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  1. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    He chokes his pregnant out twice, cheats on her with co-workers, takes dlck pics at the WH and sends them to everyone, and the MEDIA are the reason his kids are suffering?
  2. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    The Ohio State Blackeyes.
  3. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Bill Clinton did it first.
  4. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    One of what? $2000 or a place? Either way the answer is no.
  5. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Right. How do you not notice over $2000 worth of rubber dlcks laying around all over the place?
  6. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    McMurphy with the high heater!
  7. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    I got some news for you though. You choke my *** out on the kitchen floor, and you best believe I’m gonna be plotting revenge.
  8. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Bltch been plotting revenge for 10 years and just now getting around to it? Sounds like she needs a teacher to help her step up her game. Most bltches I seen, when they want to get ya, you leave the house for a pack of cigarettes and come back to $75,000 in back child support.
  9. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    This isn’t a women’s rights issue. It’s a human decency issue. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Contrary to popular opinion, Republicans have not once ran on the platform of taking us back to the days where strangling pregnan wives was okay because there never was such a time.
  10. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    More than simply reporting or not, what’s going to do Meyer, and thus OSU, in from a PR/PC perspective is that his statement came off as just passing the buck. You have a battered woman, Zach admittedly strangled her multiple times, repeatedly crying out for help over the course of multiple...
  11. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    You don’t have any evidence to support anything you just wrote. If you do, take it to CNN, but leave your political opinion out of this discussion.
  12. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Jim Jordan was an assistant to the assistant wrestling coach. This is very likely a severe reach by the Left simply trying to smash his bid for Speaker. Let’s leave the politics out of this and stay focused on the current staph cutting each other’s throats.
  13. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Ya beat me, fvcker
  14. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    San Antonio!? Man I think I’d have to get my passport renewed for all that
  15. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Where the fvck is Terry Porter these days? We could all drive up with our 5 rings and a flag shirt and toss his *** on the fire.
  16. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Meh...I can be an opinionated prlck at times. You probably wouldn’t like me.
  17. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    I’d drive all the way to Columbus from Savannah, Georgia just to watch that place burn to the ground.
  18. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    But Urban swears they told him “There was nothing there.”
  19. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Get the popcorn
  20. Loose Cannon

    Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

    Cot**** McMurphy coming with that heat now.