What I’m Hearing on Miami’s Head Coaching Search - Sunday PM

What I’m Hearing on Miami’s Head Coaching Search - Sunday PM

Stefan Adams

Comments (669)

Heupel took over a winning program and had. Stud QB. Not sold on him at all but wouldn’t start flying planes either if he was picked Just bc I didn’t agree.
There's reason to be questionable of him but his track record has been very successful in developing offenses at Okla, Utah St, Mizzou & UCF. I don't think he'll stay undefeated there but he could've easily dropped multiple games this year but his Offense was such that they were able to pull it off.

I think if you pair him with a great DC it makes for a deadly combo because that offensive system with our talent & the recruiting pool we draw from in South Fla would fckin Earthquake the ACC. We'd never be out of a game because of QB or OL, I can guarantee you that.

Even if it's not him, I feel the same way about Norvell & Babers, we need a high caliber QB developer.
Not too mention, besides Saban, Urban or Dabo, who is a homerun, no questions asked hire? Their is not one. We arent snagging a guy like them. Dino Babers would be the best option but Mario would do everything for the University he could to get back to winning.
Hiring Manny ain’t the problem. The problem would be him keeping the ****** staff inplace including Gus...

Needs to clean house
Just being real his defense won't win a championship.
I asked this the other Day. Mario is a great recruiter... if kids are getting loot, he was at Bama, now at Shoe Dog U. If he does not have the same “support” at Miami will he be a great recruiter? I am looking for a logical answer, not to start a war with the question.
It’s his name being brought up every time there’s an opening. It’s the same lame names, and the only reason most of them come up is they’re connected to Um. That’s it.

If Mario hadn’t played here his name would never be mentioned.

I just wish we could have a search one time without the same lazy names.

I do think there’s positives about Mario, he’d bring toughness , recruiting and knows the program.

I just wish we’d think outside the box for once.

I think Mario before Alabama is different than today’s Mario’s. @Stefan Adams said it best, he’s an elite recruiter and ran a fun Offense in Oregon. I don’t particularly love Mario but I certainly don’t hate it.
Never said he was. If that was a criteria in your original post / question then sorry. That's what I get for reading 8 sites at once while hoping these ****ers don't **** this up.

That was the main thing cant promote from within for a 7-6 team. I am tired of the Admin ******* things up too.
Can you expand on why Mario is a home run? His on field results have been pretty average.
He would improve the talent base on field and off.

His game day management is questionable at times I'll admit, but his team is always prepared at least.
Sounds like Cristobal is hunting for more money from Oregon. Say you're interested just so Oregon pays up. No way he leaves Oregon with what he has started and has in place
His name being brought up every time there’s an opening. Actually it’s the same lame names, and the only reason most of them come up is they’re connected to Um. That’s it.

If Mario hadn’t played here his name would never be mentioned.

I just wish we could have a search one time without the same lazy names.

I do think there’s positives about Mario, he’d bring toughness , recruiting and knows the program.

I just wish we’d think outside the box for once.

Im with you on that, again Mario is not my first choice, I prefer guys like Leach, Babers, etc....
I think Mario before Alabama is different than today’s Mario’s. @Stefan Adams said it best, he’s an elite recruiter and ran a fun Offense in Oregon. I don’t particularly love Mario but I certainly don’t hate it.
Honestly I don’t hate it like I did, but we can do better
Everybody keeps bringing up recruiting. Again, Shannon had the number one class in the nation and how did that turn out? How about someone who can coach?

coordinators and staff can do all that. We're talking about the HC, who sets the tone and needs to beat Saban, Smart, Dabo and all the other used car salesmen stealing Miami talent. . Not opposed to Campbell, but the HC needs to win at recruiting first.

I don't want to be the 3rd or 4th best team in the CFP. I want the talent level to be such that we can compete with the best.
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You’re a quick poster, prematurely at times. Read my posts that you reposted (I wasn’t the only one with those sentiments, we all got duped). But I do mention year three success, predicated on continued winning. That did not happen. Which is why I call for a thorough thought process before we hire anyone. Do you have a problem with that?

Maybe you’re wrong again like you were? If you posted less and listened more, that might give you time to reflect on your past miscalculations. Happy New Year
One day in and let’s already go the lazy route.

Sounds about right for this admin
Maybe you’re wrong again like you were? If you posted less and listened more, that might give you time to reflect on your past miscalculations. Happy New Year
Oh, blow it out your butt. Stop whining like a little kitty.