT do last night which is for their DL to not get moved around and prioritize the run. It’s why their ends are all 270+ and they have big 320+ kids inside. If we can do it vs them, we can do it vs Pitt, UNC, UVA etc. This group is building confidence and will hopefully begin leaning on opponents come ACC time.
We may face better pass rushers vs Pitt, but overall size, talent, and athleticism…we won’t see that til Clemson. TAMU isn’t a penetrating style either, but their defense is set up for them to do exactly what they DID NOT do last night which is for their DL to get moved around and ran on. If we can do it vs them, we can do it vs Pitt, UNC, UVA etc. This group is building confidence and will hopefully begin leaning on opponents come ACC time.
Hopefully we can figure out the forward pass by then.
*Hopefully we can learn how to execute much better. Last night was by no means perfect but again, several plays were drawn up and were there to be made. Time will tell.
I know. I just don’t know how you look at that depth chart and drop some of the biggest bags you have on WRs. We don’t even need game breaking. Just guys who can get separation and we would’ve won probably.
I know. I just don’t know how you look at that depth chart and drop some of the biggest bags you have on WRs. We don’t even need game breaking. Just guys who can get separation and we would’ve won probably.

Long ways til NSD. Make it to Charlotte and we’ll talk then.
This is the problem when people can't comprehend what they're watching. It's always tvd was a stud because they look at the yards he threw for & winning a few games etc. But let's play no attention to his completion percentage,his turn overs,the fact majority of his yardage came to Rambo on chunk plays or on extended handoffs essentially to Harley because we had no running game and lashlees was trying to keep a defense honest. Last year's offense and tvd we're seriously flawed. Whether anyone can realize it or not it's night and day RIGHT NOW from where we were last year. We're seeing growing pains with recievers and with Tyler because neither had much asked of them last year. By mid season I'm sure Tyler will show plenty of progression in his game and same goes with wr room as we start to filter out the people who don't provide results. I'm pretty sure we'll see snaps for everyone now so we get an accurate depection in live action what we got in each one.
This is a much better explanation than just hearing “Gattis sucks” or “Gattis is toilet water”. I think we are seeing growing pains and we still don’t have the WRs but I think we are going to be good once the machine is oiled
I don't think I've ever watched a game where if one f***ing player mage a play we win and NOBODY could make a play. Nobody turned nothing into something. Nobody took it upon themselves to win the game. I knew this game was over in the 3rd quarter because you could see nobody had any fight in them. How does that happen?

Right. The closest we got was George making a guy miss and teasing us with an almost big play.

Can’t lie, I was like “okay finally, let’s go!”

And that was it.