Urban Caught lying..... Surprise!

Dude this isn’t an AD thing , Urban has started a war with Osu. This has to do with the entire athletic dept, title IX dept and more. And the he has a clause in his contract about he can have no title IX issues.

I can’t remember the buckeye podcast it was, but one of the hosts wording was “ this is just getting started , it’s going to get uglier.

This was just an effort for Urban to word his apology to where he can get his entire buyout. And maybe have a career again down the road.

His only chance was start a war with Osu.
True. The minute Meyer heard or even suspected something with that coach he should have confronted him. If the guy denied it he still needed to contact the AD and the department they have set up in universities to handle those complaints and state what he did in the conversation with the WR coach and the WR coach denied/or admitted it to him (Meyer). That would have shown he did follow protocol in reporting the incident. He would have been able to stay more or less out from under the allegations had he followed protocol. The fact if he did not is a violation. It will be interesting if anyone above Meyer was ever notified by him. If not he is in some deep %^&. Also his stating in an interview he knew nothing of the incident does not gel well.
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More than simply reporting or not, what’s going to do Meyer, and thus OSU, in from a PR/PC perspective is that his statement came off as just passing the buck.

You have a battered woman, Zach admittedly strangled her multiple times, repeatedly crying out for help over the course of multiple years, and nobody at OSU took her plea for help seriously until it became a public matter.

Zack Smith is a scumbag for beating his wife, and Urban Meyer is a scumbag for not only enabling him, but allowing him to remain in a position of mentoring young men right up until the moment when it was no longer convenient to do so.
This is a complete circus that as Cribby stated is only going to get worse. Urban and his lawyers and going to do whatever is necessary to exonerate him and salvage his reputation. That 'do whatever' is going to lead to them making direct and indirect allegations against the AD, the sports administration and the school itself.

The finger-pointing is going to make things very ugly. Especially because they all have dirt on each other.

The only way OSU maintains any shred of dignity throughout all of this is to clean house up and down their sports program. And they better do it sooner rather than later because the longer this lingers, the more dirt that will be exposed that will only make the school look worse and elicit whispers of 'lack of institutional control'.

And they can't afford that.

No way Urban comes back as the evidence is too damning (God only knows what else McMurphy is holding onto). He's already admitted that he lied... uh, 'mishandled' the Big10 Media Day inquiry. So there's enough smoke to reasonably deduce that he has known all along and has been involved in the cover up. Now, it's just a matter of figuring out the extent of the cover up: who all was involved; for how long; how bad were the beatings; etc.

Anyone smart in the OSU administration will put this one to bed quickly before it escalates like a California wildfire.
This is a complete circus that as Cribby stated is only going to get worse. Urban and his lawyers and going to do whatever is necessary to exonerate him and salvage his reputation. That 'do whatever' is going to lead to them making direct and indirect allegations against the AD, the sports administration and the school itself.

The finger-pointing is going to make things very ugly. Especially because they all have dirt on each other.

The only way OSU maintains any shred of dignity throughout all of this is to clean house up and down their sports program. And they better do it sooner rather than later because the longer this lingers, the more dirt that will be exposed that will only make the school look worse and elicit whispers of 'lack of institutional control'.

And they can't afford that.

No way Urban comes back as the evidence is too damning (God only knows what else McMurphy is holding onto). He's already admitted that he lied... uh, 'mishandled' the Big10 Media Day inquiry. So there's enough smoke to reasonably deduce that he has known all along and has been involved in the cover up. Now, it's just a matter of figuring out the extent of the cover up: who all was involved; for how long; how bad were the beatings; etc.

Anyone smart in the OSU administration will put this one to bed quickly before it escalates like a California wildfire.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Mcmurphy had a picture of Urban riding on Shelleys 11 inch strap on dong , and Zack is power bombing his wife through a flaming table in the background, while Schiano fists a midget.

This is the level of reporting and evidence this dude is sitting on.

Urban might want to stop, it’s only going to get worse.
Just my opinion, but I think you guys are reading this all wrong. Looks to me like they've gotten together and decided that the AD is more expendable than meyer. The AD will fall on the sword (for no/lax investigation ), will be taken care of nicely, and Meyer walks. At least this is how I see it playing out with Meyer's statement and the forming of the "independent" committee. Should have known it was in the works when meyer released that first statement regarding being put on leave by saying Gene and I have decided. That was his way of saying who was in charge.

I don't disagree with you entirely, but I can't see any scenario where OSU and Urban can move forward together. The #MeToo movement needs their pound of flesh and OSU's board will need to show they don't support the way Urban handled this situation dating back to 2009. The dude is radioactive and needs to be in time out for at least a year. No TV, nothing.
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Ignore button is for women and ***aloons.

I've never used the ignore button either. These new age touchscreens make things too simplistic to just keep scrolling when a troll keeps stating his opinions over and over without ever taking the time to say why. I mean,..that's your clue with this guy that it's a waste of time. He's just bored. Ignore.

Just my opinion, but I think you guys are reading this all wrong. Looks to me like they've gotten together and decided that the AD is more expendable than meyer. The AD will fall on the sword (for no/lax investigation ), will be taken care of nicely, and Meyer walks.

.....if it weren't for ONE small problem: Being the devil he's already known to be, he's currently ON DISCIPLINARY LEAVE.

Try sleeping out on your wife for a week after calling and telling her you're just gonna stay with your mistress.

It's all fine and dandy so long as you don't come back in a couple weeks trying to use the same key to get in. You should've just stayed with your cheating ways and your 10pm curfew if there was going to be any way to stay in.

Given the climate there currently is, they could've played games I guess if he was never placed on leave. But now, there is absolutely no way they can justify allowing Meyer to coach their program ever again.

He's done there and we're just watching the fallout, IMO.
I agree with most of what has been written, and here are another couple of points:

Meyers wife and the wives of the other OSU coaches are also scumbags. knowing about the abuse that was happening and doing nothing about it. OR maybe they did report, and OSU did nothing, which is also plausible. Legally, that is probably worse for OSU and their husbands.

Add to that Urban's wife is also an OSU employee, and she may have had a legal duty to report the crime.

Adding to the above points are the coaches under Urban. The DC is Greg Schiano, who has been tied to the Pedo State scandal, and note that he didnt get the interim job. The OC is Kevin Wilson, who was fired by Indiana for abusing his players and also didnt get the interim job. Then you have Smith and maybe other coaches, but a minimum, over 1/3 of the OSU coaching staff have very dark clouds over them.

Last but not least, the AD shouldnt just be fired, he should go to jail. He now has presided over multiple bad scandals; football (twice), wrestling and swimming.
True. The minute Meyer heard or even suspected something with that coach he should have confronted him. If the guy denied it he still needed to contact the AD and the department they have set up in universities to handle those complaints and state what he did in the conversation with the WR coach and the WR coach denied/or admitted it to him (Meyer). That would have shown he did follow protocol in reporting the incident. He would have been able to stay more or less out from under the allegations had he followed protocol. The fact if he did not is a violation. It will be interesting if anyone above Meyer was ever notified by him. If not he is in some deep %^&. Also his stating in an interview he knew nothing of the incident does not gel well.

If they cannot prove the AD or someone higher was not advised of the situation and decision not to report it and they better have more than just "I told him verbally" They have a world of problems. You are correct on reporting such incidents. The NCAA has forms and procedures that must be filled out from the first person allegedly hearing the remarks through the chain of investigation. If Urban has no documented paperwork he has some real problems since not too many people want their careers totally destroyed to save Urban. In addition, if the "powes to be" try to make any of those people above him a scapegoat that they are going to fire back with their own attorneys and the whole situation will become mudslinging and ugly. The program is in a big sink hole one way or another.
This is a complete circus that as Cribby stated is only going to get worse. Urban and his lawyers and going to do whatever is necessary to exonerate him and salvage his reputation. That 'do whatever' is going to lead to them making direct and indirect allegations against the AD, the sports administration and the school itself.

The finger-pointing is going to make things very ugly. Especially because they all have dirt on each other.

The only way OSU maintains any shred of dignity throughout all of this is to clean house up and down their sports program. And they better do it sooner rather than later because the longer this lingers, the more dirt that will be exposed that will only make the school look worse and elicit whispers of 'lack of institutional control'.

And they can't afford that.

No way Urban comes back as the evidence is too damning (God only knows what else McMurphy is holding onto). He's already admitted that he lied... uh, 'mishandled' the Big10 Media Day inquiry. So there's enough smoke to reasonably deduce that he has known all along and has been involved in the cover up. Now, it's just a matter of figuring out the extent of the cover up: who all was involved; for how long; how bad were the beatings; etc.

Anyone smart in the OSU administration will put this one to bed quickly before it escalates like a California wildfire.

well said.
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Urban Meyer's bold media blitz hangs Ohio State administrators out to dry

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You know, for a guy who claims he did the right thing and reported the matter; he didn't provide any proof. Not a text message, not a witness statement, not an email.

He didn't even say who he told.

All we got was that he admitted he lied.
Bingo. This is what Gogeta and I were saying in another thread on the recruiting board. It really looks like this is being set up for both Smiths to be fall guys to lay all the blame. **** the way Zach Smith was talking about Urban in his interview last night you would think Urban is being considered for sainthood by the pope. Its setting up for OSU and Urban to come out of this in not terrible shape.
Zack was proven a liar already with that text message in which he admits to choking his wife.
"Meyer brought on Smith, a man Meyer knew had been alleged to abuse his pregnant wife. He brought on former Indiana coach Kevin Wilson, who resigned after he was accused of mistreating his players. He stuck by Greg Schiano after a deposition came to light alleging that Schiano knew about Jerry Sandusky's child abuse at Penn State, allegations Schiano denies."

As society has evolved, Urban Meyer hasn't

Yeah, Addelson taking her shot to become the four letter's latest "reporter of consciousness"

All for it...they kicked Dinnich upstairs, now Andrea can go away from the ACC beat.
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